API Docs for:

File: ../src/levent.js

* @namespace 

* LEvent is a lightweight events library focused in low memory footprint and fast delivery.
* It works by creating a property called "__levents" inside the object that has the bindings, and storing arrays with all the bindings.
* @class LEvent
* @constructor

var LEvent = global.LEvent = GL.LEvent = {

	* Binds an event to an instance
	* @method LEvent.bind
	* @param {Object} instance where to attach the event
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @param {function} callback function to call when the event is triggered
	* @param {Object} target_instance [Optional] instance to call the function (use this instead of .bind method to help removing events)
	bind: function( instance, event_type, callback, target_instance )
			throw("cannot bind event to null");
			throw("cannot bind to null callback");
		if(instance.constructor === String ) 
			throw("cannot bind event to a string");

		var events = instance.__levents;
			Object.defineProperty( instance, "__levents", {value: {}, enumerable: false });
			events = instance.__levents;

		if( events.hasOwnProperty( event_type ) )
			events[event_type] = [[callback,target_instance]];
		if( instance.onLEventBinded )
			instance.onLEventBinded( event_type, callback, target_instance );

	* Unbinds an event from an instance
	* @method LEvent.unbind
	* @param {Object} instance where the event is binded
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @param {function} callback function that was binded
	* @param {Object} target_instance [Optional] target_instance that was binded
	unbind: function( instance, event_type, callback, target_instance )
			throw("cannot unbind event to null");
			throw("cannot unbind from null callback");
		if(instance.constructor === String ) 
			throw("cannot bind event to a string");

		var events = instance.__levents;

		if(!events.hasOwnProperty( event_type ))

		for(var i = 0, l = events[event_type].length; i < l; ++i)
			var v = events[event_type][i];
			if(v[0] === callback && v[1] === target_instance)
				events[event_type].splice( i, 1 );

		if (events[event_type].length == 0)
			delete events[event_type];

		if( instance.onLEventUnbinded )
			instance.onLEventUnbinded( event_type, callback, target_instance );

	* Unbinds all events from an instance (or the ones that match certain target_instance)
	* @method LEvent.unbindAll
	* @param {Object} instance where the events are binded
	* @param {Object} target_instance [Optional] target_instance of the events to remove
	unbindAll: function( instance, target_instance, callback )
			throw("cannot unbind events in null");

		var events = instance.__levents;

		if( instance.onLEventUnbindAll )
			instance.onLEventUnbindAll( target_instance, callback );

		if(!target_instance) //remove all
			delete instance.__levents;

		//remove only the target_instance
		//for every property in the instance
		for(var i in events)
			var array = events[i];
			for(var j = array.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) //iterate backwards to avoid problems after removing
				if( array[j][1] != target_instance || (callback && callback !== array[j][0]) ) 


	* Unbinds all callbacks associated to one specific event from this instance
	* @method LEvent.unbindAll
	* @param {Object} instance where the events are binded
	* @param {String} event name of the event you want to remove all binds
	unbindAllEvent: function( instance, event_type )
			throw("cannot unbind events in null");

		var events = instance.__levents;
		delete events[ event_type ];
		if( instance.onLEventUnbindAll )
			instance.onLEventUnbindAll( event_type, target_instance, callback );

	* Tells if there is a binded callback that matches the criteria
	* @method LEvent.isBind
	* @param {Object} instance where the are the events binded
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @param {function} callback the callback
	* @param {Object} target_instance [Optional] instance binded to callback
	isBind: function( instance, event_type, callback, target_instance )
			throw("LEvent cannot have null as instance");

		var events = instance.__levents;
		if( !events )

		if( !events.hasOwnProperty(event_type) ) 
			return false;

		for(var i = 0, l = events[event_type].length; i < l; ++i)
			var v = events[event_type][i];
			if(v[0] === callback && v[1] === target_instance)
				return true;
		return false;

	* Tells if there is any callback binded to this event
	* @method LEvent.hasBind
	* @param {Object} instance where the are the events binded
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @return {boolean} true is there is at least one
	hasBind: function( instance, event_type )
			throw("LEvent cannot have null as instance");
		var events = instance.__levents;
		if(!events || !events.hasOwnProperty( event_type ) || !events[event_type].length) 
			return false;
		return true;

	* Tells if there is any callback binded to this object pointing to a method in the target object
	* @method LEvent.hasBindTo
	* @param {Object} instance where there are the events binded
	* @param {Object} target instance to check to
	* @return {boolean} true is there is at least one
	hasBindTo: function( instance, target )
			throw("LEvent cannot have null as instance");
		var events = instance.__levents;

		//no events binded
			return false;

		for(var j in events)
			var binds = events[j];
			for(var i = 0; i < binds.length; ++i)
				if(binds[i][1] === target) //one found
					return true;

		return false;

	* Triggers and event in an instance
	* If the callback returns true then it will stop the propagation and return true
	* @method LEvent.trigger
	* @param {Object} instance that triggers the event
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @param {*} parameters that will be received by the binded function
	* @param {bool} reverse_order trigger in reverse order (binded last get called first)
	* @param {bool} expand_parameters parameters are passed not as one single parameter, but as many
	* return {bool} true if the event passed was blocked by any binded callback
	trigger: function( instance, event_type, params, reverse_order, expand_parameters )
			throw("cannot trigger event from null");
		if(instance.constructor === String ) 
			throw("cannot bind event to a string");

		var events = instance.__levents;
		if( !events || !events.hasOwnProperty(event_type) )
			return false;

		var inst = events[event_type];
		if( reverse_order )
			for(var i = inst.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
				var v = inst[i];
					if( v && v[0].apply( v[1], params ) === true)// || event.stop)
						return true; //stopPropagation
					if( v && v[0].call( v[1], event_type, params) === true)// || event.stop)
						return true; //stopPropagation
			for(var i = 0, l = inst.length; i < l; ++i)
				var v = inst[i];
				if( expand_parameters )
					if( v && v[0].apply( v[1], params ) === true)// || event.stop)
						return true; //stopPropagation
					if( v && v[0].call(v[1], event_type, params) === true)// || event.stop)
						return true; //stopPropagation

		return false;

	* Triggers and event to every element in an array.
	* If the event returns true, it must be intercepted
	* @method LEvent.triggerArray
	* @param {Array} array contains all instances to triggers the event
	* @param {String} event_name string defining the event name
	* @param {*} parameters that will be received by the binded function
	* @param {bool} reverse_order trigger in reverse order (binded last get called first)
	* @param {bool} expand_parameters parameters are passed not as one single parameter, but as many
	* return {bool} false 
	triggerArray: function( instances, event_type, params, reverse_order, expand_parameters )
		var blocked = false;
		for(var i = 0, l = instances.length; i < l; ++i)
			var instance = instances[i];
				throw("cannot trigger event from null");
			if(instance.constructor === String ) 
				throw("cannot bind event to a string");

			var events = instance.__levents;
			if( !events || !events.hasOwnProperty( event_type ) )

			if( reverse_order )
				for(var j = events[event_type].length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
					var v = events[event_type][j];
						if( v[0].apply(v[1], params ) === true)// || event.stop)
							blocked = true;
							break; //stopPropagation
						if( v[0].call(v[1], event_type, params) === true)// || event.stop)
							blocked = true;
							break; //stopPropagation
				for(var j = 0, ll = events[event_type].length; j < ll; ++j)
					var v = events[event_type][j];
						if( v[0].apply(v[1], params ) === true)// || event.stop)
							blocked = true;
							break; //stopPropagation
						if( v[0].call(v[1], event_type, params) === true)// || event.stop)
							blocked = true;
							break; //stopPropagation

		return blocked;

	extendObject: function( object )
		object.bind = function( event_type, callback, instance ){
			return LEvent.bind( this, event_type, callback, instance );

		object.trigger = function( event_type, params ){
			return LEvent.trigger( this, event_type, params );

		object.unbind = function( event_type, callback, target_instance )
			return LEvent.unbind( this, event_type, callback, instance );

		object.unbindAll = function( target_instance, callback )
			return LEvent.unbindAll( this, target_instance, callback );

	* Adds the methods to bind, trigger and unbind to this class prototype
	* @method LEvent.extendClass
	* @param {Object} constructor
	extendClass: function( constructor )
		this.extendObject( constructor.prototype );