* @namespace GL
* Texture class to upload images to the GPU, default is gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.RGBA of gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE with filters set to gl.LINEAR and wrap to gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE <br/>
There is a list of options <br/>
========================== <br/>
- texture_type: gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, default gl.TEXTURE_2D <br/>
- format: gl.RGB, gl.RGBA, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT, default gl.RGBA <br/>
- filter: filtering for mag and min: gl.NEAREST or gl.LINEAR, default gl.NEAREST <br/>
- magFilter: magnifying filter: gl.NEAREST, gl.LINEAR, default gl.NEAREST <br/>
- minFilter: minifying filter: gl.NEAREST, gl.LINEAR, gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, default gl.NEAREST <br/>
- wrap: texture wrapping: gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.REPEAT, gl.MIRROR, default gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE (also accepts wrapT and wrapS for separate settings) <br/>
- pixel_data: ArrayBufferView with the pixel data to upload to the texture, otherwise the texture will be black <br/>
- premultiply_alpha : multiply the color by the alpha value when uploading, default FALSE <br/>
- no_flip : do not flip in Y, default TRUE <br/>
- anisotropic : number of anisotropic fetches, default 0 <br/>
check for more info about formats: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/texImage2D
* @class Texture
* @param {number} width texture width (any supported but Power of Two allows to have mipmaps), 0 means no memory reserved till its filled
* @param {number} height texture height (any supported but Power of Two allows to have mipmaps), 0 means no memory reserved till its filled
* @param {Object} options Check the list in the description
* @constructor
global.Texture = GL.Texture = function Texture( width, height, options, gl ) {
options = options || {};
//used to avoid problems with resources moving between different webgl context
gl = gl || global.gl;
this.gl = gl;
this._context_id = gl.context_id;
//round sizes
width = parseInt(width);
height = parseInt(height);
console.log("GL.Texture created: ",width,height);
//create texture handler
this.handler = gl.createTexture();
//set settings
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
if(options.depth) //for texture_3d
this.depth = options.depth;
this.texture_type = options.texture_type || gl.TEXTURE_2D; //or gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP
this.format = options.format || Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT; //gl.RGBA (if gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT remember type: gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT)
this.internalFormat = options.internalFormat; //LUMINANCE, and weird formats with bits
this.type = options.type || Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE; //gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, gl.FLOAT or gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES (or gl.HIGH_PRECISION_FORMAT which could be half or float)
this.magFilter = options.magFilter || options.filter || Texture.DEFAULT_MAG_FILTER;
this.minFilter = options.minFilter || options.filter || Texture.DEFAULT_MIN_FILTER;
this.wrapS = options.wrap || options.wrapS || Texture.DEFAULT_WRAP_S;
this.wrapT = options.wrap || options.wrapT || Texture.DEFAULT_WRAP_T;
this.data = null; //where the data came from
//precompute the max amount of texture units
this.has_mipmaps = false;
if( this.format == gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT && gl.webgl_version == 1 && !gl.extensions["WEBGL_depth_texture"] )
throw("Depth Texture not supported");
if( this.type == gl.FLOAT && !gl.extensions["OES_texture_float"] && gl.webgl_version == 1 )
throw("Float Texture not supported");
if( this.type == gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES)
if( !gl.extensions["OES_texture_half_float"] && gl.webgl_version == 1 )
throw("Half Float Texture extension not supported.");
else if( gl.webgl_version > 1 )
console.warn("using HALF_FLOAT_OES in WebGL2 is deprecated, suing HALF_FLOAT instead");
this.type = this.format == gl.RGB ? gl.RGB16F : gl.RGBA16F;
if( (!isPowerOfTwo(this.width) || !isPowerOfTwo(this.height)) && //non power of two
( (this.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && this.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) || //uses mipmaps
(this.wrapS != gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE || this.wrapT != gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE) ) ) //uses wrap
throw("Cannot use texture-wrap or mipmaps in Non-Power-of-Two textures");
this.minFilter = this.magFilter = gl.LINEAR;
this.wrapS = this.wrapT = gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
//empty textures are allowed to be created
if(!width || !height)
//because sometimes the internal format is not so obvious
//this is done because in some cases the user binds a texture to slot 0 and then creates a new one, which overrides slot 0
gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 + Texture.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - 1);
//I use an invalid gl enum to say this texture is a depth texture, ugly, I know...
gl.bindTexture( this.texture_type, this.handler);
gl.texParameteri( this.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this.magFilter );
gl.texParameteri( this.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this.minFilter );
gl.texParameteri( this.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this.wrapS );
gl.texParameteri( this.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this.wrapT );
if(options.anisotropic && gl.extensions["EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"])
gl.texParameterf( GL.TEXTURE_2D, gl.extensions["EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"].TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, options.anisotropic);
var pixel_data = options.pixel_data;
if(pixel_data && !pixel_data.buffer)
pixel_data = new (this.type == gl.FLOAT ? Float32Array : Uint8Array)( pixel_data );
this.data = pixel_data;
//gl.TEXTURE_1D is not supported by WebGL...
//here we create all **********************************
if(this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_2D)
//create the texture
gl.texImage2D( GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.internalFormat, width, height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
//generate empty mipmaps (necessary?)
if ( GL.isPowerOfTwo(width) && GL.isPowerOfTwo(height) && options.minFilter && options.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && options.minFilter != gl.LINEAR)
gl.generateMipmap( this.texture_type );
this.has_mipmaps = true;
else if(this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z, 0, this.internalFormat, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
else if(this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_3D)
if(this.gl.webgl_version == 1)
throw("TEXTURE_3D not supported in WebGL 1. Enable WebGL 2 in the context by pasing webgl2:true");
throw("3d texture depth must be set in the options.depth");
gl.texImage3D( GL.TEXTURE_3D, 0, this.internalFormat, width, height, options.depth, 0, this.format, this.type, pixel_data || null );
gl.bindTexture(this.texture_type, null); //disable
Texture.EXTENSION = "png"; //used when saving it to file
//used for render to FBOs
Texture.framebuffer = null;
Texture.renderbuffer = null;
Texture.loading_color = new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0]);
Texture.use_renderbuffer_pool = true; //should improve performance
//because usually you dont want to specify the internalFormat, this tries to guess it from its format
//check https://webgl2fundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-data-textures.html for more info
Texture.prototype.computeInternalFormat = function()
this.internalFormat = this.format; //default
//automatic selection of internal format for depth textures to avoid problems between webgl1 and 2
if( this.format == GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT )
this.minFilter = this.magFilter = GL.NEAREST;
if( gl.webgl_version == 2 )
if( this.type == GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT )
this.internalFormat = GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
else if( this.type == GL.UNSIGNED_INT )
this.internalFormat = GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT24;
else if( this.type == GL.FLOAT )
this.internalFormat = GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F;
throw("unsupported type for a depth texture");
else if( gl.webgl_version == 1 )
if( this.type == GL.FLOAT )
throw("WebGL 1.0 does not support float depth textures");
this.internalFormat = GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
else if( this.format == gl.RGBA )
if( gl.webgl_version == 2 )
if( this.type == GL.FLOAT )
this.internalFormat = GL.RGBA32F;
else if( this.type == GL.HALF_FLOAT )
this.internalFormat = GL.RGBA16F;
else if( this.type == GL.HALF_FLOAT_OES )
console.warn("webgl 2 does not use HALF_FLOAT_OES, converting to HALF_FLOAT")
this.type = GL.HALF_FLOAT;
this.internalFormat = GL.RGBA16F;
else if( this.type == GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT )
this.internalFormat = GL.RGBA16UI;
this.format = gl.RGBA_INTEGER;
else if( this.type == GL.UNSIGNED_INT )
this.internalFormat = GL.RGBA32UI;
this.format = gl.RGBA_INTEGER;
else if( gl.webgl_version == 1 )
if( this.type == GL.HALF_FLOAT )
console.warn("webgl 1 does not use HALF_FLOAT, converting to HALF_FLOAT_OES")
this.type = GL.HALF_FLOAT_OES;
* Free the texture memory from the GPU, sets the texture handler to null
* @method delete
Texture.prototype.delete = function()
gl.deleteTexture( this.handler );
this.handler = null;
Texture.prototype.getProperties = function()
return {
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
type: this.type,
format: this.format,
texture_type: this.texture_type,
magFilter: this.magFilter,
minFilter: this.minFilter,
wrapS: this.wrapS,
wrapT: this.wrapT
Texture.prototype.hasSameProperties = function(t)
return false;
return t.width == this.width &&
t.height == this.height &&
t.type == this.type &&
t.format == this.format &&
t.texture_type == this.texture_type;
Texture.prototype.hasSameSize = function(t)
return false;
return t.width == this.width && t.height == this.height;
//textures cannot be stored in JSON
Texture.prototype.toJSON = function()
return "";
* Returns if depth texture is supported by the GPU
* @method isDepthSupported
* @return {Boolean} true if supported
Texture.isDepthSupported = function()
return gl.extensions["WEBGL_depth_texture"] != null;
* Binds the texture to one texture unit
* @method bind
* @param {number} unit texture unit
* @return {number} returns the texture unit
Texture.prototype.bind = function( unit ) {
if(unit == undefined)
unit = 0;
var gl = this.gl;
//TODO: if the texture is not uploaded, must be upload now
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
gl.bindTexture( this.texture_type, this.handler );
return unit;
* Unbinds the texture
* @method unbind
* @param {number} unit texture unit
* @return {number} returns the texture unit
Texture.prototype.unbind = function(unit) {
if(unit === undefined)
unit = 0;
var gl = this.gl;
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit );
gl.bindTexture(this.texture_type, null);
Texture.prototype.setParameter = function(param,value) {
this.gl.texParameteri( this.texture_type, param, value );
case this.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: this.magFilter = value; break;
case this.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: this.minFilter = value; break;
case this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S: this.wrapS = value; break;
case this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T: this.wrapT = value; break;
* Unbinds the texture
* @method Texture.setUploadOptions
* @param {Object} options a list of options to upload the texture
* - premultiply_alpha : multiply the color by the alpha value, default FALSE
* - no_flip : do not flip in Y, default TRUE
Texture.setUploadOptions = function(options, gl)
gl = gl || global.gl;
if(options) //options that are not stored in the texture should be passed again to avoid reusing unknown state
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, !!(options.premultiply_alpha) );
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, !(options.no_flip) );
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false );
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true );
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
* Given an Image/Canvas/Video it uploads it to the GPU
* @method uploadImage
* @param {Image} img
* @param {Object} options [optional] upload options (premultiply_alpha, no_flip)
Texture.prototype.uploadImage = function( image, options )
var gl = this.gl;
throw("uploadImage parameter must be Image");
Texture.setUploadOptions(options, gl);
try {
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.format, this.format, this.type, image );
this.width = image.videoWidth || image.width;
this.height = image.videoHeight || image.height;
this.data = image;
} catch (e) {
if (location.protocol == 'file:') {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (serve this page over "http://" instead)';
} else {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (image must originate from the same ' +
'domain as this page or use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)';
//TODO: add expand transparent pixels option
//generate mipmaps
if (this.minFilter && this.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && this.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
this.has_mipmaps = true;
gl.bindTexture(this.texture_type, null); //disable
* Uploads data to the GPU (data must have the appropiate size)
* @method uploadData
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data
* @param {Object} options [optional] upload options (premultiply_alpha, no_flip, cubemap_face)
Texture.prototype.uploadData = function( data, options, skip_mipmaps )
options = options || {};
var gl = this.gl;
Texture.setUploadOptions(options, gl);
if( this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_2D )
gl.texImage2D(this.texture_type, 0, this.format, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, data);
else if( this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_3D )
gl.texImage3D(this.texture_type, 0, this.format, this.width, this.height, this.depth, 0, this.format, this.type, data);
else if( this.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP )
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (options.cubemap_face || 0), 0, this.format, this.width, this.height, 0, this.format, this.type, data);
throw("cannot uploadData for this texture type");
this.data = data; //should I clone it?
if (!skip_mipmaps && this.minFilter && this.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && this.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
this.has_mipmaps = true;
gl.bindTexture(this.texture_type, null); //disable
//When creating cubemaps this is helpful
Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters = [
{ type:"posX", dir: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1) },
{ type:"negX", dir: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1) },
{ type:"posY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
{ type:"negY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0) },
{ type:"posZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
{ type:"negZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0) }
//THIS works
Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters = [
{ type:"posX", dir: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1) },
{ type:"negX", dir: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1) },
{ type:"posY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
{ type:"negY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
{ type:"posZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
{ type:"negZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0) }
* Render to texture using FBO, just pass the callback to a rendering function and the content of the texture will be updated
* If the texture is a cubemap, the callback will be called six times, once per face, the number of the face is passed as a second parameter
* for further info about how to set up the propper cubemap camera, check the GL.Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters with the direction and up vector for every face.
* Keep in mind that it tries to reuse the last renderbuffer for the depth, and if it cannot (different size) it creates a new one (throwing the old)
* @method drawTo
* @param {Function} callback function that does all the rendering inside this texture
Texture.prototype.drawTo = function(callback, params)
var gl = this.gl;
//if(this.format == gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT)
// throw("cannot use drawTo in depth textures, use Texture.drawToColorAndDepth");
var v = gl.getViewport();
var now = GL.getTime();
var old_fbo = gl.getParameter( gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING );
var framebuffer = gl._framebuffer = gl._framebuffer || gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer );
//this code allows to reuse old renderbuffers instead of creating and destroying them for every frame
var renderbuffer = null;
if( Texture.use_renderbuffer_pool ) //create a renderbuffer pool
gl._renderbuffers_pool = {};
//generate unique key for this renderbuffer
var key = this.width + ":" + this.height;
//reuse or create new one
if( gl._renderbuffers_pool[ key ] ) //Reuse old
renderbuffer = gl._renderbuffers_pool[ key ];
renderbuffer.time = now;
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
//create temporary buffer
gl._renderbuffers_pool[ key ] = renderbuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer();
renderbuffer.time = now;
renderbuffer.width = this.width;
renderbuffer.height = this.height;
gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
//destroy after one minute
setTimeout( inner_check_destroy.bind(renderbuffer), 1000*60 );
renderbuffer = gl._renderbuffer = gl._renderbuffer || gl.createRenderbuffer();
renderbuffer.width = this.width;
renderbuffer.height = this.height;
gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
//bind render buffer for depth or color
if( this.format === gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT )
gl.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.RGBA4, this.width, this.height);
gl.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, this.width, this.height);
//clears memory from unused buffer
function inner_check_destroy()
if( GL.getTime() - this.time >= 1000*60 )
console.log("Buffer cleared");
gl.deleteRenderbuffer( gl._renderbuffers_pool[ key ] );
delete gl._renderbuffers_pool[ key ];
setTimeout( inner_check_destroy.bind(this), 1000*60 );
//create to store depth
if (this.width != renderbuffer.width || this.height != renderbuffer.height ) {
renderbuffer.width = this.width;
renderbuffer.height = this.height;
gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, this.width, this.height);
gl.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
// throw("Texture.drawTo: Cannot use drawTo from inside another drawTo");
gl._current_texture_drawto = this;
gl._current_fbo_color = framebuffer;
gl._current_fbo_depth = renderbuffer;
if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D)
if( this.format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT )
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.handler, 0 );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.handler, 0);
callback(this, params);
else if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
//bind the fixed ones out of the loop to save calls
if( this.format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT )
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
//for every face of the cubemap
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if( this.format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT )
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, this.handler, 0);
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, this.handler, 0 );
callback(this,i, params);
this.data = null;
gl._current_texture_drawto = null;
gl._current_fbo_color = null;
gl._current_fbo_depth = null;
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, old_fbo );
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, null);
gl.viewport(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
return this;
* Static version of drawTo meant to be used with several buffers
* @method drawToColorAndDepth
* @param {Texture} color_texture
* @param {Texture} depth_texture
* @param {Function} callback
Texture.drawTo = function( color_textures, callback, depth_texture )
var w = -1,
h = -1,
type = null;
if(!color_textures && !depth_texture)
throw("Textures missing in drawTo");
if(color_textures && color_textures.length)
for(var i = 0; i < color_textures.length; i++)
var t = color_textures[i];
if(w == -1)
w = t.width;
else if(w != t.width)
throw("Cannot use Texture.drawTo if textures have different dimensions");
if(h == -1)
h = t.height;
else if(h != t.height)
throw("Cannot use Texture.drawTo if textures have different dimensions");
if(type == null) //first one defines the type
type = t.type;
else if (type != t.type)
throw("Cannot use Texture.drawTo if textures have different data type, all must have the same type");
w = depth_texture.width;
h = depth_texture.height;
var ext = gl.extensions["WEBGL_draw_buffers"];
if(!ext && color_textures && color_textures.length > 1)
throw("Rendering to several textures not supported");
var v = gl.getViewport();
gl._framebuffer = gl._framebuffer || gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl._framebuffer );
gl.viewport( 0, 0, w, h );
var renderbuffer = null;
if( depth_texture && depth_texture.format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT || depth_texture.type != gl.UNSIGNED_INT )
throw("Depth texture must be of format: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT and type: gl.UNSIGNED_INT");
if( depth_texture )
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.TEXTURE_2D, depth_texture.handler, 0);
else //create a temporary depth renderbuffer
//create renderbuffer for depth
renderbuffer = gl._renderbuffer = gl._renderbuffer || gl.createRenderbuffer();
renderbuffer.width = w;
renderbuffer.height = h;
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, w, h);
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer );
if( color_textures )
var order = []; //draw_buffers request the use of an array with the order of the attachments
for(var i = 0; i < color_textures.length; i++)
var t = color_textures[i];
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, gl.TEXTURE_2D, t.handler, 0);
order.push( gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i );
if(color_textures.length > 1)
ext.drawBuffersWEBGL( order );
else //create temporary color render buffer
var color_renderbuffer = this._color_renderbuffer = this._color_renderbuffer || gl.createRenderbuffer();
color_renderbuffer.width = w;
color_renderbuffer.height = h;
gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, color_renderbuffer );
gl.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.RGBA4, w, h );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, color_renderbuffer );
var complete = gl.checkFramebufferStatus( gl.FRAMEBUFFER );
if(complete !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
throw("FBO not complete: " + complete);
//clear data
for(var i = 0; i < color_textures.length; ++i)
color_textures[i].data = null;
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
gl.viewport(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
* Similar to drawTo but it also stores the depth in a depth texture
* @method drawToColorAndDepth
* @param {Texture} color_texture
* @param {Texture} depth_texture
* @param {Function} callback
Texture.drawToColorAndDepth = function( color_texture, depth_texture, callback ) {
var gl = color_texture.gl; //static function
if(depth_texture.width != color_texture.width || depth_texture.height != color_texture.height)
throw("Different size between color texture and depth texture");
var v = gl.getViewport();
gl._framebuffer = gl._framebuffer || gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl._framebuffer);
gl.viewport(0, 0, color_texture.width, color_texture.height);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, color_texture.handler, 0);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.TEXTURE_2D, depth_texture.handler, 0);
color_texture.data = null;
depth_texture.data = null;
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
gl.viewport(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
* Copy content of one texture into another
* TODO: check using copyTexImage2D
* @method copyTo
* @param {GL.Texture} target_texture
* @param {GL.Shader} [shader=null] optional shader to apply while copying
* @param {Object} [uniforms=null] optional uniforms for the shader
Texture.prototype.copyTo = function( target_texture, shader, uniforms ) {
var that = this;
var gl = this.gl;
//save state
var previous_fbo = gl.getParameter( gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING );
var viewport = gl.getViewport();
shader = this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D ? GL.Shader.getScreenShader() : GL.Shader.getCubemapCopyShader();
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
if(shader && uniforms)
shader.uniforms( uniforms );
//reuse fbo
var fbo = gl.__copy_fbo;
fbo = gl.__copy_fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo );
gl.viewport(0,0,target_texture.width, target_texture.height);
if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D)
if(this.format !== gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT && this.format !== gl.DEPTH_STENCIL )
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, target_texture.handler, 0);
this.toViewport( shader );
else //copying a depth texture is harder
var color_renderbuffer = gl._color_renderbuffer = gl._color_renderbuffer || gl.createRenderbuffer();
var w = color_renderbuffer.width = target_texture.width;
var h = color_renderbuffer.height = target_texture.height;
//attach color render buffer
gl.bindRenderbuffer( gl.RENDERBUFFER, color_renderbuffer );
gl.renderbufferStorage( gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.RGBA4, w, h );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, color_renderbuffer );
//attach depth texture
var attachment_point = target_texture.format == gl.DEPTH_STENCIL ? gl.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT : gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT;
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment_point, gl.TEXTURE_2D, target_texture.handler, 0);
var complete = gl.checkFramebufferStatus( gl.FRAMEBUFFER );
if(complete !== gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
throw("FBO not complete: " + complete);
//enable depth test?
gl.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.depthFunc( gl.ALWAYS );
gl.colorMask( false,false,false,false );
//call shader that overwrites depth values
shader = GL.Shader.getCopyDepthShader();
this.toViewport( shader );
gl.colorMask( true,true,true,true );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LEQUAL );
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.RENDERBUFFER, null );
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment_point, gl.TEXTURE_2D, null, 0);
else if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
shader.uniforms({u_texture: 0});
var rot_matrix = GL.temp_mat3;
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, target_texture.handler, 0);
var face_info = GL.Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters[ i ];
mat3.identity( rot_matrix );
rot_matrix.set( face_info.right, 0 );
rot_matrix.set( face_info.up, 3 );
rot_matrix.set( face_info.dir, 6 );
this.toViewport( shader,{ u_rotation: rot_matrix });
//restore previous state
gl.setViewport(viewport); //restore viewport
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, previous_fbo ); //restore fbo
//generate mipmaps when needed
if (target_texture.minFilter && target_texture.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && target_texture.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
target_texture.has_mipmaps = true;
target_texture.data = null;
gl.bindTexture( target_texture.texture_type, null ); //disable
return this;
* Render texture in a quad to full viewport size
* @method toViewport
* @param {Shader} shader to apply, otherwise a default textured shader is applied [optional]
* @param {Object} uniforms for the shader if needed [optional]
Texture.prototype.toViewport = function(shader, uniforms)
shader = shader || Shader.getScreenShader();
var mesh = Mesh.getScreenQuad();
//shader.uniforms({u_texture: 0}); //never changes
shader.draw( mesh, gl.TRIANGLES );
* Fills the texture with a constant color (uses gl.clear)
* @method fill
* @param {vec4} color rgba
* @param {boolean} skip_mipmaps if true the mipmaps wont be updated
Texture.prototype.fill = function(color, skip_mipmaps )
var old_color = gl.getParameter( gl.COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE );
gl.clearColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] );
this.drawTo( function() {
gl.clear( gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
gl.clearColor( old_color[0], old_color[1], old_color[2], old_color[3] );
if (!skip_mipmaps && this.minFilter && this.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && this.minFilter != gl.LINEAR ) {
gl.generateMipmap( this.texture_type );
this.has_mipmaps = true;
* Render texture in a quad of specified area
* @method renderQuad
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
Texture.prototype.renderQuad = (function() {
//static variables: less garbage
var identity = mat3.create();
var pos = vec2.create();
var size = vec2.create();
var white = vec4.fromValues(1,1,1,1);
return (function(x,y,w,h, shader, uniforms)
pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y;
size[0] = w; size[1] = h;
shader = shader || Shader.getQuadShader(this.gl);
var mesh = Mesh.getScreenQuad(this.gl);
shader.uniforms({u_texture: 0, u_position: pos, u_color: white, u_size: size, u_viewport: gl.viewport_data.subarray(2,4), u_transform: identity });
shader.draw( mesh, gl.TRIANGLES );
* Applies a blur filter of four pixels to the texture (be careful using it, it is slow)
* @method applyBlur
* @param {Number} offsetx scalar that multiplies the offset when fetching pixels horizontally (default 1)
* @param {Number} offsety scalar that multiplies the offset when fetching pixels vertically (default 1)
* @param {Number} intensity scalar that multiplies the result (default 1)
* @param {Texture} temp_texture blur needs a temp texture, if not supplied it will create a new one each time!
* @param {Texture} output_texture [optional] if not passed the output is the own texture
* @return {Texture} returns the temp_texture in case you want to reuse it
Texture.prototype.applyBlur = function( offsetx, offsety, intensity, temp_texture, output_texture )
var that = this;
var gl = this.gl;
if(offsetx === undefined)
offsetx = 1;
if(offsety === undefined)
offsety = 1;
offsetx = offsetx / this.width;
offsety = offsety / this.height;
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
if(this === output_texture && this.texture_type === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP )
throw("cannot use applyBlur in a texture with itself when blurring a CUBE_MAP");
if(output_texture && this.texture_type !== output_texture.texture_type )
throw("cannot use applyBlur with textures of different texture_type");
var result_texture = null;
//save state
var current_fbo = gl.getParameter( gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING );
var viewport = gl.getViewport();
//reuse fbo
var fbo = gl.__copy_fbo;
fbo = gl.__copy_fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo );
gl.viewport(0,0, this.width, this.height);
if( this.texture_type === gl.TEXTURE_2D )
var shader = GL.Shader.getBlurShader();
temp_texture = new GL.Texture( this.width, this.height, this.getProperties() );
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, temp_texture.handler, 0);
this.toViewport( shader, {u_texture: 0, u_intensity: intensity, u_offset: [0, offsety ] });
output_texture = output_texture || this;
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, output_texture.handler, 0);
temp_texture.toViewport( shader, {u_intensity: intensity, u_offset: [offsetx, 0] });
result_texture = temp_texture;
else if( this.texture_type === gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP )
//var weights = new Float32Array([ 0.16/0.98, 0.15/0.98, 0.12/0.98, 0.09/0.98, 0.05/0.98 ]);
//var weights = new Float32Array([ 0.05/0.98, 0.09/0.98, 0.12/0.98, 0.15/0.98, 0.16/0.98, 0.15/0.98, 0.12/0.98, 0.09/0.98, 0.05/0.98, 0.0 ]); //extra 0 to avoid mat3
var shader = GL.Shader.getCubemapBlurShader();
shader.uniforms({u_texture: 0, u_intensity: intensity, u_offset: [ offsetx, offsety ] });
var mesh = Mesh.getScreenQuad();
mesh.bindBuffers( shader );
output_texture = new GL.Texture( this.width, this.height, this.getProperties() );
var rot_matrix = GL.temp_mat3;
for(var i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, output_texture.handler, 0);
var face_info = GL.Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters[ i ];
rot_matrix.set( face_info.right, 0 );
rot_matrix.set( face_info.up, 3 );
rot_matrix.set( face_info.dir, 6 );
shader._setUniform( "u_rotation", rot_matrix );
gl.drawArrays( gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6 );
mesh.unbindBuffers( shader );
result_texture = output_texture;
//restore previous state
gl.setViewport(viewport); //restore viewport
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, current_fbo ); //restore fbo
output_texture.data = null;
//generate mipmaps when needed
if (output_texture.minFilter && output_texture.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && output_texture.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
output_texture.has_mipmaps = true;
gl.bindTexture(output_texture.texture_type, null); //disable
return result_texture;
* Loads and uploads a texture from a url
* @method Texture.fromURL
* @param {String} url
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} on_complete
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromURL = function( url, options, on_complete, gl ) {
gl = gl || global.gl;
options = options || {};
options = Object.create(options); //creates a new options using the old one as prototype
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture(1, 1, options, gl);
if(url.length < 64)
texture.url = url;
var default_color = options.temp_color || Texture.loading_color;
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
var temp_color = options.type == gl.FLOAT ? new Float32Array(default_color) : new Uint8Array(default_color);
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, texture.format, texture.width, texture.height, 0, texture.format, texture.type, temp_color );
gl.bindTexture( texture.texture_type, null ); //disable
texture.ready = false;
var ext = null;
if( options.extension ) //to force format
ext = options.extension;
if(!ext && url.length < 512) //avoid base64 urls
var base = url;
var pos = url.indexOf("?");
if(pos != -1)
base = url.substr(0,pos);
pos = base.lastIndexOf(".");
if(pos != -1)
ext = base.substr(pos+1).toLowerCase();
if( ext == "dds")
var ext = gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") || gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc");
var new_texture = new GL.Texture(0,0, options, gl);
DDS.loadDDSTextureEx(gl, ext, url, new_texture.handler, true, function(t) {
texture.texture_type = t.texture_type;
texture.handler = t;
delete texture["ready"]; //texture.ready = true;
on_complete(texture, url);
else if( ext == "tga" )
HttpRequest( url, null, function(data) {
var img_data = GL.Texture.parseTGA(data);
options.texture = texture;
if(img_data.format == "RGB")
texture.format = gl.RGB;
texture = GL.Texture.fromMemory( img_data.width, img_data.height, img_data.pixels, options );
delete texture["ready"]; //texture.ready = true;
on_complete( texture, url );
},null,{ binary: true });
else //png,jpg,webp,...
var image = new Image();
image.src = url;
var that = this;
image.onload = function()
options.texture = texture;
GL.Texture.fromImage(this, options);
delete texture["ready"]; //texture.ready = true;
on_complete(texture, url);
image.onerror = function()
return texture;
Texture.parseTGA = function(data)
if(!data || data.constructor !== ArrayBuffer)
throw( "TGA: data must be ArrayBuffer");
data = new Uint8Array(data);
var TGAheader = new Uint8Array( [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] );
var TGAcompare = data.subarray(0,12);
for(var i = 0; i < TGAcompare.length; i++)
if(TGAheader[i] != TGAcompare[i])
console.error("TGA header is not valid");
return null; //not a TGA
var header = data.subarray(12,18);
var img = {};
img.width = header[1] * 256 + header[0];
img.height = header[3] * 256 + header[2];
img.bpp = header[4];
img.bytesPerPixel = img.bpp / 8;
img.imageSize = img.width * img.height * img.bytesPerPixel;
img.pixels = data.subarray(18,18+img.imageSize);
img.pixels = new Uint8Array( img.pixels ); //clone
if( (header[5] & (1<<4)) == 0) //hack, needs swap
//TGA comes in BGR format so we swap it, this is slooooow
for(var i = 0; i < img.imageSize; i+= img.bytesPerPixel)
var temp = img.pixels[i];
img.pixels[i] = img.pixels[i+2];
img.pixels[i+2] = temp;
header[5] |= 1<<4; //mark as swaped
img.format = img.bpp == 32 ? "RGBA" : "RGB";
img.format = img.bpp == 32 ? "RGBA" : "RGB";
//some extra bytes to avoid alignment problems
//img.pixels = new Uint8Array( img.imageSize + 14);
//img.pixels.set( data.subarray(18,18+img.imageSize), 0);
img.flipY = true;
//img.format = img.bpp == 32 ? "BGRA" : "BGR";
//trace("TGA info: " + img.width + "x" + img.height );
return img;
* Create a texture from an Image
* @method Texture.fromImage
* @param {Image} image
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromImage = function( image, options ) {
options = options || {};
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture( image.width, image.height, options);
texture.uploadImage( image, options );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, texture.magFilter );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texture.minFilter );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, texture.wrapS );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, texture.wrapT );
if (GL.isPowerOfTwo(texture.width) && GL.isPowerOfTwo(texture.height) )
if( options.minFilter && options.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && options.minFilter != gl.LINEAR)
texture.has_mipmaps = true;
//no mipmaps supported
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
gl.texParameteri(texture.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
texture.has_mipmaps = false;
gl.bindTexture(texture.texture_type, null); //disable
texture.data = image;
texture.img = image;
return texture;
* Create a texture from a Video
* @method Texture.fromVideo
* @param {Video} video
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromVideo = function(video, options) {
options = options || {};
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture(video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight, options);
texture.uploadImage( video, options );
if (options.minFilter && options.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && options.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
texture.has_mipmaps = true;
texture.data = video;
gl.bindTexture(texture.texture_type, null); //disable
return texture;
* Create a clone of a texture
* @method Texture.fromTexture
* @param {Texture} old_texture
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromTexture = function( old_texture, options) {
options = options || {};
var texture = new GL.Texture( old_texture.width, old_texture.height, options );
old_texture.copyTo( texture );
return texture;
Texture.prototype.clone = function( options )
var old_options = this.getProperties();
for(var i in options)
old_options[i] = options[i];
return Texture.fromTexture( this, old_options);
* Create a texture from an ArrayBuffer containing the pixels
* @method Texture.fromTexture
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {ArrayBuffer} pixels
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromMemory = function( width, height, pixels, options) //format in options as format
options = options || {};
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture(width, height, options);
try {
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, texture.format, width, height, 0, texture.format, texture.type, pixels );
texture.width = width;
texture.height = height;
texture.data = pixels;
} catch (e) {
if (location.protocol == 'file:') {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (serve this page over "http://" instead)';
} else {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (image must originate from the same ' +
'domain as this page or use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)';
if (options.minFilter && options.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && options.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
texture.has_mipmaps = true;
gl.bindTexture(texture.texture_type, null); //disable
return texture;
* Create a texture from an ArrayBuffer containing the pixels
* @method Texture.fromDDSInMemory
* @param {ArrayBuffer} DDS data
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromDDSInMemory = function(data, options) //format in options as format
options = options || {};
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture(0, 0, options);
var ext = gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") || gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc");
DDS.loadDDSTextureFromMemoryEx(gl, ext, data, texture, true );
gl.bindTexture(texture.texture_type, null); //disable
return texture;
* Create a generative texture from a shader ( must GL.Shader.getScreenShader as reference for the shader )
* @method Texture.fromShader
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {Shader} shader
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.fromShader = function(width, height, shader, options) {
options = options || {};
var texture = new GL.Texture( width, height, options );
//copy content
texture.drawTo(function() {
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
var mesh = Mesh.getScreenQuad();
shader.draw( mesh );
return texture;
* Create a cubemap texture from a set of 6 images
* @method Texture.cubemapFromImages
* @param {Array} images
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.cubemapFromImages = function(images, options) {
options = options || {};
if(images.length != 6)
throw "missing images to create cubemap";
var width = images[0].width;
var height = images[0].height;
options.texture_type = gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
var texture = null;
texture = options.texture;
texture.width = width;
texture.height = height;
texture = new GL.Texture( width, height, options );
try {
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X+i, 0, texture.format, texture.format, texture.type, images[i]);
texture.data = images;
} catch (e) {
if (location.protocol == 'file:') {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (serve this page over "http://" instead)';
} else {
throw 'image not loaded for security reasons (image must originate from the same ' +
'domain as this page or use Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)';
if (options.minFilter && options.minFilter != gl.NEAREST && options.minFilter != gl.LINEAR) {
texture.has_mipmaps = true;
return texture;
* Create a cubemap texture from a single image that contains all six images
* If it is a cross, it must be horizontally aligned, and options.is_cross must be equal to the column where the top and bottom are located (usually 1 or 2)
* otherwise it assumes the 6 images are arranged vertically, in the order of OpenGL: +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z
* @method Texture.cubemapFromImage
* @param {Image} image
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.cubemapFromImage = function( image, options ) {
options = options || {};
if(image.width != (image.height / 6) && image.height % 6 != 0 && !options.faces)
console.error( "Cubemap image not valid, only 1x6 (vertical) or 6x3 (cross) formats. Check size:", image.width, image.height );
return null;
var width = image.width;
var height = image.height;
if(options.is_cross !== undefined)
options.faces = Texture.generateCubemapCrossFacesInfo(image.width, options.is_cross);
width = height = image.width / 4;
else if(options.faces)
width = options.width || options.faces[0].width;
height = options.height || options.faces[0].height;
height /= 6;
if(width != height)
console.log("Texture not valid, width and height for every face must be square");
return null;
var size = width;
options.no_flip = true;
var images = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var canvas = createCanvas( size, size );
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(image, options.faces[i].x, options.faces[i].y, options.faces[i].width || size, options.faces[i].height || size, 0,0, size, size );
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, height*i, width, height, 0,0, size, size );
//document.body.appendChild(canvas); //debug
var texture = Texture.cubemapFromImages(images, options);
texture.img = image;
return texture;
* Given the width and the height of an image, and in which column is the top and bottom sides of the cubemap, it gets the info to pass to Texture.cubemapFromImage in options.faces
* @method Texture.generateCubemapCrossFaces
* @param {number} width of the CROSS image (not the side image)
* @param {number} column the column where the top and the bottom is located
* @return {Object} object to pass to Texture.cubemapFromImage in options.faces
Texture.generateCubemapCrossFacesInfo = function(width, column)
if(column === undefined)
column = 1;
var s = width / 4;
return [
{ x: 2*s, y: s, width: s, height: s }, //+x
{ x: 0, y: s, width: s, height: s }, //-x
{ x: column*s, y: 0, width: s, height: s }, //+y
{ x: column*s, y: 2*s, width: s, height: s }, //-y
{ x: s, y: s, width: s, height: s }, //+z
{ x: 3*s, y: s, width: s, height: s } //-z
* Create a cubemap texture from a single image url that contains the six images
* if it is a cross, it must be horizontally aligned, and options.is_cross must be equal to the column where the top and bottom are located (usually 1 or 2)
* otherwise it assumes the 6 images are arranged vertically.
* @method Texture.cubemapFromURL
* @param {Image} image
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Function} on_complete callback
* @return {Texture} the texture
Texture.cubemapFromURL = function(url, options, on_complete) {
options = options || {};
options.texture_type = gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
var texture = options.texture || new GL.Texture(1, 1, options);
options = Object.create(options); //creates a new options using the old one as prototype
var default_color = options.temp_color || [0,0,0,255];
var temp_color = options.type == gl.FLOAT ? new Float32Array(default_color) : new Uint8Array(default_color);
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X+i, 0, texture.format, 1, 1, 0, texture.format, texture.type, temp_color);
gl.bindTexture(texture.texture_type, null); //disable
texture.ready = false;
var image = new Image();
image.src = url;
var that = this;
image.onload = function()
options.texture = texture;
texture = GL.Texture.cubemapFromImage(this, options);
delete texture["ready"]; //texture.ready = true;
return texture;
* returns an ArrayBuffer with the pixels in the texture, they are fliped in Y
* @method getPixels
* @param {enum} type gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE or gl.FLOAT, if omited then the one in the texture is read
* @param {bool} force_rgba if yo want to force the output to have 4 components per pixel (useful to transfer to canvas)
* @return {ArrayBuffer} the data ( Uint8Array or Float32Array )
Texture.prototype.getPixels = function( type, force_rgba, cubemap_face )
var gl = this.gl;
var v = gl.getViewport();
var old_fbo = gl.getParameter( gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING );
type = type || this.type;
if(this.format == gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT)
throw("cannot use getPixels in depth textures");
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
//reuse fbo
var fbo = gl.__copy_fbo;
fbo = gl.__copy_fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fbo );
var buffer = null;
gl.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D)
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.handler, 0);
else if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
gl.framebufferTexture2D( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (cubemap_face || 0), this.handler, 0);
var channels = this.format == gl.RGB ? 3 : 4;
channels = 4;
if(type == gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE)
buffer = new Uint8Array( this.width * this.height * channels );
else //half float and float forced to float
buffer = new Float32Array( this.width * this.height * channels );
gl.readPixels( 0,0, this.width, this.height, channels == 3 ? gl.RGB : gl.RGBA, type, buffer ); //NOT SUPPORTED FLOAT or RGB BY WEBGL YET
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, old_fbo );
gl.viewport(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
return buffer;
* uploads some pixels to the texture (see uploadData method for more options)
* @method setPixels
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE or gl.FLOAT data
* @param {Boolean} no_flip do not flip in Y
* @param {Boolean} skip_mipmaps do not update mipmaps when possible
* @param {Number} cubemap_face if the texture is a cubemap, which face
Texture.prototype.setPixels = function( data, no_flip, skip_mipmaps, cubemap_face )
var options = { no_flip: no_flip };
options.cubemap_face = cubemap_face;
this.uploadData( data, options, skip_mipmaps );
* Copy texture content to a canvas
* @method toCanvas
* @param {Canvas} canvas must have the same size, if different the canvas will be resized
* @param {boolean} flip_y optional, flip vertically
* @param {Number} max_size optional, if it is supplied the canvas wont be bigger of max_size (the image will be scaled down)
Texture.prototype.toCanvas = function( canvas, flip_y, max_size )
max_size = max_size || 8192;
var gl = this.gl;
var w = Math.min( this.width, max_size );
var h = Math.min( this.height, max_size );
if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
w = w * 4;
h = h * 3;
canvas = canvas || createCanvas( w, h );
if(canvas.width != w)
canvas.width = w;
if(canvas.height != h)
canvas.height = h;
var buffer = null;
if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D )
if(this.width != w || this.height != h ) //resize image to fit the canvas
//create a temporary texture
var temp = new GL.Texture(w,h,{ format: gl.RGBA, filter: gl.NEAREST });
this.copyTo( temp );
buffer = temp.getPixels( gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true );
buffer = this.getPixels( gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true );
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
pixels.data.set( buffer );
var temp = createCanvas(w,h);
var temp_ctx = temp.getContext("2d");
temp_ctx.drawImage( canvas, 0, 0, temp.width, temp.height );
ctx.drawImage( temp, 0, 0 );
else if(this.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP )
var temp_canvas = createCanvas( this.width, this.height );
var temp_ctx = temp_canvas.getContext("2d");
var info = GL.Texture.generateCubemapCrossFacesInfo( canvas.width, 1 );
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height );
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
buffer = this.getPixels( gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, i );
var pixels = temp_ctx.getImageData(0,0, temp_canvas.width, temp_canvas.height );
pixels.data.set( buffer );
ctx.drawImage( temp_canvas, info[i].x, info[i].y, temp_canvas.width, temp_canvas.height );
return canvas;
* returns the texture file in binary format
* @method toBinary
* @param {Boolean} flip_y
* @return {ArrayBuffer} the arraybuffer of the file containing the image
Texture.binary_extension = "png";
Texture.prototype.toBinary = function(flip_y, type)
//dump to canvas
var canvas = this.toCanvas(null,flip_y);
//use the slow method (because its sync)
var data = canvas.toDataURL( type );
var index = data.indexOf(",");
var base64_data = data.substr(index+1);
var binStr = atob( base64_data );
var len = binStr.length,
arr = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i ) {
arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i);
return arr;
* returns a Blob containing all the data from the texture
* @method toBlob
* @return {Blob} the blob containing the data
Texture.prototype.toBlob = function(flip_y, type)
var arr = this.toBinary( flip_y );
var blob = new Blob( [arr], {type: type || 'image/png'} );
return blob;
//faster depending on the browser
Texture.prototype.toBlobAsync = function(flip_y, type, callback)
//dump to canvas
var canvas = this.toCanvas(null,flip_y);
//some browser support a fast way to blob a canvas
canvas.toBlob( callback, type );
//use the slow method
var blob = this.toBlob( flip_y, type );
* returns a base64 String containing all the data from the texture
* @method toBase64
* @param {boolean} flip_y if you want to flip vertically the image, WebGL saves the images upside down
* @return {String} the data in base64 format
Texture.prototype.toBase64 = function( flip_y )
var w = this.width;
var h = this.height;
//Read pixels form WebGL
var buffer = this.getPixels();
//dump to canvas so we can encode it
var canvas = createCanvas(w,h);
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(0,0,w,h);
pixels.data.set( buffer );
var temp_canvas = createCanvas(w,h);
var temp_ctx = temp_canvas.getContext("2d");
temp_ctx.drawImage( canvas, 0, 0);
canvas = temp_canvas;
//create an image
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); //base64 string
return img;
* generates some basic metadata about the image
* @method generateMetadata
* @return {Object}
Texture.prototype.generateMetadata = function()
var metadata = {};
metadata.width = this.width;
metadata.height = this.height;
this.metadata = metadata;
Texture.compareFormats = function(a,b)
if(!a || !b)
return false;
if(a == b)
return true;
if( a.width != b.width ||
a.height != b.height ||
a.type != b.type || //gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE
a.format != b.format || //gl.RGB
a.texture_type != b.texture_type) //gl.TEXTURE_2D
return false;
return true;
* blends texture A and B and stores the result in OUT
* @method blend
* @param {Texture} a
* @param {Texture} b
* @param {Texture} out [optional]
* @return {Object}
Texture.blend = function( a, b, factor, out )
if(!a || !b)
return false;
if(a == b)
return true;
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
var shader = GL.Shader.getBlendShader();
var mesh = GL.Mesh.getScreenQuad();
shader.uniforms({u_texture: 0, u_texture2: 1, u_factor: factor});
out.drawTo( function(){
if(a == out || b == out)
throw("Blend output cannot be the same as the input");
shader.draw( mesh, gl.TRIANGLES );
return true;
shader.draw( mesh, gl.TRIANGLES );
return true;
* returns a white texture of 1x1 pixel
* @method Texture.getWhiteTexture
* @return {Texture} the white texture
Texture.getWhiteTexture = function( gl )
gl = gl || global.gl;
var tex = gl.textures[":white"];
return tex;
var color = new Uint8Array([255,255,255,255]);
return gl.textures[":white"] = new GL.Texture(1,1,{ pixel_data: color });
* returns a black texture of 1x1 pixel
* @method Texture.getBlackTexture
* @return {Texture} the black texture
Texture.getBlackTexture = function( gl )
gl = gl || global.gl;
var tex = gl.textures[":black"];
return tex;
var color = new Uint8Array([0,0,0,255]);
return gl.textures[":black"] = new GL.Texture(1,1,{ pixel_data: color });
* Returns a texture from the texture pool, if none matches the specifications it creates one
* @method Texture.getTemporary
* @param {Number} width the texture width
* @param {Number} height the texture height
* @param {Object} options to specifiy texture_type,type,format
* @param {WebGLContext} gl [optional]
* @return {Texture} the textures that matches this settings
Texture.getTemporary = function( width, height, options, gl )
gl = gl || global.gl;
gl._texture_pool = [];
var result = null;
var texture_type = GL.TEXTURE_2D;
var type = Texture.DEFAULT_TYPE;
var format = Texture.DEFAULT_FORMAT;
texture_type = options.texture_type;
type = options.type;
format = options.format;
// 64bits key: 0x0000 type width height
var key = (type&0xFFFF) + ((width&0xFFFF)<<16) + ((height&0xFFFF)<<32);
var pool = gl._texture_pool;
for(var i = 0; i < pool.length; ++i)
var tex = pool[i];
if( tex._key != key || tex.texture_type != texture_type || tex.format != format )
pool.splice(i,1); //remove from the pool
tex._pool = 0;
return tex;
//not found, create it
var tex = new GL.Texture( width, height, { type: type, texture_type: texture_type, format: format });
tex._key = key;
tex._pool = 0;
return tex;
* Given a texture it adds it to the texture pool so it can be reused in the future
* @method Texture.releaseTemporary
* @param {GL.Texture} tex
* @param {WebGLContext} gl [optional]
Texture.releaseTemporary = function( tex, gl )
gl = gl || global.gl;
gl._texture_pool = [];
//if pool is greater than zero means this texture is already inside
if( tex._pool > 0 )
console.warn("this texture is already in the textures pool");
var pool = gl._texture_pool;
pool = gl._texture_pool = [];
tex._pool = getTime();
pool.push( tex );
//do not store too much textures in the textures pool
if( pool.length > 15 )
pool.sort( function(a,b) { return b._pool - a._pool } ); //sort by time
//pool.sort( function(a,b) { return a._key - b._key } ); //sort by size
var tex = pool.pop(); //free the last one
tex._pool = 0;
//returns the next power of two bigger than size
Texture.nextPOT = function( size )
return Math.pow( 2, Math.ceil( Math.log(size) / Math.log(2) ) );