API Docs for:

File: ../src/baseComponent.js

*  Components are elements that attach to Nodes or other objects to add functionality
*  Some important components are Transform, Light or Camera
*	*  ctor: must accept an optional parameter with the serialized data
*	*  onAddedToNode: triggered when added to node
*	*  onRemovedFromNode: triggered when removed from node
*	*  onAddedToScene: triggered when the node is added to the scene
*	*  onRemovedFromScene: triggered when the node is removed from the scene
*	*  serialize: returns a serialized version packed in an object
*	*  configure: recieves an object to unserialize and configure this instance
*	*  getResources: adds to the object the resources to load
*	*  _root contains the node where the component is added
*	*  use the LEvent system to hook events to the node or the scene
*	*  never share the same component instance between two nodes

* This is an example class for a component, should never be instantiated by itself, 
* instead components get all the methods from this class attached when the component is registered.
* Components can overwrite this methods if they want.
* @class  BaseComponent
* @namespace  LS
function BaseComponent(o)

* Returns the node where this components is attached
* @method getRootNode
BaseComponent.prototype.getRootNode = function()
	return this._root;

* Configures the components based on an object that contains the serialized info
* @method configure
* @param {Object} o object with the serialized info
BaseComponent.prototype.configure = function(o)
	if( !o )
	if( o.uid ) 
		this.uid = o.uid;
	LS.cloneObject( o, this, false, true ); 

	if( this.afterConfigure )
		this.afterConfigure( o );

* Returns an object with all the info about this component in an object form
* @method serialize
* @return {Object} object with the serialized info
BaseComponent.prototype.serialize = function()
	var o = LS.cloneObject(this,null,false,false,true);
	if(this.uid) //special case, not enumerable
		o.uid = this.uid;
		o.object_class = LS.getObjectClassName( this );

	if( this.afterSerialize )
		this.afterSerialize( o );

	return o;

* Create a clone of this node (the UID is removed to avoid collisions)
* @method clone
* @return {*} component clone
BaseComponent.prototype.clone = function()
	var data = this.serialize();
	data.uid = null; //remove id when cloning
	var new_component = new this.constructor( data );
	return new_component;

* To create a new property for this component adding some extra useful info to help the editor
* @method createProperty
* @param {String} name the name of the property as it will be accessed
* @param {*} value the value to assign by default to this property
* @param {String|Object} type [optional] an string identifying the type of the variable, could be "number","string","Texture","vec3","mat4", or an object with all the info
* @param {Function} setter [optional] setter function, otherwise one will be created
* @param {Function} getter [optional] getter function, otherwise one will be created
BaseComponent.prototype.createProperty = function( name, value, type, setter, getter )
	if(this[name] !== undefined)
		return; //console.warn("createProperty: this component already has a property called " + name );

	//if we have type info, we must store it in the constructor, useful for GUIs
		//control errors
		if(type == "String" || type == "Number" || type == "Boolean")
			console.warn("createProperty: Basic types must be in lowercase -> " + type );
			type = type.toLowerCase();

		if( typeof(type) == "object" )
			this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = type;
			this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = { type: type };

		//is a component
		if( type == LS.TYPES.COMPONENT || LS.Components[ type ] || type.constructor.is_component || type.type == LS.TYPES.COMPONENT )
			var property_root = this; //with proto is problematic, because the getters cannot do this.set (this is the proto, not the component)
			var private_name = "_" + name;
			Object.defineProperty( property_root, name, {
				get: function() { 
					if( !this[ private_name ] )
						return null;
					var scene = this._root && this._root.scene ? this._root._in_tree : LS.GlobalScene;
					return LSQ.get( this[ private_name ], null, scene );
				set: function(v) { 
						this[ private_name ] = v;
						this[ private_name ] = v.constructor === String ? v : v.uid;
				enumerable: true
				//writable: false //cannot be set to true if setter/getter

			if( LS.Components[ type ] || type.constructor.is_component ) //passing component class name or component class constructor
				type = { type: LS.TYPES.COMPONENT, component_class: type.constructor === String ? type : LS.getClassName( type ) };

			if( typeof(type) == "object" )
				this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = type;
				this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = { type: type };

	//basic type
	if(  (value === null || value === undefined || value.constructor === Number || value.constructor === String || value.constructor === Boolean) && !setter && !getter )
		this[ name ] = value;

	var private_name = "_" + name;

	if( Object.hasOwnProperty( this, private_name ) )

	var property_root = this; //with proto is problematic, because the getters cannot do this.set (this is the proto, not the component)

	//vector type has special type with setters and getters to avoid replacing the container during assignations
	if(value && value.constructor === Float32Array)
		value = new Float32Array( value ); //clone
		this[ private_name ] = value; //this could be removed...

		//create setter
		Object.defineProperty( property_root, name, {
			get: getter || function() { return value; },
			set: setter || function(v) { value.set( v ); },
			enumerable: true
			//writable: false //cannot be set to true if setter/getter
	else //this is for vars that has their own setter/getter
		//define private (writable because it can be overwriten with different values)
		Object.defineProperty( property_root, private_name, { 
			value: value, 
			enumerable: false,
			writable: true 

		var that = this;

		//define public
		Object.defineProperty( property_root, name, {
			get: getter || function() { 
				return this[ private_name ];
			set: setter || function(v) { 
				this[ private_name ] = v;
			enumerable: true
			//writable: false //cannot be set to true if setter/getter

//not finished
BaseComponent.prototype.createAction = function( name, callback, options )
		console.error("action '" + name + "' with no callback associated. Remember to create the action after the callback is defined.");
	var safe_name = name.replace(/ /gi,"_"); //replace spaces
	this[ safe_name ] = callback;
	this.constructor["@" + safe_name ] = options || { type: "function", button_text: name, widget:"button", callback: callback };

* Returns the locator string of this component
* @method getLocator
* @param {string} property_name [optional] you can pass the name of a property in this component
* @return {String} the locator string of this component
BaseComponent.prototype.getLocator = function( property_name )
		return "";
		if(this[ property_name ] === undefined )
			console.warn("No property found in this component with that name:",property_name);
		return this._root.uid + "/" + this.uid + "/" + property_name;
	return this._root.uid + "/" + this.uid;

BaseComponent.prototype.getPropertyInfoFromPath = function( path )
	if( !path.length )
		return null;

	var v;
	var varname = path[0];

	//to know the value of a property of the given target
	if( this.getPropertyValue )
		v = this.getPropertyValue( varname );

	//special case when the component doesnt specify any locator info but the property referenced does
	//used in TextureFX
	if (v === undefined && path.length > 1 && this[ varname ] && this[ varname ].getPropertyInfoFromPath )
		var r = this[ varname ].getPropertyInfoFromPath( path.slice(1) );
			r.node = this.root;
			return r;

	if(v === undefined && this[ varname ] === undefined )
		return null;

	//if we dont have a value yet then take it directly from the object
	var value = v !== undefined ? v : this[ varname ];

	var extra_info = this.constructor[ "@" + varname ];
	var type = "";
		type = extra_info.type;
	if(!type && value !== null && value !== undefined)
		if(value.constructor === String)
			type = "string";
		else if(value.constructor === Boolean)
			type = "boolean";
		else if(value.length)
			type = "vec" + value.length;
		else if(value.constructor === Number)
			type = "number";

	return {
		node: this.root,
		target: this,
		name: varname,
		value: value,
		type: type

* calls a method in all components in this node and all the children nodes
* @method broadcastMessage
* @param {String} method_name 
* @param {*} data
BaseComponent.prototype.broadcastMessage = function( method_name, data )
	var node = this._root;
	node.broadcastMessage( method_name, data );

* returns the first component of type class_name of the SceneNode where this component belongs
* @method getComponent
* @param {String|Component} class_name the name of the class in string format or the component class itself
* @return {*} Component or null
BaseComponent.prototype.getComponent = function( class_name )
		return null;
	return this._root.getComponent( class_name );

* Bind one object event to a method in this component
* @method bind
* @param {*} object the dispatcher of the event you want to react to
* @param {String} event the name of the event to bind to
* @param {Function} callback the callback to call
* @param {String|Object} type [optional] an string identifying the type of the variable, could be "number","string","Texture","vec3","mat4", or an object with all the info
* @param {Function} setter [optional] setter function, otherwise one will be created
* @param {Function} getter [optional] getter function, otherwise one will be created
BaseComponent.prototype.bind = function( object, method, callback )
	var instance = this;
	if(arguments.length > 3 )
		console.error("Component.bind cannot use a fourth parameter, all callbacks will be binded to the component");

		console.error("Cannot bind to null.");

		console.error("You cannot bind a method before defining it.");

	var found = false;
	for(var i in this)
		if(this[i] == callback)
			found = true;
		console.warn("Callback function not found in this object, this is dangerous, remember to unbind it manually or use LEvent instead.");

	//store info about which objects have events pointing to this instance
		Object.defineProperty( this,"__targeted_instances", { value: [], enumerable: false, writable: true });
	var index = this.__targeted_instances.indexOf( object );
	if(index == -1)
		this.__targeted_instances.push( object );

	return LEvent.bind( object, method, callback, instance );

BaseComponent.prototype.unbind = function( object, method, callback )
	var instance = this;

	var r = LEvent.unbind( object, method, callback, instance );

	//erase from targeted instances
	if( this.__targeted_instances )
		if( !LEvent.hasBindTo( object, this ) )
			return r;

		var index = this.__targeted_instances.indexOf( object );
		if(index == -1)
			this.__targeted_instances.splice( index, 1 );
		if(this.__targeted_instances.length == 0)
			delete this.__targeted_instances;

	return r;

BaseComponent.prototype.unbindAll = function()
	if( !this.__targeted_instances )

	for( var i = 0; i < this.__targeted_instances.length; ++i )
		LEvent.unbindAll( this.__targeted_instances[i], this );
	this.__targeted_instances = null; //delete dont work??

//called by register component to add setters and getters to registered Component Classes
BaseComponent.addExtraMethods = function( component )
	//add uid property
	Object.defineProperty( component.prototype, 'uid', {
		set: function( uid )

			if(uid[0] != LS._uid_prefix)
				console.warn("Invalid UID, renaming it to: " + uid );
				uid = LS._uid_prefix + uid;

			if(uid == this._uid)
			//if( this._root && this._root._components_by_uid[ this.uid ] )
			//	delete this._root && this._root._components_by_uid[ this.uid ];
			this._uid = uid;
			//if( this._root )
			//	this._root && this._root._components_by_uid[ this.uid ] = this;
		get: function(){
			return this._uid;
		enumerable: false //uid better not be enumerable (so it doesnt show in the editor)

	Object.defineProperty( component.prototype, 'root', {
		set: function(v)
			throw("root cannot be set, call addComponent to the root");
		get: function(){
			return this._root;
		enumerable: false //uid better not be enumerable (so it doesnt show in the editor)

	//same as root...
	Object.defineProperty( component.prototype, 'parentNode', {
		set: function()
			throw("parentNode cannot be set, call addComponent to the parentNode");
		get: function(){
			return this._root;
		enumerable: false //uid better not be enumerable (so it doesnt show in the editor)


LS.BaseComponent = BaseComponent;