* @namespace GL
* Indexer used to reuse vertices among a mesh
* @class Indexer
* @constructor
GL.Indexer = function Indexer() {
this.unique = [];
this.indices = [];
this.map = {};
GL.Indexer.prototype = {
add: function(obj) {
var key = JSON.stringify(obj);
if (!(key in this.map)) {
this.map[key] = this.unique.length;
return this.map[key];
* A data buffer to be stored in the GPU
* @class Buffer
* @constructor
* @param {Number} target gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
* @param {ArrayBufferView} data the data in typed-array format
* @param {number} spacing number of numbers per component (3 per vertex, 2 per uvs...), default 3
* @param {enum} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW
GL.Buffer = function Buffer( target, data, spacing, stream_type, gl ) {
console.log("GL.Buffer created");
if(gl !== null)
gl = gl || global.gl;
this.gl = gl;
this.buffer = null; //webgl buffer
this.attribute = null; //name of the attribute in the shader ("a_vertex","a_normal","a_coord",...)
this.data = data;
this.spacing = spacing || 3;
if(this.data && this.gl)
* Applies an action to every vertex in this buffer
* @method forEach
* @param {function} callback to be called for every vertex (or whatever is contained in the buffer)
GL.Buffer.prototype.forEach = function(callback)
var d = this.data;
for (var i = 0, s = this.spacing, l = d.length; i < l; i += s)
return this; //to concatenate
* Applies a mat4 transform to every triplets in the buffer (assuming they are points)
* No upload is performed (to ensure efficiency in case there are several operations performed)
* @method applyTransform
* @param {mat4} mat
GL.Buffer.prototype.applyTransform = function(mat)
var d = this.data;
for (var i = 0, s = this.spacing, l = d.length; i < l; i += s)
var v = d.subarray(i,i+s);
return this; //to concatenate
* Uploads the buffer data (stored in this.data) to the GPU
* @method upload
* @param {number} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW
GL.Buffer.prototype.upload = function( stream_type ) { //default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW )
var spacing = this.spacing || 3; //default spacing
var gl = this.gl;
throw("No data supplied");
var data = this.data;
throw("Buffers must be typed arrays");
//I store some stuff inside the WebGL buffer instance, it is supported
this.buffer = this.buffer || gl.createBuffer();
return; //if the context is lost...
this.buffer.length = data.length;
this.buffer.spacing = spacing;
//store the data format
switch( data.constructor )
case Int8Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.BYTE; break;
case Uint8ClampedArray:
case Uint8Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; break;
case Int16Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.SHORT; break;
case Uint16Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT; break;
case Int32Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.INT; break;
case Uint32Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.UNSIGNED_INT; break;
case Float32Array: this.buffer.gl_type = gl.FLOAT; break;
default: throw("unsupported buffer type");
gl.bindBuffer(this.target, this.buffer);
gl.bufferData(this.target, data , stream_type || this.stream_type || gl.STATIC_DRAW);
GL.Buffer.prototype.compile = GL.Buffer.prototype.upload;
* Assign data to buffer and uploads it (it allows range)
* @method setData
* @param {ArrayBufferView} data in Float32Array format usually
* @param {number} offset offset in bytes
GL.Buffer.prototype.setData = function( data, offset )
throw("Data must be typed array");
offset = offset || 0;
this.data = data;
else if( this.data.length < data.length )
throw("buffer is not big enough, you cannot set data to a smaller buffer");
if(this.data != data)
if(this.data.length == data.length)
this.data.set( data );
//upload just part of it
var new_data_view = new Uint8Array( data.buffer, data.buffer.byteOffset, data.buffer.byteLength );
var data_view = new Uint8Array( this.data.buffer );
data_view.set( new_data_view, offset );
this.uploadRange( offset, new_data_view.length );
* Uploads part of the buffer data (stored in this.data) to the GPU
* @method uploadRange
* @param {number} start offset in bytes
* @param {number} size sizes in bytes
GL.Buffer.prototype.uploadRange = function(start, size)
throw("No data stored in this buffer");
var data = this.data;
throw("Buffers must be typed arrays");
var view = new Uint8Array( this.data.buffer, start, size );
var gl = this.gl;
gl.bindBuffer(this.target, this.buffer);
gl.bufferSubData(this.target, start, view );
* Clones one buffer (it allows to share the same data between both buffers)
* @method clone
* @param {boolean} share if you want that both buffers share the same data (default false)
* return {GL.Buffer} buffer cloned
GL.Buffer.prototype.clone = function(share)
var buffer = new GL.Buffer();
for(var i in this)
buffer[i] = this[i];
buffer.target = this.target;
buffer.gl = this.gl;
buffer.spacing = this.spacing;
if(this.data) //clone data
buffer.data = new global[ this.data.constructor ]( this.data );
return buffer;
GL.Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function()
console.error("cannot serialize a mesh without data");
return null;
return {
data_type: getClassName(this.data),
data: this.data.toJSON(),
target: this.target,
attribute: this.attribute,
spacing: this.spacing
GL.Buffer.prototype.fromJSON = function(o)
var data_type = global[ o.data_type ] || Float32Array;
this.data = new data_type( o.data ); //cloned
this.target = o.target;
this.spacing = o.spacing || 3;
this.attribute = o.attribute;
this.upload( GL.STATIC_DRAW );
* Deletes the content from the GPU and destroys the handler
* @method delete
GL.Buffer.prototype.delete = function()
var gl = this.gl;
gl.deleteBuffer( this.buffer );
this.buffer = null;
* Base class for meshes, it wraps several buffers and some global info like the bounding box
* @class Mesh
* @param {Object} vertexBuffers object with all the vertex streams
* @param {Object} indexBuffers object with all the indices streams
* @param {Object} options
* @param {WebGLContext} gl [Optional] gl context where to create the mesh
* @constructor
global.Mesh = GL.Mesh = function Mesh( vertexbuffers, indexbuffers, options, gl )
console.log("GL.Mesh created");
if( gl !== null )
gl = gl || global.gl;
this.gl = gl;
//used to avoid problems with resources moving between different webgl context
this._context_id = gl.context_id;
this.vertexBuffers = {};
this.indexBuffers = {};
//here you can store extra info, like groups, which is an array of { name, start, length, material }
this.info = {
groups: []
this._bounding = BBox.create(); //here you can store a AABB in BBox format
if(vertexbuffers || indexbuffers)
this.addBuffers( vertexbuffers, indexbuffers, options ? options.stream_type : null );
for(var i in options)
this[i] = options[i];
Mesh.common_buffers = {
"vertices": { spacing:3, attribute: "a_vertex"},
"vertices2D": { spacing:2, attribute: "a_vertex2D"},
"normals": { spacing:3, attribute: "a_normal"},
"coords": { spacing:2, attribute: "a_coord"},
"coords1": { spacing:2, attribute: "a_coord1"},
"coords2": { spacing:2, attribute: "a_coord2"},
"colors": { spacing:4, attribute: "a_color"},
"tangents": { spacing:3, attribute: "a_tangent"},
"bone_indices": { spacing:4, attribute: "a_bone_indices", type: Uint8Array },
"weights": { spacing:4, attribute: "a_weights"},
"extra": { spacing:1, attribute: "a_extra"},
"extra2": { spacing:2, attribute: "a_extra2"},
"extra3": { spacing:3, attribute: "a_extra3"},
"extra4": { spacing:4, attribute: "a_extra4"}
Mesh.default_datatype = Float32Array;
Object.defineProperty( Mesh.prototype, "bounding", {
set: function(v)
if(v.length < 13)
throw("Bounding must use the BBox bounding format of 13 floats: center, halfsize, min, max, radius");
get: function()
return this._bounding;
* Adds buffer to mesh
* @method addBuffer
* @param {string} name
* @param {Buffer} buffer
Mesh.prototype.addBuffer = function(name, buffer)
if(buffer.target == gl.ARRAY_BUFFER)
this.vertexBuffers[name] = buffer;
this.indexBuffers[name] = buffer;
buffer.attribute = GL.Mesh.common_buffers[name].attribute;
* Adds vertex and indices buffers to a mesh
* @method addBuffers
* @param {Object} vertexBuffers object with all the vertex streams
* @param {Object} indexBuffers object with all the indices streams
* @param {enum} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW )
Mesh.prototype.addBuffers = function( vertexbuffers, indexbuffers, stream_type )
var num_vertices = 0;
num_vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"].data.length / 3;
for(var i in vertexbuffers)
var data = vertexbuffers[i];
if( data.constructor == GL.Buffer )
data = data.data;
else if( typeof(data[0]) != "number") //linearize: (transform Arrays in typed arrays)
var newdata = [];
for (var j = 0, chunk = 10000; j < data.length; j += chunk) {
newdata = Array.prototype.concat.apply(newdata, data.slice(j, j + chunk));
data = newdata;
var stream_info = GL.Mesh.common_buffers[i];
//cast to typed float32 if no type is specified
if(data.constructor === Array)
var datatype = GL.Mesh.default_datatype;
if(stream_info && stream_info.type)
datatype = stream_info.type;
data = new datatype( data );
//compute spacing
if(i == "vertices")
num_vertices = data.length / 3;
var spacing = data.length / num_vertices;
if(stream_info && stream_info.spacing)
spacing = stream_info.spacing;
//add and upload
var attribute = "a_" + i;
if(stream_info && stream_info.attribute)
attribute = stream_info.attribute;
if( this.vertexBuffers[i] )
this.updateVertexBuffer( i, attribute, spacing, data, stream_type );
this.createVertexBuffer( i, attribute, spacing, data, stream_type );
for(var i in indexbuffers)
var data = indexbuffers[i];
if(!data) continue;
if( data.constructor == GL.Buffer )
data = data.data;
if( typeof(data[0]) != "number") //linearize
newdata = [];
for (var i = 0, chunk = 10000; i < data.length; i += chunk) {
newdata = Array.prototype.concat.apply(newdata, data.slice(i, i + chunk));
data = newdata;
//cast to typed
if(data.constructor === Array)
var datatype = Uint16Array;
if(num_vertices > 256*256)
datatype = Uint32Array;
data = new datatype( data );
this.createIndexBuffer( i, data );
* Creates a new empty buffer and attachs it to this mesh
* @method createVertexBuffer
* @param {String} name "vertices","normals"...
* @param {String} attribute name of the stream in the shader "a_vertex","a_normal",... [optional, if omitted is used the common_buffers]
* @param {number} spacing components per vertex [optional, if ommited is used the common_buffers, if not found then uses 3 ]
* @param {ArrayBufferView} buffer_data the data in typed array format [optional, if ommited it created an empty array of getNumVertices() * spacing]
* @param {enum} stream_type [optional, default = gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW ) ]
Mesh.prototype.createVertexBuffer = function( name, attribute, buffer_spacing, buffer_data, stream_type ) {
var common = GL.Mesh.common_buffers[name]; //generic info about a buffer with the same name
if (!attribute && common)
attribute = common.attribute;
if (!attribute)
throw("Buffer added to mesh without attribute name");
if (!buffer_spacing && common)
if(common && common.spacing)
buffer_spacing = common.spacing;
buffer_spacing = 3;
var num = this.getNumVertices();
throw("Cannot create an empty buffer in a mesh without vertices (vertices are needed to know the size)");
buffer_data = new (GL.Mesh.default_datatype)(num * buffer_spacing);
throw("Buffer data MUST be typed array");
//used to ensure the buffers are held in the same gl context as the mesh
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[name] = new GL.Buffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_data, buffer_spacing, stream_type, this.gl );
buffer.name = name;
buffer.attribute = attribute;
return buffer;
* Updates a vertex buffer
* @method updateVertexBuffer
* @param {String} name the name of the buffer
* @param {String} attribute the name of the attribute in the shader
* @param {number} spacing number of numbers per component (3 per vertex, 2 per uvs...), default 3
* @param {*} data the array with all the data
* @param {enum} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW
Mesh.prototype.updateVertexBuffer = function( name, attribute, buffer_spacing, buffer_data, stream_type ) {
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[name];
console.log("buffer not found: ",name);
buffer.attribute = attribute;
buffer.spacing = buffer_spacing;
buffer.data = buffer_data;
buffer.upload( stream_type );
* Removes a vertex buffer from the mesh
* @method removeVertexBuffer
* @param {String} name "vertices","normals"...
* @param {Boolean} free if you want to remove the data from the GPU
Mesh.prototype.removeVertexBuffer = function(name, free) {
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[name];
delete this.vertexBuffers[name];
* Returns a vertex buffer
* @method getVertexBuffer
* @param {String} name of vertex buffer
* @return {Buffer} the buffer
Mesh.prototype.getVertexBuffer = function(name)
return this.vertexBuffers[name];
* Creates a new empty index buffer and attachs it to this mesh
* @method createIndexBuffer
* @param {String} name
* @param {Typed array} data
* @param {enum} stream_type gl.STATIC_DRAW, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW
Mesh.prototype.createIndexBuffer = function(name, buffer_data, stream_type) {
//(target, data, spacing, stream_type, gl)
//cast to typed
if(buffer_data.constructor === Array)
var datatype = Uint16Array;
var vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
var num_vertices = vertices.data.length / 3;
if(num_vertices > 256*256)
datatype = Uint32Array;
buffer_data = new datatype( buffer_data );
var buffer = this.indexBuffers[name] = new GL.Buffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_data, 0, stream_type, this.gl );
return buffer;
* Returns a vertex buffer
* @method getBuffer
* @param {String} name of vertex buffer
* @return {Buffer} the buffer
Mesh.prototype.getBuffer = function(name)
return this.vertexBuffers[name];
* Returns a index buffer
* @method getIndexBuffer
* @param {String} name of index buffer
* @return {Buffer} the buffer
Mesh.prototype.getIndexBuffer = function(name)
return this.indexBuffers[name];
* Removes an index buffer from the mesh
* @method removeIndexBuffer
* @param {String} name "vertices","normals"...
* @param {Boolean} free if you want to remove the data from the GPU
Mesh.prototype.removeIndexBuffer = function(name, free) {
var buffer = this.indexBuffers[name];
delete this.indexBuffers[name];
* Uploads data inside buffers to VRAM.
* @method upload
* @param {number} buffer_type gl.STATIC_DRAW, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW
Mesh.prototype.upload = function(buffer_type) {
for (var attribute in this.vertexBuffers) {
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[attribute];
//buffer.data = this[buffer.name];
for (var name in this.indexBuffers) {
var buffer = this.indexBuffers[name];
//buffer.data = this[name];
//LEGACY, plz remove
Mesh.prototype.compile = Mesh.prototype.upload;
Mesh.prototype.deleteBuffers = function()
for(var i in this.vertexBuffers)
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[i];
this.vertexBuffers = {};
for(var i in this.indexBuffers)
var buffer = this.indexBuffers[i];
this.indexBuffers = {};
Mesh.prototype.delete = Mesh.prototype.deleteBuffers;
Mesh.prototype.bindBuffers = function( shader )
// enable attributes as necessary.
for (var name in this.vertexBuffers)
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[ name ];
var attribute = buffer.attribute || name;
var location = shader.attributes[ attribute ];
if (location == null || !buffer.buffer)
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.buffer);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(location, buffer.buffer.spacing, buffer.buffer.gl_type, false, 0, 0);
Mesh.prototype.unbindBuffers = function( shader )
// disable attributes
for (var name in this.vertexBuffers)
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[ name ];
var attribute = buffer.attribute || name;
var location = shader.attributes[ attribute ];
if (location == null || !buffer.buffer)
continue; //ignore this buffer
gl.disableVertexAttribArray( shader.attributes[attribute] );
* Creates a clone of the mesh, the datarrays are cloned too
* @method clone
Mesh.prototype.clone = function( gl )
var gl = gl || global.gl;
var vbs = {};
var ibs = {};
for(var i in this.vertexBuffers)
var b = this.vertexBuffers[i];
vbs[i] = new b.data.constructor( b.data ); //clone
for(var i in this.indexBuffers)
var b = this.indexBuffers[i];
ibs[i] = new b.data.constructor( b.data ); //clone
return new GL.Mesh( vbs, ibs, undefined, gl );
* Creates a clone of the mesh, but the data-arrays are shared between both meshes (useful for sharing a mesh between contexts)
* @method clone
Mesh.prototype.cloneShared = function( gl )
var gl = gl || global.gl;
return new GL.Mesh( this.vertexBuffers, this.indexBuffers, undefined, gl );
* Creates an object with the info of the mesh (useful to transfer to workers)
* @method toObject
Mesh.prototype.toObject = function()
var vbs = {};
var ibs = {};
for(var i in this.vertexBuffers)
var b = this.vertexBuffers[i];
vbs[i] = {
spacing: b.spacing,
data: new b.data.constructor( b.data ) //clone
for(var i in this.indexBuffers)
var b = this.indexBuffers[i];
ibs[i] = {
data: new b.data.constructor( b.data ) //clone
return {
vertexBuffers: vbs,
indexBuffers: ibs,
info: this.info ? cloneObject( this.info ) : null,
bounding: this._bounding.toJSON()
Mesh.prototype.toJSON = function()
var r = {
vertexBuffers: {},
indexBuffers: {},
info: this.info ? cloneObject( this.info ) : null,
bounding: this._bounding.toJSON()
for(var i in this.vertexBuffers)
r.vertexBuffers[i] = this.vertexBuffers[i].toJSON();
for(var i in this.indexBuffers)
r.indexBuffers[i] = this.indexBuffers[i].toJSON();
return r;
Mesh.prototype.fromJSON = function(o)
this.vertexBuffers = {};
this.indexBuffers = {};
for(var i in o.vertexBuffers)
var buffer = new GL.Buffer();
buffer.fromJSON( o.vertexBuffers[i] );
if(!buffer.attribute && GL.Mesh.common_buffers[i])
buffer.attribute = GL.Mesh.common_buffers[i].attribute;
this.vertexBuffers[i] = buffer;
for(var i in o.indexBuffers)
var buffer = new GL.Buffer();
buffer.fromJSON( o.indexBuffers[i] );
this.indexBuffers[i] = buffer;
this.info = cloneObject( o.info );
this.bounding = o.bounding; //setter does the job
* Computes some data about the mesh
* @method generateMetadata
Mesh.prototype.generateMetadata = function()
var metadata = {};
var vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"].data;
var triangles = this.indexBuffers["triangles"].data;
metadata.vertices = vertices.length / 3;
metadata.faces = triangles.length / 3;
metadata.faces = vertices.length / 9;
metadata.indexed = !!this.metadata.faces;
this.metadata = metadata;
//never tested
Mesh.prototype.draw = function(shader, mode, range_start, range_length)
if(range_length == 0) return;
// Create and enable attribute pointers as necessary.
var length = 0;
for (var attribute in this.vertexBuffers) {
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[attribute];
var location = shader.attributes[attribute] ||
gl.getAttribLocation(shader.program, attribute);
if (location == -1 || !buffer.buffer) continue;
shader.attributes[attribute] = location;
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.buffer);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(location, buffer.buffer.spacing, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
length = buffer.buffer.length / buffer.buffer.spacing;
//range rendering
var offset = 0;
if(arguments.length > 3) //render a polygon range
offset = range_start * (this.indexBuffer ? this.indexBuffer.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : 1); //in bytes (Uint16 == 2 bytes)
if(arguments.length > 4)
length = range_length;
else if (this.indexBuffer)
length = this.indexBuffer.buffer.length - offset;
// Disable unused attribute pointers.
for (var attribute in shader.attributes) {
if (!(attribute in this.vertexBuffers)) {
// Draw the geometry.
if (length && (!this.indexBuffer || indexBuffer.buffer)) {
if (this.indexBuffer) {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer.buffer);
gl.drawElements(mode, length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, offset);
} else {
gl.drawArrays(mode, offset, length);
return this;
* Creates a new index stream with wireframe
* @method computeWireframe
Mesh.prototype.computeWireframe = function() {
var index_buffer = this.indexBuffers["triangles"];
var vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"].data;
var num_vertices = (vertices.length/3);
if(!index_buffer) //unindexed
var num_triangles = num_vertices / 3;
var buffer = num_vertices > 256*256 ? new Uint32Array( num_triangles * 6 ) : new Uint16Array( num_triangles * 6 );
for(var i = 0; i < num_vertices; i += 3)
buffer[i*2] = i;
buffer[i*2+1] = i+1;
buffer[i*2+2] = i+1;
buffer[i*2+3] = i+2;
buffer[i*2+4] = i+2;
buffer[i*2+5] = i;
else //indexed
var data = index_buffer.data;
var indexer = new GL.Indexer();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i+=3) {
var t = data.subarray(i,i+3);
for (var j = 0; j < t.length; j++) {
var a = t[j], b = t[(j + 1) % t.length];
indexer.add([Math.min(a, b), Math.max(a, b)]);
var unique = indexer.unique;
var buffer = num_vertices > 256*256 ? new Uint32Array( unique.length * 2 ) : new Uint16Array( unique.length * 2 );
for(var i = 0, l = unique.length; i < l; ++i)
//create stream
this.createIndexBuffer('wireframe', buffer);
return this;
* Multiplies every normal by -1 and uploads it
* @method flipNormals
* @param {enum} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW)
Mesh.prototype.flipNormals = function( stream_type ) {
var normals_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["normals"];
var data = normals_buffer.data;
var l = data.length;
for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
data[i] *= -1;
normals_buffer.upload( stream_type );
//reverse indices too
if( !this.indexBuffers["triangles"] )
this.computeIndices(); //create indices
var triangles_buffer = this.indexBuffers["triangles"];
var data = triangles_buffer.data;
var l = data.length;
for(var i = 0; i < l; i += 3)
var tmp = data[i];
data[i] = data[i+1];
data[i+1] = tmp;
//the [i+2] stays the same
triangles_buffer.upload( stream_type );
* Compute indices for a mesh where vertices are shared
* @method computeIndices
Mesh.prototype.computeIndices = function() {
//cluster by distance
var new_vertices = [];
var new_normals = [];
var new_coords = [];
var indices = [];
var old_vertices_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
var old_normals_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["normals"];
var old_coords_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["coords"];
var old_vertices_data = old_vertices_buffer.data;
var old_normals_data = null;
if( old_normals_buffer )
old_normals_data = old_normals_buffer.data;
var old_coords_data = null;
if( old_coords_buffer )
old_coords_data = old_coords_buffer.data;
var indexer = {};
var l = old_vertices_data.length / 3;
for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
var v = old_vertices_data.subarray( i*3,(i+1)*3 );
var key = (v[0] * 1000)|0;
//search in new_vertices
var j = 0;
var candidates = indexer[key];
var l2 = candidates.length;
for(; j < l2; j++)
var v2 = new_vertices[ candidates[j] ];
//same vertex
if( vec3.sqrDist( v, v2 ) < 0.01 )
var l2 = new_vertices.length;
for(var j = 0; j < l2; j++)
//same vertex
if( vec3.sqrDist( v, new_vertices[j] ) < 0.001 )
if(candidates && j != l2)
var index = j;
if( indexer[ key ] )
indexer[ key ].push( index );
indexer[ key ] = [ index ];
new_normals.push( old_normals_data.subarray(i*3, (i+1)*3) );
new_coords.push( old_coords_data.subarray(i*2, (i+1)*2) );
this.vertexBuffers = {}; //erase all
//new buffers
this.createVertexBuffer( 'vertices', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["vertices"].attribute, 3, linearizeArray( new_vertices ) );
this.createVertexBuffer( 'normals', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["normals"].attribute, 3, linearizeArray( new_normals ) );
this.createVertexBuffer( 'coords', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["coords"].attribute, 2, linearizeArray( new_coords ) );
this.createIndexBuffer( "triangles", indices );
* Breaks the indices
* @method explodeIndices
Mesh.prototype.explodeIndices = function( buffer_name ) {
buffer_name = buffer_name || "triangles";
var indices_buffer = this.getIndexBuffer( buffer_name );
var indices = indices_buffer.data;
//cluster by distance
var new_vertices = new Float32Array(indices.length * 3);
var new_normals = null;
var new_coords = null;
var old_vertices_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
var old_vertices = old_vertices_buffer.data;
var old_normals_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["normals"];
var old_normals = null;
old_normals = old_normals_buffer.data;
new_normals = new Float32Array(indices.length * 3);
var old_coords_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["coords"];
var old_coords = null;
if( old_coords_buffer )
old_coords = old_coords_buffer.data;
new_coords = new Float32Array(indices.length * 2);
for(var i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; ++i)
var index = indices[i];
new_vertices.set( old_vertices.subarray( index*3, index*3 + 3 ), i*3 );
new_normals.set( old_normals.subarray( index*3, index*3 + 3 ), i*3 );
new_coords.set( old_coords.subarray( index*2, index*2 + 2 ), i*2 );
//erase all
this.vertexBuffers = {};
//new buffers
this.createVertexBuffer( 'vertices', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["vertices"].attribute, 3, new_vertices );
this.createVertexBuffer( 'normals', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["normals"].attribute, 3, new_normals );
this.createVertexBuffer( 'coords', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["coords"].attribute, 2, new_coords );
delete this.indexBuffers[ buffer_name ];
* Creates a stream with the normals
* @method computeNormals
* @param {enum} stream_type default gl.STATIC_DRAW (other: gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, gl.STREAM_DRAW)
Mesh.prototype.computeNormals = function( stream_type ) {
var vertices_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
return console.error("Cannot compute normals of a mesh without vertices");
var vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"].data;
var num_vertices = vertices.length / 3;
//create because it is faster than filling it with zeros
var normals = new Float32Array( vertices.length );
var triangles = null;
triangles = this.indexBuffers["triangles"].data;
var temp = GL.temp_vec3;
var temp2 = GL.temp2_vec3;
var i1,i2,i3,v1,v2,v3,n1,n2,n3;
//compute the plane normal
var l = triangles ? triangles.length : vertices.length;
for (var a = 0; a < l; a+=3)
i1 = triangles[a];
i2 = triangles[a+1];
i3 = triangles[a+2];
v1 = vertices.subarray(i1*3,i1*3+3);
v2 = vertices.subarray(i2*3,i2*3+3);
v3 = vertices.subarray(i3*3,i3*3+3);
n1 = normals.subarray(i1*3,i1*3+3);
n2 = normals.subarray(i2*3,i2*3+3);
n3 = normals.subarray(i3*3,i3*3+3);
v1 = vertices.subarray(a*3,a*3+3);
v2 = vertices.subarray(a*3+3,a*3+6);
v3 = vertices.subarray(a*3+6,a*3+9);
n1 = normals.subarray(a*3,a*3+3);
n2 = normals.subarray(a*3+3,a*3+6);
n3 = normals.subarray(a*3+6,a*3+9);
vec3.sub( temp, v2, v1 );
vec3.sub( temp2, v3, v1 );
vec3.cross( temp, temp, temp2 );
vec3.add( n1, n1, temp );
vec3.add( n2, n2, temp );
vec3.add( n3, n3, temp );
//normalize if vertices are shared
for (var a = 0, l = normals.length; a < l; a+=3)
var n = normals.subarray(a,a+3);
var normals_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["normals"];
normals_buffer.data = normals;
normals_buffer.upload( stream_type );
return this.createVertexBuffer('normals', GL.Mesh.common_buffers["normals"].attribute, 3, normals );
return normals_buffer;
* Creates a new stream with the tangents
* @method computeTangents
Mesh.prototype.computeTangents = function()
var vertices_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
return console.error("Cannot compute tangents of a mesh without vertices");
var normals_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["normals"];
return console.error("Cannot compute tangents of a mesh without normals");
var uvs_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["coords"];
return console.error("Cannot compute tangents of a mesh without uvs");
var triangles_buffer = this.indexBuffers["triangles"];
return console.error("Cannot compute tangents of a mesh without indices");
var vertices = vertices_buffer.data;
var normals = normals_buffer.data;
var uvs = uvs_buffer.data;
var triangles = triangles_buffer.data;
if(!vertices || !normals || !uvs) return;
var num_vertices = vertices.length / 3;
var tangents = new Float32Array(num_vertices * 4);
//temporary (shared)
var tan1 = new Float32Array(num_vertices*3*2);
var tan2 = tan1.subarray(num_vertices*3);
var a,l;
var sdir = vec3.create();
var tdir = vec3.create();
var temp = vec3.create();
var temp2 = vec3.create();
for (a = 0, l = triangles.length; a < l; a+=3)
var i1 = triangles[a];
var i2 = triangles[a+1];
var i3 = triangles[a+2];
var v1 = vertices.subarray(i1*3,i1*3+3);
var v2 = vertices.subarray(i2*3,i2*3+3);
var v3 = vertices.subarray(i3*3,i3*3+3);
var w1 = uvs.subarray(i1*2,i1*2+2);
var w2 = uvs.subarray(i2*2,i2*2+2);
var w3 = uvs.subarray(i3*2,i3*2+2);
var x1 = v2[0] - v1[0];
var x2 = v3[0] - v1[0];
var y1 = v2[1] - v1[1];
var y2 = v3[1] - v1[1];
var z1 = v2[2] - v1[2];
var z2 = v3[2] - v1[2];
var s1 = w2[0] - w1[0];
var s2 = w3[0] - w1[0];
var t1 = w2[1] - w1[1];
var t2 = w3[1] - w1[1];
var r;
var den = (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
if ( Math.abs(den) < 0.000000001 )
r = 0.0;
r = 1.0 / den;
vec3.copy(sdir, [(t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r] );
vec3.copy(tdir, [(s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r] );
vec3.add( tan1.subarray( i1*3, i1*3+3), tan1.subarray( i1*3, i1*3+3), sdir);
vec3.add( tan1.subarray( i2*3, i2*3+3), tan1.subarray( i2*3, i2*3+3), sdir);
vec3.add( tan1.subarray( i3*3, i3*3+3), tan1.subarray( i3*3, i3*3+3), sdir);
vec3.add( tan2.subarray( i1*3, i1*3+3), tan2.subarray( i1*3, i1*3+3), tdir);
vec3.add( tan2.subarray( i2*3, i2*3+3), tan2.subarray( i2*3, i2*3+3), tdir);
vec3.add( tan2.subarray( i3*3, i3*3+3), tan2.subarray( i3*3, i3*3+3), tdir);
for (a = 0, l = vertices.length; a < l; a+=3)
var n = normals.subarray(a,a+3);
var t = tan1.subarray(a,a+3);
// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
vec3.subtract(temp, t, vec3.scale(temp, n, vec3.dot(n, t) ) );
// Calculate handedness
var w = ( vec3.dot( vec3.cross(temp2, n, t), tan2.subarray(a,a+3) ) < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
tangents.set([temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], w],(a/3)*4);
this.createVertexBuffer('tangents', Mesh.common_buffers["tangents"].attribute, 4, tangents );
* Creates texture coordinates using a triplanar aproximation
* @method computeTextureCoordinates
Mesh.prototype.computeTextureCoordinates = function( stream_type )
var vertices_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
return console.error("Cannot compute uvs of a mesh without vertices");
this.explodeIndices( "triangles" );
var vertices = vertices_buffer.data;
var num_vertices = vertices.length / 3;
var uvs_buffer = this.vertexBuffers["coords"];
var uvs = new Float32Array( num_vertices * 2 );
var triangles_buffer = this.indexBuffers["triangles"];
var triangles = null;
if( triangles_buffer )
triangles = triangles_buffer.data;
var plane_normal = vec3.create();
var side1 = vec3.create();
var side2 = vec3.create();
var bbox = this.getBoundingBox();
var bboxcenter = BBox.getCenter( bbox );
var bboxhs = vec3.create();
bboxhs.set( BBox.getHalfsize( bbox ) ); //careful, this is a reference
vec3.scale( bboxhs, bboxhs, 2 );
var num = triangles ? triangles.length : vertices.length/3;
for (var a = 0; a < num; a+=3)
var i1 = triangles[a];
var i2 = triangles[a+1];
var i3 = triangles[a+2];
var v1 = vertices.subarray(i1*3,i1*3+3);
var v2 = vertices.subarray(i2*3,i2*3+3);
var v3 = vertices.subarray(i3*3,i3*3+3);
var uv1 = uvs.subarray(i1*2,i1*2+2);
var uv2 = uvs.subarray(i2*2,i2*2+2);
var uv3 = uvs.subarray(i3*2,i3*2+2);
var v1 = vertices.subarray((a)*3,(a)*3+3);
var v2 = vertices.subarray((a+1)*3,(a+1)*3+3);
var v3 = vertices.subarray((a+2)*3,(a+2)*3+3);
var uv1 = uvs.subarray((a)*2,(a)*2+2);
var uv2 = uvs.subarray((a+1)*2,(a+1)*2+2);
var uv3 = uvs.subarray((a+2)*2,(a+2)*2+2);
vec3.sub(side1, v1, v2 );
vec3.sub(side2, v1, v3 );
vec3.cross( plane_normal, side1, side2 );
//vec3.normalize( plane_normal, plane_normal ); //not necessary
plane_normal[0] = Math.abs( plane_normal[0] );
plane_normal[1] = Math.abs( plane_normal[1] );
plane_normal[2] = Math.abs( plane_normal[2] );
if( plane_normal[0] > plane_normal[1] && plane_normal[0] > plane_normal[2])
uv1[0] = (v1[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv1[1] = (v1[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
uv2[0] = (v2[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv2[1] = (v2[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
uv3[0] = (v3[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv3[1] = (v3[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
else if ( plane_normal[1] > plane_normal[2])
uv1[0] = (v1[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv1[1] = (v1[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv2[0] = (v2[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv2[1] = (v2[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv3[0] = (v3[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv3[1] = (v3[2] - bboxcenter[2]) / bboxhs[2];
uv1[0] = (v1[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv1[1] = (v1[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
uv2[0] = (v2[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv2[1] = (v2[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
uv3[0] = (v3[0] - bboxcenter[0]) / bboxhs[0];
uv3[1] = (v3[1] - bboxcenter[1]) / bboxhs[1];
uvs_buffer.data = uvs;
uvs_buffer.upload( stream_type );
this.createVertexBuffer('coords', Mesh.common_buffers["coords"].attribute, 2, uvs );
* Computes the number of vertices
* @method getVertexNumber
* @param {typed Array} vertices array containing all the vertices
Mesh.prototype.getNumVertices = function() {
var b = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
if(!b) return 0;
return b.data.length / b.spacing;
* Computes bounding information
* @method Mesh.computeBoundingBox
* @param {typed Array} vertices array containing all the vertices
* @param {BBox} bb where to store the bounding box
* @param {Array} mask [optional] to specify which vertices must be considered when creating the bbox, used to create BBox of a submesh
Mesh.computeBoundingBox = function( vertices, bb, mask ) {
var start = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < mask.length; ++i)
if( mask[i] )
start = i;
if(start == mask.length)
console.warn("mask contains only zeros, no vertices marked");
var min = vec3.clone( vertices.subarray( start*3, start*3 + 3) );
var max = vec3.clone( vertices.subarray( start*3, start*3 + 3) );
var v;
for(var i = start*3; i < vertices.length; i+=3)
if( mask && !mask[i/3] )
v = vertices.subarray(i,i+3);
vec3.min( min,v, min);
vec3.max( max,v, max);
if( isNaN(min[0]) || isNaN(min[1]) || isNaN(min[2]) ||
isNaN(max[0]) || isNaN(max[1]) || isNaN(max[2]) )
min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = 0;
max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = 0;
console.warn("Warning: GL.Mesh has NaN values in vertices");
var center = vec3.add( vec3.create(), min,max );
vec3.scale( center, center, 0.5);
var half_size = vec3.subtract( vec3.create(), max, center );
return BBox.setCenterHalfsize( bb || BBox.create(), center, half_size );
* returns the bounding box, if it is not computed, then computes it
* @method getBoundingBox
* @return {BBox} bounding box
Mesh.prototype.getBoundingBox = function()
return this._bounding;
return this._bounding;
* Update bounding information of this mesh
* @method updateBoundingBox
Mesh.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function() {
var vertices = this.vertexBuffers["vertices"];
GL.Mesh.computeBoundingBox( vertices.data, this._bounding );
if(this.info && this.info.groups && this.info.groups.length)
* Update bounding information for every group submesh
* @method computeGroupsBoundingBoxes
Mesh.prototype.computeGroupsBoundingBoxes = function()
var indices = null;
var indices_buffer = this.getIndexBuffer("triangles");
if( indices_buffer )
indices = indices_buffer.data;
var vertices_buffer = this.getVertexBuffer("vertices");
return false;
var vertices = vertices_buffer.data;
return false;
var groups = this.info.groups;
for(var i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i)
var group = groups[i];
group.bounding = group.bounding || BBox.create();
var submesh_vertices = null;
if( indices )
var mask = new Uint8Array( vertices.length / 3 );
var s = group.start;
for( var j = 0, l = group.length; j < l; j += 3 )
mask[ indices[s+j] ] = 1;
mask[ indices[s+j+1] ] = 1;
mask[ indices[s+j+2] ] = 1;
GL.Mesh.computeBoundingBox( vertices, group.bounding, mask );
submesh_vertices = vertices.subarray( group.start * 3, ( group.start + group.length) * 3 );
GL.Mesh.computeBoundingBox( submesh_vertices, group.bounding );
return true;
* forces a bounding box to be set
* @method setBoundingBox
* @param {vec3} center center of the bounding box
* @param {vec3} half_size vector from the center to positive corner
Mesh.prototype.setBoundingBox = function( center, half_size ) {
BBox.setCenterHalfsize( this._bounding, center, half_size );
* Remove all local memory from the streams (leaving it only in the VRAM) to save RAM
* @method freeData
Mesh.prototype.freeData = function()
for (var attribute in this.vertexBuffers)
this.vertexBuffers[attribute].data = null;
delete this[ this.vertexBuffers[attribute].name ]; //delete from the mesh itself
for (var name in this.indexBuffers)
this.indexBuffers[name].data = null;
delete this[ this.indexBuffers[name].name ]; //delete from the mesh itself
Mesh.prototype.configure = function( o, options )
var vertex_buffers = {};
var index_buffers = {};
options = options || {};
for(var j in o)
if(j == "vertexBuffers" || j == "vertex_buffers") //HACK: legacy code
for(i in o[j])
vertex_buffers[i] = o[j][i];
if(j == "indexBuffers" || j == "index_buffers")
for(i in o[j])
index_buffers[i] = o[j][i];
if(j == "indices" || j == "lines" || j == "wireframe" || j == "triangles")
index_buffers[j] = o[j];
else if( GL.Mesh.common_buffers[j])
vertex_buffers[j] = o[j];
else //global data like bounding, info of groups, etc
options[j] = o[j];
this.addBuffers( vertex_buffers, index_buffers, options.stream_type );
for(var i in options)
this[i] = options[i];
* Returns the amount of memory used by this mesh in bytes (sum of all buffers)
* @method getMemory
* @return {number} bytes
Mesh.prototype.totalMemory = function()
var num = 0|0;
for (var name in this.vertexBuffers)
num += this.vertexBuffers[name].data.buffer.byteLength;
for (var name in this.indexBuffers)
num += this.indexBuffers[name].data.buffer.byteLength;
return num;
* returns a low poly version of the mesh that takes much less memory (but breaks tiling of uvs and smoothing groups)
* @method simplify
* @return {Mesh} simplified mesh
Mesh.prototype.simplify = function()
//compute bounding box
var bb = this.getBoundingBox();
var min = BBox.getMin( bb );
var halfsize = BBox.getHalfsize( bb );
var range = vec3.scale( vec3.create(), halfsize, 2 );
var newmesh = new GL.Mesh();
var temp = vec3.create();
for(var i in this.vertexBuffers)
//take every vertex and normalize it to the bounding box
var buffer = this.vertexBuffers[i];
var data = buffer.data;
var new_data = new Float32Array( data.length );
if(i == "vertices")
for(var j = 0, l = data.length; j < l; j+=3 )
var v = data.subarray(j,j+3);
vec3.sub( temp, v, min );
vec3.div( temp, temp, range );
temp[0] = Math.round(temp[0] * 256) / 256;
temp[1] = Math.round(temp[1] * 256) / 256;
temp[2] = Math.round(temp[2] * 256) / 256;
vec3.mul( temp, temp, range );
vec3.add( temp, temp, min );
new_data.set( temp, j );
//search for repeated vertices
//compute the average normal and coord
//reindex the triangles
//return simplified mesh
* Static method for the class Mesh to create a mesh from a list of common streams
* @method Mesh.load
* @param {Object} buffers object will all the buffers
* @param {Object} options [optional]
* @param {Mesh} output_mesh [optional] mesh to store the mesh, otherwise is created
* @param {WebGLContext} gl [optional] if omitted, the global.gl is used
Mesh.load = function( buffers, options, output_mesh, gl ) {
options = options || {};
gl = null;
var mesh = output_mesh || new GL.Mesh(null,null,null,gl);
mesh.configure( buffers, options );
return mesh;
* Returns a mesh with all the meshes merged (you can apply transforms individually to every buffer)
* @method Mesh.mergeMeshes
* @param {Array} meshes array containing object like { mesh:, matrix:, texture_matrix: }
* @param {Object} options { only_data: to get the mesh data without uploading it }
* @return {GL.Mesh|Object} the mesh in GL.Mesh format or Object format (if options.only_data is true)
Mesh.mergeMeshes = function( meshes, options )
options = options || {};
var vertex_buffers = {};
var index_buffers = {};
var offsets = {}; //tells how many positions indices must be offseted
var vertex_offsets = [];
var current_vertex_offset = 0;
var groups = [];
//vertex buffers
//compute size
for(var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++i)
var mesh_info = meshes[i];
var mesh = mesh_info.mesh;
var offset = current_vertex_offset;
vertex_offsets.push( offset );
var length = mesh.vertexBuffers["vertices"].data.length / 3;
current_vertex_offset += length;
for(var j in mesh.vertexBuffers)
vertex_buffers[j] = mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length;
vertex_buffers[j] += mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length;
for(var j in mesh.indexBuffers)
index_buffers[j] = mesh.indexBuffers[j].data.length;
index_buffers[j] += mesh.indexBuffers[j].data.length;
var group = {
name: "mesh_" + i,
start: offset,
length: length,
material: ""
groups.push( group );
for(var j in vertex_buffers)
var datatype = options[j];
if(datatype === null)
delete vertex_buffers[j];
datatype = Float32Array;
vertex_buffers[j] = new datatype( vertex_buffers[j] );
offsets[j] = 0;
for(var j in index_buffers)
index_buffers[j] = new Uint32Array( index_buffers[j] );
offsets[j] = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++i)
var mesh_info = meshes[i];
var mesh = mesh_info.mesh;
var offset = 0;
var length = 0;
for(var j in mesh.vertexBuffers)
if(j == "vertices")
length = mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length / 3;
vertex_buffers[j].set( mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data, offsets[j] );
//apply transform
if(mesh_info[ j + "_matrix"] )
var matrix = mesh_info[ j + "_matrix" ];
if(matrix.length == 16)
apply_transform( vertex_buffers[j], offsets[j], mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length, matrix )
else if(matrix.length == 9)
apply_transform2D( vertex_buffers[j], offsets[j], mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length, matrix )
offsets[j] += mesh.vertexBuffers[j].data.length;
for(var j in mesh.indexBuffers)
index_buffers[j].set( mesh.indexBuffers[j].data, offsets[j] );
apply_offset( index_buffers[j], offsets[j], mesh.indexBuffers[j].data.length, vertex_offsets[i] );
offsets[j] += mesh.indexBuffers[j].data.length;
//useful functions
function apply_transform( array, start, length, matrix )
var l = start + length;
for(var i = start; i < l; i+=3)
var v = array.subarray(i,i+3);
vec3.transformMat4( v, v, matrix );
function apply_transform2D( array, start, length, matrix )
var l = start + length;
for(var i = start; i < l; i+=2)
var v = array.subarray(i,i+2);
vec2.transformMat3( v, v, matrix );
function apply_offset( array, start, length, offset )
var l = start + length;
for(var i = start; i < l; ++i)
array[i] += offset;
var extra = { info: { groups: groups } };
if( typeof(gl) != "undefined" || options.only_data )
return new GL.Mesh( vertex_buffers,index_buffers, extra );
return {
vertexBuffers: vertex_buffers,
indexBuffers: index_buffers,
info: { groups: groups }
//Here we store all basic mesh parsers (OBJ, STL) and encoders
Mesh.parsers = {};
Mesh.encoders = {};
Mesh.binary_file_formats = {}; //extensions that must be downloaded in binary
Mesh.compressors = {}; //used to compress binary meshes
Mesh.decompressors = {}; //used to decompress binary meshes
* Returns am empty mesh and loads a mesh and parses it using the Mesh.parsers, by default only OBJ is supported
* @method Mesh.fromOBJ
* @param {Array} meshes array containing all the meshes
Mesh.fromURL = function(url, on_complete, gl, options)
options = options || {};
gl = gl || global.gl;
var mesh = new GL.Mesh(undefined,undefined,undefined,gl);
mesh.ready = false;
var pos = url.lastIndexOf(".");
var extension = url.substr(pos+1).toLowerCase();
options.binary = Mesh.binary_file_formats[ extension ];
HttpRequest( url, null, function(data) {
mesh.parse( data, extension );
delete mesh["ready"];
on_complete.call(mesh,mesh, url);
}, function(err){
}, options );
return mesh;
* given some data an information about the format, it search for a parser in Mesh.parsers and tries to extract the mesh information
* Only obj supported now
* @method parse
* @param {*} data could be string or ArrayBuffer
* @param {String} format parser file format name (p.e. "obj")
* @return {?} depending on the parser
Mesh.prototype.parse = function( data, format )
format = format.toLowerCase();
var parser = GL.Mesh.parsers[ format ];
return parser.call(null, data, {mesh: this});
throw("GL.Mesh.parse: no parser found for format " + format );
* It returns the mesh data encoded in the format specified
* Only obj supported now
* @method encode
* @param {String} format to encode the data to (p.e. "obj")
* @return {?} String with the info
Mesh.prototype.encode = function( format, options )
format = format.toLowerCase();
var encoder = GL.Mesh.encoders[ format ];
return encoder.call(null, this, options );
throw("GL.Mesh.encode: no encoder found for format " + format );
* Returns a shared mesh containing a quad to be used when rendering to the screen
* Reusing the same quad helps not filling the memory
* @method getScreenQuad
* @return {GL.Mesh} the screen quad
Mesh.getScreenQuad = function(gl)
gl = gl || global.gl;
var mesh = gl.meshes[":screen_quad"];
return mesh;
var vertices = new Float32Array([0,0,0, 1,1,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,0 ]);
var coords = new Float32Array([0,0, 1,1, 0,1, 0,0, 1,0, 1,1 ]);
mesh = new GL.Mesh({ vertices: vertices, coords: coords}, undefined, undefined, gl);
return gl.meshes[":screen_quad"] = mesh;
function linearizeArray( array, typed_array_class )
if(array.constructor === typed_array_class)
return array;
if(array.constructor !== Array)
typed_array_class = typed_array_class || Float32Array;
return new typed_array_class(array);
typed_array_class = typed_array_class || Float32Array;
var components = array[0].length;
var size = array.length * components;
var buffer = new typed_array_class(size);
for (var i=0; i < array.length;++i)
for(var j=0; j < components; ++j)
buffer[i*components + j] = array[i][j];
return buffer;
//Add some functions to the classes in LiteGL to allow store in binary
GL.Mesh.EXTENSION = "wbin";
GL.Mesh.enable_wbin_compression = true;