* Core namespace of LiteGUI library, it holds some useful functions
* @class LiteGUI
* @constructor
var LiteGUI = {
root: null,
content: null,
panels: {},
windows: [], //windows opened by the GUI (we need to know about them to close them once the app closes)
undo_steps: [],
//used for blacken when a modal dialog is shown
modalbg_div: null,
//the top menu
mainmenu: null,
* initializes the lib, must be called
* @method init
* @param {object} options some options are container, menubar,
init: function(options)
options = options || {};
if(options.width && options.height)
//choose main container
this.container = null;
if( options.container )
this.container = document.getElementById(options.container);
if(!this.container )
this.container = document.body;
//create litegui root element
var root = document.createElement("div");
root.className = "litegui-wrap fullscreen";
root.style.position = "relative";
root.style.overflow = "hidden";
this.root = root;
this.container.appendChild( root );
//create modal dialogs container
var modalbg = this.modalbg_div = document.createElement("div");
this.modalbg_div.className = "litemodalbg";
modalbg.style.display = "none";
//content: the main container for everything
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.className = "litegui-maincontent";
this.content = content;
//create menubar
//called before anything
if( this.root.classList.contains("fullscreen") )
window.addEventListener("resize", function(e) {
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(e) {
for(var i in LiteGUI.windows)
LiteGUI.windows = [];
* Triggers a simple event in an object (similar to jQuery.trigger)
* @method trigger
* @param {Object} element could be an HTMLEntity or a regular object
* @param {String} event_name the type of the event
* @param {*} params it will be stored in e.detail
* @param {*} origin it will be stored in e.srcElement
trigger: function(element, event_name, params, origin)
var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' );
evt.initCustomEvent( event_name, true,true, params ); //canBubble, cancelable, detail
evt.srcElement = origin;
if( element.dispatchEvent )
element.dispatchEvent( evt );
else if( element.__events )
element.__events.dispatchEvent( evt );
//else nothing seems binded here so nothing to do
return evt;
* Binds an event in an object (similar to jQuery.bind)
* If the element is not an HTML entity a new one is created, attached to the object (as non-enumerable, called __events) and used
* @method trigger
* @param {Object} element could be an HTMLEntity, a regular object, a query string or a regular Array of entities
* @param {String} event the string defining the event
* @param {Function} callback where to call
bind: function( element, event, callback )
throw("Cannot bind to null");
throw("Event bind missing");
throw("Bind callback missing");
if(element.constructor === String)
element = document.querySelectorAll( element );
if(element.constructor === NodeList || element.constructor === Array)
for(var i = 0; i < element.length; ++i)
inner( element[i] );
inner( element );
function inner( element )
element.addEventListener(event, callback);
else if(element.__events)
element.__events.addEventListener( event, callback );
//create a dummy HTMLentity so we can use it to bind HTML events
var dummy = document.createElement("span");
dummy.widget = element; //double link
Object.defineProperty( element, "__events", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: dummy
element.__events.addEventListener( event, callback );
* Unbinds an event in an object (similar to jQuery.unbind)
* @method unbind
* @param {Object} element could be an HTMLEntity or a regular object
* @param {String} event the string defining the event
* @param {Function} callback where to call
unbind: function(element, event, callback)
if( element.removeEventListener )
element.removeEventListener( event, callback );
else if( element.__events && element.__events.removeEventListener )
element.__events.removeEventListener( event, callback );
* Appends litegui widget to the global interface
* @method add
* @param {Object} litegui_element
add: function( litegui_element )
this.content.appendChild( litegui_element.root || litegui_element );
* Remove from the interface, it is is an HTML element it is removed from its parent, if it is a widget the same.
* @method remove
* @param {Object} litegui_element it also supports HTMLentity, selector string or Array of elements
remove: function( element )
if( element.constructor === String) //selector
var elements = document.querySelectorAll( element );
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
var element = elements[i];
if(element && element.parentNode)
if( element.constructor === Array || element.constructor === NodeList )
for(var i = 0; i < element.length; ++i)
LiteGUI.remove( element[i] );
else if( element.root && element.root.parentNode ) //ltiegui widget
element.root.parentNode.removeChild( element.root );
else if( element.parentNode ) //regular HTML entity
element.parentNode.removeChild( element );
* wrapper of document.getElementById
* @method getById
* @param {String} id
* return {HTMLEntity}
getById: function(id)
return document.getElementById(id);
createMenubar: function()
this.menubar = new LiteGUI.Menubar("mainmenubar");
this.add( this.menubar );
setWindowSize: function(w,h)
var style = this.root.style;
if(w && h)
style.width = w+"px";
style.height = h + "px";
style.boxShadow = "0 0 4px black"
if( this.root.classList.contains("fullscreen") )
style.width = "100%";
style.height = "100%";
style.boxShadow = "0 0 0";
LiteGUI.trigger( LiteGUI, "resized");
maximizeWindow: function()
* Change cursor
* @method setCursor
* @param {String} cursor
setCursor: function( name )
this.root.style.cursor = name;
* Test if the cursor is inside an element
* @method setCursor
* @param {String} cursor
isCursorOverElement: function( event, element )
var left = event.pageX;
var top = event.pageY;
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return false;
if(top > rect.top && top < (rect.top + rect.height) &&
left > rect.left && left < (rect.left + rect.width) )
return true;
return false;
getRect: function(element)
return element.getBoundingClientRect();
* Copy a string to the clipboard (it needs to be invoqued from a click event)
* @method toClipboard
* @param {String} data
* @param {Boolean} force_local force to store the data in the browser clipboard (this one can be read back)
toClipboard: function( object, force_local )
if(object && object.constructor !== String )
object = JSON.stringify( object );
var input = null;
var in_clipboard = false;
if( !force_local )
var copySupported = document.queryCommandSupported('copy');
input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.style.opacity = 0;
input.value = object;
document.body.appendChild( input );
in_clipboard = document.execCommand('copy');
console.log( in_clipboard ? "saved to clipboard" : "problem saving to clipboard");
document.body.removeChild( input );
} catch (err) {
document.body.removeChild( input );
console.warn('Oops, unable to copy using the true clipboard');
//old system
this._safe_cliboard = null;
localStorage.setItem("litegui_clipboard", object );
catch (err)
this._safe_cliboard = object;
console.warn("cliboard quota excedeed");
* Reads from the secondary clipboard (only can read if the data was stored using the toClipboard)
* @method getLocalClipboard
* @return {String} clipboard
getLocalClipboard: function()
var data = localStorage.getItem("litegui_clipboard");
if(!data && this._safe_cliboard)
data = this._safe_cliboard;
return null;
if(data[0] == "{")
return JSON.parse( data );
return data;
* Insert some CSS code to the website
* @method addCSS
* @param {String|Object} code it could be a string with CSS rules, or an object with the style syntax.
addCSS: function(code)
if(code.constructor === String)
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = code;
for(var i in code)
document.body.style[i] = code[i];
* Requires a new CSS
* @method requireCSS
* @param {String} url string with url or an array with several urls
* @param {Function} on_complete
requireCSS: function(url, on_complete)
url = [url];
var link = document.createElement('link');
//link.id = cssId;
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = url.shift(1);
link.media = 'all';
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if(url.length == 0)
link.onload = on_complete;
* Request file from url (it could be a binary, text, etc.). If you want a simplied version use
* @method request
* @param {Object} request object with all the parameters like data (for sending forms), dataType, success, error
* @param {Function} on_complete
request: function(request)
var dataType = request.dataType || "text";
if(dataType == "json") //parse it locally
dataType = "text";
else if(dataType == "xml") //parse it locally
dataType = "text";
else if (dataType == "binary")
//request.mimeType = "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined";
dataType = "arraybuffer";
request.mimeType = "application/octet-stream";
//regular case, use AJAX call
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open( request.data ? 'POST' : 'GET', request.url, true);
xhr.responseType = dataType;
if (request.mimeType)
xhr.overrideMimeType( request.mimeType );
if( request.nocache )
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
xhr.onload = function(load)
var response = this.response;
if(this.status != 200)
var err = "Error " + this.status;
LEvent.trigger(xhr,"fail", this.status);
if(request.dataType == "json") //chrome doesnt support json format
response = JSON.parse(response);
catch (err)
throw err;
else if(request.dataType == "xml")
var xmlparser = new DOMParser();
response = xmlparser.parseFromString(response,"text/xml");
catch (err)
throw err;
request.success.call(this, response, this);
xhr.onerror = function(err) {
var data = new FormData();
if( request.data )
for(var i in request.data)
xhr.send( data );
return xhr;
* Request file from url
* @method requestText
* @param {String} url
* @param {Function} on_complete
* @param {Function} on_error
requestText: function(url, on_complete, on_error )
return this.request({ url: url, dataType:"text", success: on_complete, error: on_error });
* Request file from url
* @method requestJSON
* @param {String} url
* @param {Function} on_complete
* @param {Function} on_error
requestJSON: function(url, on_complete, on_error )
return this.request({ url: url, dataType:"json", success: on_complete, error: on_error });
* Request binary file from url
* @method requestBinary
* @param {String} url
* @param {Function} on_complete
* @param {Function} on_error
requestBinary: function(url, on_complete, on_error )
return this.request({ url: url, dataType:"binary", success: on_complete, error: on_error });
* Request script and inserts it in the DOM
* @method requireScript
* @param {String|Array} url the url of the script or an array containing several urls
* @param {Function} on_complete
* @param {Function} on_error
* @param {Function} on_progress (if several files are required, on_progress is called after every file is added to the DOM)
requireScript: function(url, on_complete, on_error, on_progress, version )
throw("invalid URL");
if( url.constructor === String )
url = [url];
var total = url.length;
var size = total;
var loaded_scripts = [];
for(var i in url)
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.num = i;
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url[i] + ( version ? "?version=" + version : "" );
script.original_src = url[i];
script.async = false;
script.onload = function(e) {
on_progress(this.original_src, this.num);
else if(on_complete)
on_complete( loaded_scripts );
script.onerror = function(err) {
on_error(err, this.original_src, this.num );
//old version, it loads one by one, so it is slower
requireScriptSerial: function(url, on_complete, on_progress )
url = [url];
var loaded_scripts = [];
function addScript()
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url.shift(1);
script.onload = function(e) {
on_progress(url[0], url.length);
on_complete( loaded_scripts );
newDiv: function(id, code)
return this.createElement("div",id,code);
* Request script and inserts it in the DOM
* @method createElement
* @param {String} tag
* @param {String} id_class string containing id and classes, example: "myid .someclass .anotherclass"
* @param {String} content
* @param {Object} style
createElement: function(tag, id_class, content, style, events)
var elem = document.createElement( tag );
var t = id_class.split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if(t[i][0] == ".")
elem.classList.add( t[i].substr(1) );
else if(t[i][0] == "#")
elem.id = t[i].substr(1);
elem.id = t[i];
elem.root = elem;
elem.innerHTML = content;
elem.add = function(v) { this.appendChild( v.root || v ); };
if(style.constructor === String)
for(var i in style)
elem.style[i] = style[i];
for(var i in events)
elem.addEventListener(i, events[i]);
return elem;
* Request script and inserts it in the DOM
* @method createButton
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} content
* @param {Function} callback when the button is pressed
* @param {Object|String} style
createButton: function( id_class, content, callback, style )
var elem = document.createElement("button");
elem.className = "litegui litebutton button";
var t = id_class.split(" ");
for(var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if(t[i][0] == ".")
elem.classList.add( t[i].substr(1) );
else if(t[i][0] == "#")
elem.id = t[i].substr(1);
elem.id = t[i];
elem.root = elem;
if(content !== undefined)
elem.innerHTML = content;
elem.addEventListener("click", callback );
if(style.constructor === String)
for(var i in style)
elem.style[i] = style[i];
return elem;
//used to create a window that retains all the CSS info or the scripts.
newWindow: function(title, width, height, options)
options = options || {};
var new_window = window.open("","","width="+width+", height="+height+", location=no, status=no, menubar=no, titlebar=no, fullscreen=yes");
new_window.document.write( "<html><head><title>"+title+"</title>" );
//transfer style
var styles = document.querySelectorAll("link[rel='stylesheet'],style");
for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++)
new_window.document.write( styles[i].outerHTML );
//transfer scripts (optional because it can produce some errors)
var scripts = document.querySelectorAll("script");
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++)
if(scripts[i].src) //avoid inline scripts, otherwise a cloned website would be created
new_window.document.write( scripts[i].outerHTML );
var content = options.content || "";
new_window.document.write( "</head><body>"+content+"</body></html>" );
return new_window;
//* DIALOGS *******************
showModalBackground: function(v)
LiteGUI.modalbg_div.style.display = v ? "block" : "none";
showMessage: function(content, options)
options = options || {};
options.title = options.title || "Attention";
options.content = content;
options.close = 'fade';
var dialog = new LiteGUI.Dialog( options );
dialog.addButton("Close",{ close: true });
return dialog;
* Shows a dialog with a message
* @method popup
* @param {String} content
* @param {Object} options ( min_height, content, noclose )
popup: function( content, options )
options = options || {};
options.min_height = 140;
if (typeof(content) == "string")
content = "<p>" + content + "</p>";
options.content = content;
options.close = 'fade';
var dialog = new LiteGUI.Dialog(options);
dialog.addButton("Close",{ close: true });
return dialog;
* Shows an alert dialog with a message
* @method alert
* @param {String} content
* @param {Object} options ( title, width, height, content, noclose )
alert: function( content, options )
options = options || {};
options.className = "alert";
options.title = options.title || "Alert";
options.width = options.width || 280;
options.height = options.height || 140;
if (typeof(content) == "string")
content = "<p>" + content + "</p>";
LiteGUI.remove(".litepanel.alert"); //kill other panels
return LiteGUI.showMessage(content,options);
* Shows a confirm dialog with a message
* @method confirm
* @param {String} content
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Object} options ( title, width, height, content, noclose )
confirm: function( content, callback, options )
options = options || {};
options.className = "alert";
options.title = options.title || "Confirm";
options.width = options.width || 280;
//options.height = 100;
if (typeof(content) == "string")
content = "<p>" + content + "</p>";
content +="<button class='litebutton' data-value='yes' style='width:45%; margin-left: 10px'>Yes</button><button class='litebutton' data-value='no' style='width:45%'>No</button>";
options.noclose = true;
var dialog = this.showMessage(content,options);
dialog.content.style.paddingBottom = "10px";
var buttons = dialog.content.querySelectorAll("button");
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
buttons[i].addEventListener("click", inner);
function inner(v) {
var v = this.dataset["value"] == "yes";
dialog.close(); //close before callback
return dialog;
* Shows a prompt dialog with a message
* @method prompt
* @param {String} content
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Object} options ( title, width, height, content, noclose )
prompt: function( content, callback, options )
options = options || {};
options.className = "alert";
options.title = options.title || "Prompt";
options.width = options.width || 280;
//options.height = 140 + (options.textarea ? 40 : 0);
if (typeof(content) == "string")
content = "<p>" + content + "</p>";
var value = options.value || "";
var textinput = "<input type='text' value='"+value+"'/>";
if (options.textarea)
textinput = "<textarea class='textfield' style='width:95%'>"+value+"</textarea>";
content +="<p>"+textinput+"</p><button class='litebutton' data-value='accept' style='width:45%; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px'>Accept</button><button class='litebutton' data-value='cancel' style='width:45%'>Cancel</button>";
options.noclose = true;
var dialog = this.showMessage( content, options );
var buttons = dialog.content.querySelectorAll("button");
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
buttons[i].addEventListener("click", inner);
var input = dialog.content.querySelector("input,textarea");
input.addEventListener("keydown", inner_key, true);
function inner() {
var value = input.value;
if(this.dataset && this.dataset["value"] == "cancel")
value = null;
dialog.close(); //close before callback
callback( value );
function inner_key(e)
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode == '13'){
return false;
if (keyCode == '29')
return dialog;
* Shows a choice dialog with a message
* @method choice
* @param {String} content
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {Object} options ( title, width, height, content, noclose )
choice: function( content, choices, callback, options )
options = options || {};
options.className = "alert";
options.title = options.title || "Select one option";
options.width = options.width || 280;
//options.height = 100;
if (typeof(content) == "string")
content = "<p>" + content + "</p>";
for(var i in choices)
content +="<button class='litebutton' data-value='"+i+"' style='width:45%; margin-left: 10px'>"+(choices[i].content || choices[i])+"</button>";
options.noclose = true;
var dialog = this.showMessage(content,options);
dialog.content.style.paddingBottom = "10px";
var buttons = dialog.content.querySelectorAll("button");
for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
buttons[i].addEventListener("click", inner);
function inner(v) {
var v = choices[ this.dataset["value"] ];
dialog.close(); //close before callback
return dialog;
downloadURL: function( url, filename )
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.download = filename;
downloadFile: function( filename, data, dataType )
console.warn("No file provided to download");
if(data.constructor === String )
dataType = 'text/plain';
dataType = 'application/octet-stream';
var file = null;
if(data.constructor !== File && data.constructor !== Blob)
file = new Blob( [ data ], {type : dataType});
file = data;
var url = URL.createObjectURL( file );
var element = document.createElement("a");
element.setAttribute('href', url);
element.setAttribute('download', filename );
element.style.display = 'none';
setTimeout( function(){ URL.revokeObjectURL( url ); }, 1000*60 ); //wait one minute to revoke url
* Returns the URL vars ( ?foo=faa&foo2=etc )
* @method getUrlVars
getUrlVars: function(){
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
hash = hashes[i].split('=');
vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
return vars;
getUrlVar: function(name) {
return LiteGUI.getUrlVars()[name];
focus: function( element )
blur: function( element )
* Makes one element draggable
* @method draggable
* @param {HTMLEntity} container the element that will be dragged
* @param {HTMLEntity} dragger the area to start the dragging
draggable: function( container, dragger, on_start, on_finish, on_is_draggable )
dragger = dragger || container;
dragger.addEventListener("mousedown", inner_mouse);
dragger.style.cursor = "move";
var prev_x = 0;
var prev_y = 0;
var rect = container.getClientRects()[0];
var x = rect ? rect.left : 0;
var y = rect ? rect.top : 0;
container.style.position = "absolute";
container.style.left = x + "px";
container.style.top = y + "px";
function inner_mouse(e)
if(e.type == "mousedown")
rect = container.getClientRects()[0];
x = rect ? rect.left : 0;
y = rect ? rect.top : 0;
if(on_is_draggable && on_is_draggable(container,e) == false )
return false;
prev_x = e.clientX;
prev_y = e.clientY;
on_start( container, e );
return false;
if(e.type == "mouseup")
if( on_finish )
on_finish( container, e );
if(e.type == "mousemove")
var deltax = e.clientX - prev_x;
var deltay = e.clientY - prev_y;
prev_x = e.clientX;
prev_y = e.clientY;
x += deltax;
y += deltay;
container.style.left = x + "px";
container.style.top = y + "px";
* Clones object content
* @method cloneObject
* @param {Object} object
* @param {Object} target
cloneObject: function(object, target)
var o = target || {};
for(var i in object)
if(i[0] == "_" || i.substr(0,6) == "jQuery") //skip vars with _ (they are private)
var v = object[i];
if(v == null)
o[i] = null;
else if ( isFunction(v) )
else if (typeof(v) == "number" || typeof(v) == "string")
o[i] = v;
else if( v.constructor == Float32Array ) //typed arrays are ugly when serialized
o[i] = Array.apply( [], v ); //clone
else if ( isArray(v) )
if( o[i] && o[i].constructor == Float32Array ) //reuse old container
o[i] = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(v) ); //v.slice(0); //not safe using slice because it doesnt clone content, only container
else //slow but safe
//prevent circular recursions
o[i] = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(v) );
catch (err)
return o;
safeName: function( str )
return String(str).replace(/[\s\.]/g, '');
//those useful HTML unicode codes that I never remeber but I always need
special_codes: {
close: "✕",
navicon: "☰",
refresh: "↺",
gear: "⚙",
open_folder: "📂"
//given a html entity string it returns the equivalent unicode character
htmlEncode: function( html_code )
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.innerHTML = html_code;
return e.innerText;
//given a unicode character it returns the equivalent html encoded string
htmlDecode: function( unicode_character )
var e = document.createElement("div");
e.innerText = unicode_character;
return e.innerHTML;
* Convert sizes in any format to a valid CSS format (number to string, negative number to calc( 100% - number px )
* @method sizeToCSS
* @param {String||Number} size
* @return {String} valid css size string
sizeToCSS: function( v )
if( v === undefined || v === null )
return null;
if(v.constructor === String )
return v;
if(v >= 0 )
return (v|0) + "px";
return "calc( 100% - " + Math.abs(v|0) + "px )";
* Helper, makes drag and drop easier by enabling drag and drop in a given element
* @method createDropArea
* @param {HTMLElement} element the element where users could drop items
* @param {Function} callback_drop function to call when the user drops the item
* @param {Function} callback_enter [optional] function to call when the user drags something inside
createDropArea: function( element, callback_drop, callback_enter, callback_exit )
element.addEventListener("dragenter", onDragEvent);
function onDragEvent(evt)
element.addEventListener("dragexit", onDragEvent);
element.addEventListener("dragover", onDragEvent);
element.addEventListener("drop", onDrop);
if(evt.type == "dragenter" && callback_enter)
callback_enter(evt, this);
if(evt.type == "dragexit" && callback_exit)
callback_exit(evt, this);
function onDrop(evt)
element.removeEventListener("dragexit", onDragEvent);
element.removeEventListener("dragover", onDragEvent);
element.removeEventListener("drop", onDrop);
var r = undefined;
r = callback_drop(evt);
return true;
//low quality templating system
Object.defineProperty( String.prototype, "template", {
value: function( data, eval_code )
var tpl = this;
var re = /{{([^}}]+)?}}/g, match;
while(match = re.exec(tpl)) {
var str = eval_code ? (new Function("with(this) { try { return " + match[1] +"} catch(e) { return 'error';} }")).call(data) : data[match[1]];
tpl = tpl.replace(match[0], str);
return tpl;
enumerable: false
function purgeElement(d, skip) {
var a = d.attributes, i, l, n;
if (a) {
for (i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
n = a[i].name;
if (typeof d[n] === 'function') {
d[n] = null;
a = d.childNodes;
if (a) {
l = a.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
//useful functions
//from stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1354064/how-to-convert-characters-to-html-entities-using-plain-javascript
if(typeof escapeHtmlEntities == 'undefined') {
escapeHtmlEntities = function (text) {
return text.replace(/[\u00A0-\u2666<>\&]/g, function(c) {
return '&' +
(escapeHtmlEntities.entityTable[c.charCodeAt(0)] || '#'+c.charCodeAt(0)) + ';';
// all HTML4 entities as defined here: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html
// added: amp, lt, gt, quot and apos
escapeHtmlEntities.entityTable = {
34 : 'quot',
38 : 'amp',
39 : 'apos',
60 : 'lt',
62 : 'gt',
160 : 'nbsp',
161 : 'iexcl',
162 : 'cent',
163 : 'pound',
164 : 'curren',
165 : 'yen',
166 : 'brvbar',
167 : 'sect',
168 : 'uml',
169 : 'copy',
170 : 'ordf',
171 : 'laquo',
172 : 'not',
173 : 'shy',
174 : 'reg',
175 : 'macr',
176 : 'deg',
177 : 'plusmn',
178 : 'sup2',
179 : 'sup3',
180 : 'acute',
181 : 'micro',
182 : 'para',
183 : 'middot',
184 : 'cedil',
185 : 'sup1',
186 : 'ordm',
187 : 'raquo',
188 : 'frac14',
189 : 'frac12',
190 : 'frac34',
191 : 'iquest',
192 : 'Agrave',
193 : 'Aacute',
194 : 'Acirc',
195 : 'Atilde',
196 : 'Auml',
197 : 'Aring',
198 : 'AElig',
199 : 'Ccedil',
200 : 'Egrave',
201 : 'Eacute',
202 : 'Ecirc',
203 : 'Euml',
204 : 'Igrave',
205 : 'Iacute',
206 : 'Icirc',
207 : 'Iuml',
208 : 'ETH',
209 : 'Ntilde',
210 : 'Ograve',
211 : 'Oacute',
212 : 'Ocirc',
213 : 'Otilde',
214 : 'Ouml',
215 : 'times',
216 : 'Oslash',
217 : 'Ugrave',
218 : 'Uacute',
219 : 'Ucirc',
220 : 'Uuml',
221 : 'Yacute',
222 : 'THORN',
223 : 'szlig',
224 : 'agrave',
225 : 'aacute',
226 : 'acirc',
227 : 'atilde',
228 : 'auml',
229 : 'aring',
230 : 'aelig',
231 : 'ccedil',
232 : 'egrave',
233 : 'eacute',
234 : 'ecirc',
235 : 'euml',
236 : 'igrave',
237 : 'iacute',
238 : 'icirc',
239 : 'iuml',
240 : 'eth',
241 : 'ntilde',
242 : 'ograve',
243 : 'oacute',
244 : 'ocirc',
245 : 'otilde',
246 : 'ouml',
247 : 'divide',
248 : 'oslash',
249 : 'ugrave',
250 : 'uacute',
251 : 'ucirc',
252 : 'uuml',
253 : 'yacute',
254 : 'thorn',
255 : 'yuml',
402 : 'fnof',
913 : 'Alpha',
914 : 'Beta',
915 : 'Gamma',
916 : 'Delta',
917 : 'Epsilon',
918 : 'Zeta',
919 : 'Eta',
920 : 'Theta',
921 : 'Iota',
922 : 'Kappa',
923 : 'Lambda',
924 : 'Mu',
925 : 'Nu',
926 : 'Xi',
927 : 'Omicron',
928 : 'Pi',
929 : 'Rho',
931 : 'Sigma',
932 : 'Tau',
933 : 'Upsilon',
934 : 'Phi',
935 : 'Chi',
936 : 'Psi',
937 : 'Omega',
945 : 'alpha',
946 : 'beta',
947 : 'gamma',
948 : 'delta',
949 : 'epsilon',
950 : 'zeta',
951 : 'eta',
952 : 'theta',
953 : 'iota',
954 : 'kappa',
955 : 'lambda',
956 : 'mu',
957 : 'nu',
958 : 'xi',
959 : 'omicron',
960 : 'pi',
961 : 'rho',
962 : 'sigmaf',
963 : 'sigma',
964 : 'tau',
965 : 'upsilon',
966 : 'phi',
967 : 'chi',
968 : 'psi',
969 : 'omega',
977 : 'thetasym',
978 : 'upsih',
982 : 'piv',
8226 : 'bull',
8230 : 'hellip',
8242 : 'prime',
8243 : 'Prime',
8254 : 'oline',
8260 : 'frasl',
8472 : 'weierp',
8465 : 'image',
8476 : 'real',
8482 : 'trade',
8501 : 'alefsym',
8592 : 'larr',
8593 : 'uarr',
8594 : 'rarr',
8595 : 'darr',
8596 : 'harr',
8629 : 'crarr',
8656 : 'lArr',
8657 : 'uArr',
8658 : 'rArr',
8659 : 'dArr',
8660 : 'hArr',
8704 : 'forall',
8706 : 'part',
8707 : 'exist',
8709 : 'empty',
8711 : 'nabla',
8712 : 'isin',
8713 : 'notin',
8715 : 'ni',
8719 : 'prod',
8721 : 'sum',
8722 : 'minus',
8727 : 'lowast',
8730 : 'radic',
8733 : 'prop',
8734 : 'infin',
8736 : 'ang',
8743 : 'and',
8744 : 'or',
8745 : 'cap',
8746 : 'cup',
8747 : 'int',
8756 : 'there4',
8764 : 'sim',
8773 : 'cong',
8776 : 'asymp',
8800 : 'ne',
8801 : 'equiv',
8804 : 'le',
8805 : 'ge',
8834 : 'sub',
8835 : 'sup',
8836 : 'nsub',
8838 : 'sube',
8839 : 'supe',
8853 : 'oplus',
8855 : 'otimes',
8869 : 'perp',
8901 : 'sdot',
8968 : 'lceil',
8969 : 'rceil',
8970 : 'lfloor',
8971 : 'rfloor',
9001 : 'lang',
9002 : 'rang',
9674 : 'loz',
9824 : 'spades',
9827 : 'clubs',
9829 : 'hearts',
9830 : 'diams',
338 : 'OElig',
339 : 'oelig',
352 : 'Scaron',
353 : 'scaron',
376 : 'Yuml',
710 : 'circ',
732 : 'tilde',
8194 : 'ensp',
8195 : 'emsp',
8201 : 'thinsp',
8204 : 'zwnj',
8205 : 'zwj',
8206 : 'lrm',
8207 : 'rlm',
8211 : 'ndash',
8212 : 'mdash',
8216 : 'lsquo',
8217 : 'rsquo',
8218 : 'sbquo',
8220 : 'ldquo',
8221 : 'rdquo',
8222 : 'bdquo',
8224 : 'dagger',
8225 : 'Dagger',
8240 : 'permil',
8249 : 'lsaquo',
8250 : 'rsaquo',
8364 : 'euro'
function beautifyCode( code, reserved, skip_css )
reserved = reserved || ["abstract", "else", "instanceof", "super", "boolean", "enum", "int", "switch", "break", "export", "interface", "synchronized", "byte", "extends", "let", "this", "case", "false", "long", "throw", "catch", "final", "native", "throws", "char", "finally", "new", "transient", "class", "float", "null", "true", "const", "for", "package", "try", "continue", "function", "private", "typeof", "debugger", "goto", "protected", "var", "default", "if", "public", "void", "delete", "implements", "return", "volatile", "do", "import", "short", "while", "double", "in", "static", "with"];
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code = code.replace(/(\w+)/g, function(v) {
if(reserved.indexOf(v) != -1)
return "<span class='rsv'>" + v + "</span>";
return v;
code = code.replace(/([0-9]+)/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='num'>" + v + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\w+\.\w+)/g, function(v) {
var t = v.split(".");
return "<span class='obj'>" + t[0] + "</span>.<span class='prop'>" + t[1] + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\w+)\(/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='prop'>" + v.substr(0, v.length - 1) + "</span>(";
code = code.replace(/(\"(\\.|[^\"])*\")/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='str'>" + v + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\?\!\(\)_ ]*)/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='cmnt'>" + v + "</span>";
code = "<style>.obj { color: #79B; } .prop { color: #B97; } .str,.num { color: #A79; } .cmnt { color: #798; } .rsv { color: #9AB; } </style>" + code;
return code;
function beautifyJSON( code, skip_css )
if(typeof(code) == "object")
code = JSON.stringify(code);
var reserved = ["false", "true", "null"];
//reserved words
code = code.replace(/(\w+)/g, function(v) {
if(reserved.indexOf(v) != -1)
return "<span class='rsv'>" + v + "</span>";
return v;
code = code.replace(/([0-9]+)/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='num'>" + v + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\w+\.\w+)/g, function(v) {
var t = v.split(".");
return "<span class='obj'>" + t[0] + "</span>.<span class='prop'>" + t[1] + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\"(\\.|[^\"])*\")/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='str'>" + v + "</span>";
code = code.replace(/(\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\?\!\(\)_ ]*)/g, function(v) {
return "<span class='cmnt'>" + v + "</span>";
code = "<style>.obj { color: #79B; } .prop { color: #B97; } .str { color: #A79; } .num { color: #B97; } .cmnt { color: #798; } .rsv { color: #9AB; } </style>" + code;
return code;
function dataURItoBlob( dataURI ) {
var pos = dataURI.indexOf(",");
//convert to binary
var byteString = atob( dataURI.substr(pos+1) );
//copy from string to array
var ab = new ArrayBuffer( byteString.length );
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
var l = byteString.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
var mime = dataURI.substr(5,pos-5);
mime = mime.substr(0, mime.length - 7); //strip ";base64"
return new Blob([ab], { type: mime });