API Docs for:

File: ../src/components/camera.js

// ******* CAMERA **************************

* Camera contains the info about a camera (matrices, near far planes, clear color, etc)
* @class Camera
* @namespace LS.Components
* @constructor
* @param {Object} object to configure from

function Camera(o)
	this.enabled = true;
	this.layers = 3;

	this.clear_color = true;
	this.clear_depth = true;

	this._type = Camera.PERSPECTIVE;

	//contain the eye, center, up if local space
	this._eye = vec3.clone( Camera.DEFAULT_EYE ); //TODO: change to position
	this._center = vec3.clone( Camera.DEFAULT_CENTER );	//TODO: change to target
	this._up = vec3.clone( Camera.DEFAULT_UP );

	//in global coordinates
	this._global_eye = vec3.clone(this._eye);
	this._global_center = vec3.clone(this._center);
	this._global_up = vec3.clone(this._up);
	this._global_front = vec3.create();
	vec3.sub( this._global_front, this._global_center, this._global_eye );
	vec3.normalize( this._global_front, this._global_front );

	//clipping planes
	this._near = 0.1;
	this._far = 1000;

	//orthographics planes (near and far took from ._near and ._far)
	this._ortho = new Float32Array([-1,1,-1,1]);

	this._aspect = 1.0; //must be one, otherwise it gets deformed, the final one used is in final_aspect
	this._fov = 45; //persp
	this._frustum_size = 50; //ortho
	this._final_aspect = 1.0; //the one used when computing the projection matrix

	//viewport in normalized coordinates: left, bottom, width, height
	this._viewport = new Float32Array([0,0,1,1]);
	this._viewport_in_pixels = vec4.create(); //viewport in screen coordinates

	this._background_color = vec4.fromValues(0,0,0,1);

	//in case we want to overwrite the view matrix manually
	this._use_custom_projection_matrix = false; 

	//in case we want to overwrite the shader of all visible objects
	this.overwrite_material = null;

	this._view_matrix = mat4.create();
	this._projection_matrix = mat4.create();
	this._viewprojection_matrix = mat4.create();
	this._model_matrix = mat4.create(); //inverse of viewmatrix (used for local vectors)
	this._previous_viewprojection_matrix = mat4.create(); //viewmatrix from previous frame, used in some algorithms

	//lazy upload
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
	this._rendering_index = -1; //tells the number of this camera in the rendering process

	//used for render to texture
	this._frame = null;
	this.show_frame = true;

	//this.updateMatrices(); //done by configure

	this._uniforms = {
		u_view: this._view_matrix,
		u_viewprojection: this._viewprojection_matrix,
		u_camera_eye: this._global_eye,
		u_camera_front: this._global_front,
		u_camera_planes: vec2.fromValues( this.near, this.far ),
		u_camera_perspective: vec3.create(),
		u_background_color: this._background_color,
		u_previous_viewprojection: this._previous_viewprojection_matrix

	this._frustum_planes = geo.extractPlanes( this._viewprojection_matrix );

	//LEvent.bind(this,"cameraEnabled", this.onCameraEnabled.bind(this));

Camera.icon = "mini-icon-camera.png";

Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC = 2; //orthographic adapted to aspect ratio of viewport
Camera.ORTHO2D = 3; //orthographic with manually defined left,right,top,bottom

Camera.DEFAULT_EYE = [0,0,0];
Camera.DEFAULT_CENTER = [0,0,-100];
Camera.DEFAULT_UP = [0,1,0];

Camera["@type"] = { type: "enum", values: { "perspective": Camera.PERSPECTIVE, "orthographic": Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC, "ortho2D": Camera.ORTHO2D } };
Camera["@eye"] = { type: "vec3", widget: "position" };
Camera["@center"] = { type: "vec3", widget: "position" };
Camera["@layers"] = { type: "layers" };

// used when rendering a cubemap to set the camera view direction (crossx and crossy are for when generating a CROSS cubemap image)

Camera.cubemap_camera_parameters = [
	{ name: "posx", dir: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), crossx:2, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "negx", dir: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), crossx:0, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "posy", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), crossx:1, crossy:0 },
	{ name: "negy", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), crossx:1, crossy:2 },
	{ name: "posz", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), crossx:1, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "negz", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), crossx:3, crossy:1 }
Camera.cubemap_camera_parameters = [
	{ name: "posx", dir: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), crossx:0, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "negx", dir: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), crossx:2, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "posy", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), crossx:1, crossy:2 },
	{ name: "negy", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), crossx:1, crossy:0 },
	{ name: "posz", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0), crossx:1, crossy:1 },
	{ name: "negz", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1), up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0), right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), crossx:3, crossy:1 }


Texture.cubemap_camera_parameters = [
	{ type:"posX", dir: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0), 	up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0),	right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1) },
	{ type:"negX", dir: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0),		up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0),	right: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1) },
	{ type:"posY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,-1,0), 	up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
	{ type:"negY", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0),		up: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1),	right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0) },
	{ type:"posZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1), 	up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0),	right: vec3.fromValues(1,0,0) },
	{ type:"negZ", dir: vec3.fromValues(0,0,1),		up: vec3.fromValues(0,1,0),	right: vec3.fromValues(-1,0,0) }

Camera.prototype.getResources = function (res)
	//nothing to do, cameras dont use assets, althoug they could generate them
	return res;

* Camera type, could be Camera.PERSPECTIVE or Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC
* @property type {vec3}
* @default Camera.PERSPECTIVE;
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "type", {
	get: function() {
		return this._type;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._type != v)
			this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._type = v;
	enumerable: true

* The position of the camera (in local space, node space)
* @property eye {vec3}
* @default [0,100,100]
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "eye", {
	get: function() {
		return this._eye;
	set: function(v) {
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	enumerable: true

* The center where the camera points (in local space, node space)
* @property center {vec3}
* @default [0,0,0]
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "center", {
	get: function() {
		return this._center;
	set: function(v) {
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	enumerable: true

* The distance between the center and the eye point
* When focalLength is modified it will change the center so it matches the distance.
* @property focalLength {Number}
* @default (depends)
var tmp = vec3.create();

Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "focalLength", {
	get: function() {
		return vec3.distance( this._eye, this._center );
	set: function(v) {
		v = Math.max(0.001,v); //avoid 0
		vec3.sub( tmp, this._center, this._eye );
		var length = vec3.length(tmp);
		if(length < 0.0001)
			v /= length;
		vec3.scaleAndAdd( tmp, this._eye, tmp, v );
		this._center.set( tmp );
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	enumerable: true

* The up vector of the camera (in local space, node space)
* @property up {vec3}
* @default [0,1,0]
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "up", {
	get: function() {
		return this._up;
	set: function(v) {
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	enumerable: true

* The near plane
* @property near {number}
* @default 1
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "near", {
	get: function() {
		return this._near;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._near != v)
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._near = v;
	enumerable: true

* The far plane
* @property far {number}
* @default 1000
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "far", {
	get: function() {
		return this._far;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._far != v)
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._far = v;
	enumerable: true

* The camera aspect ratio
* @property aspect {number}
* @default 1
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "aspect", {
	get: function() {
		return this._aspect;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._aspect != v)
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._aspect = v;
	enumerable: true

//this is set by the renderer, it is the final aspect that will be used (taking into account viewport size)
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "final_aspect", {
	get: function() {
		return this._final_aspect;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._final_aspect != v)
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._final_aspect = v;
	enumerable: false

* The field of view in degrees
* @property fov {number}
* @default 45
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "fov", {
	get: function() {
		return this._fov;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._fov != v)
			this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._fov  = v;
	enumerable: true

* The frustum size when working in ORTHOGRAPHIC
* @property frustum_size {number}
* @default 50

Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "frustum_size", {
	get: function() {
		return this._frustum_size;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	this._frustum_size == v)

		//this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
		this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._frustum_size  = v;
	enumerable: true

* The frustum size when working in pure ORTHOGRAPHIC 
* left,right,bottom,top (near and far are in the near,far properties)
* @property orthographic {vec4} 
* @default 50

Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "orthographic", {
	get: function() {
		return this._ortho;
	set: function(v) {
		if(	!v || v.length < 4)
		this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
	enumerable: true

* The view matrix of the camera 
* @property view_matrix {vec4}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "view_matrix", {
	get: function() {
		return this._view_matrix;
	set: function(v) {
	enumerable: true

* The projection matrix of the camera (cannot be set manually, use setCustomProjectionMatrix instead)
* @property projection_matrix {mat4}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "projection_matrix", {
	get: function() {
		return this._projection_matrix;
	set: function(v) {
		throw("projection matrix cannot be set manually, use setCustomProjectionMatrix instead.");
	enumerable: true

* The viewport in normalized coordinates (left,bottom, width, height)
* @property viewport {vec4}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "viewport", {
	get: function() {
		return this._viewport;
	set: function(v) {
	enumerable: true

* @property viewport_offset {vec2}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "viewport_offset", {
	get: function() {
		return this._viewport.subarray(0,2);
	set: function(v) {
	enumerable: true

* @property viewport_size {vec2}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "viewport_size", {
	get: function() {
		return this._viewport.subarray(2,4);
	set: function(v) {
	enumerable: true

* the clear color
* @property background_color {vec4}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "background_color", {
	get: function() {
		return this._background_color;
	set: function(v) {
	enumerable: true

* returns the texture from the render frame context
* @property render_to_texture {GL.Texture} 

Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "render_to_texture", {
	get: function() {
		return !!this._frame;
	set: function(v) {
			this._frame = null;
			this._frame = new LS.RenderFrameContext();
	enumerable: true

* contains the RenderFrameContext where the scene was stored
* @property frame {LS.RenderFrameContext} 
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "frame", {
	set: function(v) {
		throw("frame cannot be assigned manually, enable render_to_texture");
	get: function() {
		return this._frame;
	enumerable: false

* contains the color texture used by the RenderFrameContext
* @property frame_color_texture {GL.Texture} 
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "frame_color_texture", {
	set: function(v) {
		throw("frame_color_texture cannot be assigned manually, enable render_to_texture");
	get: function(v) {
			return null;
		return this._frame.getColorTexture();
	enumerable: false

* contains the depth texture used by the RenderFrameContext
* @property frame_depth_texture {GL.Texture} 
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "frame_depth_texture", {
	set: function(v) {
		throw("frame_depth_texture cannot be assigned manually, enable render_to_texture");
	get: function() {
			return null;
		return this._frame.getDepthTexture();
	enumerable: false

* to force updating projection and view matrix
* @property mustUpdate {Boolean}
Object.defineProperty( Camera.prototype, "mustUpdate", {
	get: function() {
		return this._must_update_projection_matrix || this._must_update_view_matrix;
	set: function(v) {
		this._must_update_projection_matrix = this._must_update_view_matrix = v;
	enumerable: true

Camera.prototype.onAddedToNode = function(node)
		node.camera = this;
	LEvent.bind( node, "transformChanged", this.onNodeMoved, this );

Camera.prototype.onRemovedFromNode = function(node)
	if(node.camera == this)
		delete node.camera;
	LEvent.unbind( node, "transformChanged", this.onNodeMoved, this );

Camera.prototype.onAddedToScene = function(scene)
	LEvent.bind( scene, "collectCameras", this.onCollectCameras, this ); //here because we store them in node

Camera.prototype.onRemovedFromScene = function(scene)
	LEvent.unbind( scene, "collectCameras", this.onCollectCameras, this );

	if(this._frame) //free memory

	if( this._binded_render_frame )
		LEvent.unbind(this, "enableFrameContext", this.enableRenderFrameContext, this );
		LEvent.unbind(this, "showFrameContext", this.disableRenderFrameContext, this );
		this._binded_render_frame = false;

Camera.prototype.onNodeMoved = function()
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

Camera.prototype.isRenderedToTexture = function()
	return this.enabled && this.render_to_texture;

Camera.prototype.onCollectCameras = function(e, cameras)

		cameras.unshift(this); //put at the begining

	//in case we need to render to a texture this camera
	//not very fond of this part, but its more optimal
			LEvent.bind(this, "enableFrameContext", this.enableRenderFrameContext, this );
			LEvent.bind(this, "showFrameContext", this.disableRenderFrameContext, this );
			this._binded_render_frame = true;
	else if( this._binded_render_frame )
		LEvent.unbind(this, "enableFrameContext", this.enableRenderFrameContext, this );
		LEvent.unbind(this, "showFrameContext", this.disableRenderFrameContext, this );
		this._binded_render_frame = false;

* Positions the camera at eye, pointing at center, and facing up as vertical.
* If the camera is a node camera, then the node transform is modified (plus the center to match the focalLength)
* @method lookAt
* @param {vec3} eye
* @param {vec3} center
* @param {vec3} up
Camera.prototype.lookAt = function( eye, center, up )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		this.focalLength = vec3.distance( eye, center ); //changes the center
		vec3.copy(this._eye, eye);
		vec3.copy(this._center, center);
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* Positions the camera using a matrix that contains the position an orientation (NOT FULLY TESTED)
* If the camera is a node camera, then the node transform is modified (plus the center to match the focalLength)
* @method lookAtFromMatrix
* @param {mat4} matrix
* @param {boolean} is_model if false the matrix is assumed to be a view matrix, otherwise a model (inverse of view)
Camera.prototype.lookAtFromMatrix = function( matrix, is_model )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		if(!is_model) //convert view to model
			var m = mat4.create();
			matrix = mat4.invert(m, matrix);
		this._root.transform.matrix = matrix;
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
		this.focalLength = 1; //changes center
		var inv = mat4.create();
		mat4.invert( inv, matrix );
		var view = is_model ? inv : matrix;
		var model = is_model ? matrix : inv;

		this._view_matrix.set( view );
		vec3.transformMat4( this._eye, LS.ZEROS, model );
		vec3.transformMat4( this._center, LS.FRONT, model );
		mat4.rotateVec3( this._up, model, LS.TOP );

* resets eye, center and up, so they are in [0,0,0],[0,0,-focalDist] and [0,1,0]
* @method resetVectors
* @param {number} focalDist [optional] it not set it will be 1
Camera.prototype.resetVectors = function(focalDist)
	focalDist = focalDist || 1;
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* Update matrices according to the eye,center,up,fov,aspect,...
* @method updateMatrices
Camera.prototype.updateMatrices = function( force )
	//if is a camera in a node we cannot assure the node hasnt change its transform (TODO feature)
	this._must_update_view_matrix = this._must_update_view_matrix || (this._root && !this._root._is_root);

	//nothing to update?
	if(!this._must_update_projection_matrix && !this._must_update_view_matrix && !force)

	//update projection
	if( (this._must_update_projection_matrix || force) && !this._use_custom_projection_matrix )
		if(this.type == Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC)
			mat4.ortho(this._projection_matrix, -this._frustum_size*this._final_aspect*0.5, this._frustum_size*this._final_aspect*0.5, -this._frustum_size*0.5, this._frustum_size*0.5, this._near, this._far);
		else if (this.type == Camera.ORTHO2D)
			mat4.ortho(this._projection_matrix, this._ortho[0], this._ortho[1], this._ortho[2], this._ortho[3], this._near, this._far);
			mat4.perspective(this._projection_matrix, this._fov * DEG2RAD, this._final_aspect, this._near, this._far);

	//update view (if is a camera in a node we cannot assure it hasnt change its transform)
	if( this._must_update_view_matrix || force )
		if(this._root && this._root._is_root) //in root node
			mat4.lookAt( this._view_matrix, this._eye, this._center, this._up );
			mat4.lookAt( this._view_matrix, this.getEye(this._global_eye), this.getCenter(this._global_center), this.getUp(this._global_up) );
		mat4.invert(this._model_matrix, this._view_matrix );

	if(this.flip_x) //used in reflections
		//mat4.scale(this._projection_matrix,this._projection_matrix, [-1,1,1]);
	//if(this._root && this._root.transform)

	mat4.multiply(this._viewprojection_matrix, this._projection_matrix, this._view_matrix );

	this._must_update_view_matrix = false;
	this._must_update_projection_matrix = false;

* Update the frustum planes according to viewprojection_matrix, used for visibility testing
* @method updateFrustumPlanes
* @return {Float32Array} planes
Camera.prototype.updateFrustumPlanes = function()
	geo.extractPlanes( this._viewprojection_matrix, this._frustum_planes );
	return this._frustum_planes;

* returns the inverse of the viewmatrix
* @method getModelMatrix
* @param {mat4} m optional output container
* @return {mat4} matrix
Camera.prototype.getModelMatrix = function(m)
	m = m || mat4.create();
	return mat4.copy( m, this._model_matrix );

* returns the viewmatrix
* @method getViewMatrix
* @param {mat4} m optional output container
* @return {mat4} matrix
Camera.prototype.getViewMatrix = function(m)
	m = m || mat4.create();
	return mat4.copy( m, this._view_matrix );

* returns the projection matrix
* @method getProjectionMatrix
* @param {mat4} m optional output container
* @return {mat4} matrix
Camera.prototype.getProjectionMatrix = function(m)
	m = m || mat4.create();
	return mat4.copy( m, this._projection_matrix );

* returns the view projection matrix
* @method getViewProjectionMatrix
* @param {mat4} m optional output container
* @param {boolean} force optional force to update
* @return {mat4} matrix
Camera.prototype.getViewProjectionMatrix = function(m, force)
	m = m || mat4.create();
	if(this._must_update_view_matrix || this._must_update_projection_matrix || force )
	return mat4.copy( m, this._viewprojection_matrix );

* returns the model view projection matrix computed from a passed model
* @method getModelViewProjectionMatrix
* @param {mat4} model model matrix
* @param {mat4} out optional output container
* @return {mat4} matrix
Camera.prototype.getModelViewProjectionMatrix = function(model, out)
	out = out || mat4.create();
	if(this._must_update_view_matrix || this._must_update_projection_matrix)
	return mat4.multiply( out, this._viewprojection_matrix, model );

* apply a transform to all the vectors (eye,center,up) using a matrix
* @method updateVectors
* @param {mat4} model matrix
Camera.prototype.updateVectors = function(model)
	var front = vec3.subtract(vec3.create(), this._center, this._eye);
	var dist = vec3.length(front);
	this._eye = mat4.multiplyVec3(vec3.create(), model, vec3.create() );
	this._center = mat4.multiplyVec3(vec3.create(), model, vec3.fromValues(0,0,-dist));
	this._up = mat4.rotateVec3(vec3.create(), model, vec3.fromValues(0,1,0));

* transform a local coordinate to global coordinates
* @method getLocalPoint
* @param {vec3} v vector
* @param {vec3} dest where to store the output, if not provided a vec3 is created
* @return {vec3} v in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getLocalPoint = function( v, dest )
	dest = dest || vec3.create();

	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return mat4.multiplyVec3( dest, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), v );


	return mat4.multiplyVec3( dest, this._model_matrix, v );

* rotate a local coordinate to global coordinates (skipping translation)
* @method getLocalVector
* @param {vec3} v vector
* @param {vec3} dest where to store the output, if not provided a vec3 is created
* @return {vec3} v in global coordinates

Camera.prototype.getLocalVector = function(v, dest)
	dest = dest || vec3.create();

	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return mat4.rotateVec3( dest, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), v );


	return mat4.rotateVec3( dest, this._model_matrix, v );

* Returns the eye (position of the camera) in global coordinates
* Takes into account if it is a camera attached to a node
* The result of this function wont match the _eye property if the camera is a node camera
* @method getEye
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getEye = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	out[0] = this._eye[0];
	out[1] = this._eye[1];
	out[2] = this._eye[2];
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return this._root.transform.getGlobalPosition( out );
	return out;

* returns the center of the camera (position where the camera is pointing) in global coordinates
* @method getCenter
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getCenter = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();

	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return mat4.multiplyVec3( out, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), this._center );
	out[0] = this._center[0];
	out[1] = this._center[1];
	out[2] = this._center[2];
	return out;

* returns the front vector of the camera
* @method getFront
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getFront = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();

	if(this._root && this._root.transform)
		out[0] = out[1] = 0; out[2] = -1;
		return mat4.rotateVec3(out, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), out );

	vec3.sub( out, this._center, this._eye ); 
	return vec3.normalize(out, out);

* returns the up vector of the camera
* @method getUp
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getUp = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	out[0] = this._up[0];
	out[1] = this._up[1];
	out[2] = this._up[2];

	if(this._root && this._root.transform)
		return mat4.rotateVec3( out, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), out );
	return out;

* returns the top vector of the camera (different from up, this one is perpendicular to front and right)
* @method getTop
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getTop = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	var front = vec3.sub( vec3.create(), this._center, this._eye ); 
	var right = vec3.cross( vec3.create(), this._up, front );
	var top = vec3.cross( out, front, right );
	if(this._root && this._root.transform && this._root._parent)
		return mat4.rotateVec3( top, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), top );
	return top;

* returns the right vector of the camera 
* @method getRight
* @param {vec3} out output vector [optional]
* @return {vec3} position in global coordinates
Camera.prototype.getRight = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	var front = vec3.sub( vec3.create(), this._center, this._eye ); 
	var right = vec3.cross( out, this._up, front );
	if(this._root && this._root.transform && this._root._parent)
		return mat4.rotateVec3( right, this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef(), right );
	return right;

//DEPRECATED: use property eye instead

Camera.prototype.setEye = function(v)
	this._eye.set( v );
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

Camera.prototype.setCenter = function(v)
	this._center.set( v );
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* set camera in perspective mode and sets the properties
* @method setPerspective
* @param {number} fov in degrees
* @param {number} aspect the aspect modifier (not the real final aspect, leave it to one)
* @param {number} near distance
* @param {number} far distance
Camera.prototype.setPerspective = function( fov, aspect, near, far )
	this._fov = fov;
	this._aspect = aspect;
	this._near = near;
	this._far = far;
	this._type = Camera.PERSPECTIVE;
	this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;

* set camera in orthographic mode and sets the planes
* @method setOrthographic
* @param {number} left
* @param {number} right
* @param {number} bottom
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} near
* @param {number} far
Camera.prototype.setOrthographic = function( left, right, bottom,top, near, far )
	this._near = near;
	this._far = far;
	this._type = Camera.ORTHO2D;
	this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;

* moves the camera by adding the delta vector to center and eye
* @method move
* @param {vec3} delta
Camera.prototype.move = function(v)
	if(this._root && this._root.transform)
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

	vec3.add(this._center, this._center, v);
	vec3.add(this._eye, this._eye, v);
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* rotate the camera around its center
* @method rotate
* @param {number} angle_in_deg
* @param {vec3} axis
* @param {boolean} in_local_space allows to specify if the axis is in local space or global space
Camera.prototype.rotate = (function() { 
	var tmp_quat = quat.create();
	var tmp_vec3 = vec3.create();
	return function( angle_in_deg, axis, in_local_space )
		if(angle_in_deg == 0)

		if(this._root && this._root.transform)
			this._root.transform.rotate( angle_in_deg, axis, !in_local_space );
			this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

		if( in_local_space )
			this.getLocalVector( axis, tmp_vec3 );
			tmp_vec3.set( axis );

		var R = quat.setAxisAngle( tmp_quat, tmp_vec3, angle_in_deg * 0.0174532925 );
		var front = vec3.subtract( tmp_vec3, this._center, this._eye );

		vec3.transformQuat( front, front, R );
		vec3.add(this._center, this._eye, front);
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* Rotates the camera eye around a center
* @method orbit
* @param {number} angle_in_deg
* @param {vec3} axis
* @param {vec3} center optional
Camera.prototype.orbit = (function() { 
	var tmp_quat = quat.create();
	var tmp_vec3 = vec3.create();

	return function( angle_in_deg, axis, center )
		angle_in_deg = angle_in_deg || 0;

		if(angle_in_deg == 0)

			throw("axis missing");

		if(this._root && this._root.transform)
			this._root.transform.orbit( angle_in_deg, axis, center || this.getCenter() );
			this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

		center = center || this._center;
		var R = quat.setAxisAngle( tmp_quat, axis, angle_in_deg * 0.0174532925 );
		var front = vec3.subtract( tmp_vec3, this._eye, center );
		vec3.transformQuat( front, front, R );
		vec3.add( this._eye, center, front );
		this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

//this is too similar to setDistanceToCenter, must be removed
Camera.prototype.orbitDistanceFactor = function(f, center)
	center = center || this._center;
	var front = vec3.subtract( vec3.create(), this._eye, center );
	vec3.scale(front, front, f);
	vec3.add(this._eye, center, front);
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* Pans the camera (move acording to view)
* @method panning
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
Camera.prototype.panning = (function(x,y) { 
	var tmp_top = vec3.create();
	var tmp_right = vec3.create();
	var tmp = vec3.create();

	return function( x,y, factor )
		factor = factor || 1;
		this.getLocalVector( LS.TOP, tmp_top );
		this.getLocalVector( LS.RIGHT, tmp_right );
		vec3.scaleAndAdd( tmp, LS.ZEROS, tmp_top, y * factor );
		vec3.scaleAndAdd( tmp, tmp, tmp_right, x * factor );
		this.move( tmp );

* changes the distance between eye and center ( it could move the center or the eye, depending on the parameters )
* @method setDistanceToCenter
* @param {number} new_distance
* @param {boolean} move_eye if this is true it moves the eye closer, otherwise it moves the center closer to the eye
Camera.prototype.setDistanceToCenter = function( new_distance, move_eye )
		console.warn("cannot use setDistanceToCenter in a camera attached to a node");

	var front = vec3.sub( vec3.create(), this._center, this._eye );
	var dist = vec3.length( front );
		vec3.scaleAndAdd( this._eye, this._center, front, -new_distance / dist  );
		vec3.scaleAndAdd( this._center, this._eye, front, new_distance / dist );
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* orients the camera (changes where is facing) according to the rotation supplied
* @method setOrientation
* @param {quat} q
Camera.prototype.setOrientation = function(q, use_vr)
	var center = this.getCenter();
	var eye = this.getEye();
	var up = [0,1,0];

	var to_target = vec3.sub( vec3.create(), center, eye );
	var dist = vec3.length( to_target );

	var front = null;
	front = vec3.fromValues(0,0,-dist);

		vec3.rotateY( front, front, Math.PI * -0.5 );
		vec3.rotateY( up, up, Math.PI * -0.5 );

	vec3.transformQuat(front, front, q);
	vec3.transformQuat(up, up, q);

		vec3.rotateY( front, front, Math.PI * 0.5 );
		vec3.rotateY( up, up, Math.PI * 0.5 );

	this.center = vec3.add( vec3.create(), eye, front );
	this.up = up;

	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* orients the camera (changes where is facing) using euler angles (yaw,pitch,roll)
* @method setEulerAngles
* @param {Number} yaw
* @param {Number} pitch
* @param {Number} roll
Camera.prototype.setEulerAngles = function(yaw,pitch,roll)
	var q = quat.create();
	quat.fromEuler(q, [yaw, pitch, roll] );

* uses a view matrix to compute the eye,center,up vectors
* @method fromViewMatrix
* @param {mat4} mat the given view matrix
Camera.prototype.fromViewMatrix = function(mat)
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		var model = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), mat );
		this._root.transform.fromMatrix( model, true );

	var M = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), mat );
	this.eye = vec3.transformMat4( vec3.create(), LS.ZEROS, M );
	this.center = vec3.transformMat4( vec3.create(), LS.FRONT, M );
	this.up = mat4.rotateVec3( vec3.create(), M, LS.TOP );
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;

* overwrites the current projection matrix with a given one (it also blocks the camera from modifying the projection matrix)
* @method setCustomProjectionMatrix
* @param {mat4} mat the given projection matrix (or null to disable it)
Camera.prototype.setCustomProjectionMatrix = function( mat )
		this._use_custom_projection_matrix = false;
		this._must_update_projection_matrix = true;
		this._use_custom_projection_matrix = true;
		this._projection_matrix.set( mat );
		this._must_update_projection_matrix = false;
		mat4.multiply( this._viewprojection_matrix, this._projection_matrix, this._view_matrix );

* Sets the viewport in pixels (using the gl.canvas as reference)
* @method setViewportInPixels
* @param {number} left
* @param {number} right
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
Camera.prototype.setViewportInPixels = function(left,bottom,width,height)
	this._viewport[0] = left / gl.canvas.width;
	this._viewport[1] = bottom / gl.canvas.height;
	this._viewport[2] = width / gl.canvas.width;
	this._viewport[3] = height / gl.canvas.height;

* Converts a 3D point to its 2D position in canvas space
* @method project
* @param {vec3} vec 3D position we want to proyect to 2D
* @param {vec4} [viewport=null] viewport info (if omited full canvas viewport is used)
* @param {vec3} result where to store the result, if omited it is created
* @return {vec3} the coordinates in 2D

Camera.prototype.project = function( vec, viewport, result, skip_reverse )
	result = result || vec3.create();

		throw("camera project parameter 'vec' cannot be null");

	viewport = this.getLocalViewport(viewport);

	if( this._must_update_view_matrix || this._must_update_projection_matrix )

	//from https://github.com/hughsk/from-3d-to-2d/blob/master/index.js
	var m = this._viewprojection_matrix;

	vec3.project( result, vec, this._viewprojection_matrix, viewport );
		result[1] = viewport[3] - result[1] + viewport[1]*2; //why 2? no idea, but it works :(
	return result;

* It tells you the 2D position of a node center in the screen
* @method projectNodeCenter
* @param {vec3} vec 3D position we want to proyect to 2D
* @param {vec4} [viewport=null] viewport info (if omited full canvas viewport is used)
* @param {vec3} result where to store the result, if omited it is created
* @return {vec3} the coordinates in 2D
Camera.prototype.projectNodeCenter = function( node, viewport, result, skip_reverse )
	var center = node.transform ? node.transform.getGlobalPosition() : LS.ZEROS;
	return this.project( center, viewport, result, skip_reverse );

* Converts a screen space 2D vector (with a Z value) to its 3D equivalent position
* @method unproject
* @param {vec3} vec 2D position we want to proyect to 3D
* @param {vec4} [viewport=null] viewport info (if omited full canvas viewport is used)
* @param {vec3} result where to store the result, if omited it is created
* @return {vec3} the coordinates in 2D
Camera.prototype.unproject = function( vec, viewport, result )
	viewport = this.getLocalViewport(viewport);
	if( this._must_update_view_matrix || this._must_update_projection_matrix )
	return vec3.unproject(result || vec3.create(), vec, this._viewprojection_matrix, viewport );

* returns the viewport in pixels applying the local camera viewport to the full viewport of the canvas
* @method getLocalViewport
* @param {vec4} [viewport=null] viewport info, otherwise the canvas dimensions will be used (not the current viewport)
* @param {vec4} [result=vec4] where to store the result, if omited it is created
* @return {vec4} the viewport info of the camera in pixels
Camera.prototype.getLocalViewport = function( viewport, result )
	result = result || vec4.create();

	//if no viewport specified, use the full canvas viewport as reference
		result[0] = gl.canvas.width * this._viewport[0]; //asume starts in 0
		result[1] = gl.canvas.height * this._viewport[1]; //asume starts in 0
		result[2] = gl.canvas.width * this._viewport[2];
		result[3] = gl.canvas.height * this._viewport[3];
		return result;

	//apply viewport
	result[0] = Math.floor(viewport[2] * this._viewport[0] + viewport[0]);
	result[1] = Math.floor(viewport[3] * this._viewport[1] + viewport[1]);
	result[2] = Math.ceil(viewport[2] * this._viewport[2]);
	result[3] = Math.ceil(viewport[3] * this._viewport[3]);
	return result;

* given an x and y position, returns the ray {start, dir}
* @method getRay
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {vec4} viewport viewport coordinates (if omited full viewport is used using the camera viewport)
* @param {boolean} skip_local_viewport ignore the local camera viewport configuration when computing the viewport
* @param {LS.Ray} result [optional] to reuse ray
* @return {LS.Ray} {origin:vec3, direction:vec3} or null is values are undefined or NaN
Camera.prototype.getRay = function(x,y, viewport, skip_local_viewport, result )
	//apply camera viewport
		viewport = this.getLocalViewport( viewport, this._viewport_in_pixels );

	if( this._must_update_view_matrix || this._must_update_projection_matrix )
	var eye = this.getEye();
	var pos = vec3.unproject(vec3.create(), [x,y,1], this._viewprojection_matrix, viewport );
		return null;

	if(this.type == Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC)
		eye = vec3.unproject(eye, [x,y,0], this._viewprojection_matrix, viewport );

	var dir = vec3.subtract( pos, pos, eye );
	vec3.normalize(dir, dir);

	result = result || new LS.Ray();
	return result;

Camera.prototype.getRayInPixel = Camera.prototype.getRay; //LEGACY

* Returns true if the 2D point (in screen space coordinates) is inside the camera viewport area
* @method isPointInCamera
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {vec4} viewport viewport coordinates (if omited full viewport is used)
* @return {boolean} 
Camera.prototype.isPointInCamera = function( x, y, viewport )
	var v = this.getLocalViewport( viewport, this._viewport_in_pixels );
	if( x < v[0] || x > v[0] + v[2] ||
		y < v[1] || y > v[1] + v[3] )
		return false;
	return true;

Camera.prototype.configure = function(o)
	if(o.uid !== undefined) this.uid = o.uid;
	if(o.layers !== undefined) this.layers = o.layers;

	if(o.enabled !== undefined) this.enabled = o.enabled;
	if(o.type !== undefined) this._type = o.type;

	if(o.eye !== undefined) this._eye.set(o.eye);
	if(o.center !== undefined) this._center.set(o.center);
	if(o.up !== undefined) this._up.set(o.up);

	if(o.near !== undefined) this._near = o.near;
	if(o.far !== undefined) this._far = o.far;
	if(o.fov !== undefined) this._fov = o.fov;
	if(o.aspect !== undefined) this._aspect = o.aspect;
	if(o.final_aspect !== undefined) this._final_aspect = o.final_aspect;
	if(o.frustum_size !== undefined) this._frustum_size = o.frustum_size;
	if(o.viewport !== undefined) this._viewport.set( o.viewport );
	if(o.orthographic !== undefined) this._ortho.set( o.orthographic );

	if(o.background_color !== undefined) this._background_color.set( o.background_color );

	if(o.render_to_texture !== undefined) this.render_to_texture = o.render_to_texture;
	if(o.frame && this._frame) this._frame.configure( o.frame );
	if(o.show_frame !== undefined) this.show_frame = o.show_frame;

	if(o.clear_color !== undefined) this.clear_color = !!o.clear_color;
	if(o.clear_depth !== undefined) this.clear_depth = !!o.clear_depth;

	this.updateMatrices( true );

Camera.prototype.serialize = function()
	var o = {
		object_class: "Camera",
		uid: this.uid,
		layers: this.layers,
		enabled: this.enabled,
		type: this._type,
		eye: vec3.toArray(this._eye),
		center: vec3.toArray(this._center),
		up: vec3.toArray(this._up),
		near: this._near,
		far: this._far,
		fov: this._fov,
		aspect: this._aspect,
		orthographic: vec4.toArray(this._ortho),
		background_color: vec4.toArray(this._background_color),
		frustum_size: this._frustum_size,
		viewport: toArray( this._viewport ),
		render_to_texture: this.render_to_texture,
		frame: this._frame ? this._frame.serialize() : null,
		show_frame: this.show_frame,
		clear_color: this.clear_color,
		clear_depth: this.clear_depth

	return o;

//Layer stuff
Camera.prototype.checkLayersVisibility = function( layers )
	return (this.layers & layers) !== 0;

Camera.prototype.getLayers = function()
	var r = [];
	for(var i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
		if( this.layers & (1<<i) )
			r.push( this._root.scene.layer_names[i] || ("layer"+i) );
	return r;

Camera.prototype.setLayer = function(num, value) 
	var f = 1<<num;
	this.layers = (this.layers & (~f));
		this.layers |= f;

Camera.prototype.isInLayer = function(num)
	return (this.layers & (1<<num)) !== 0;

//Mostly used for gizmos
Camera.prototype.getTransformMatrix = function( element )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return null; //use the node transform

	var p = null;
	if (element == "center")
		p = this._center;
		p = this._eye;

	var T = mat4.create();
	mat4.setTranslation( T, p );
	return T;

Camera.prototype.applyTransformMatrix = function( matrix, center, element )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return false; //ignore transform

	var p = null;
	if (element == "center")
		p = this._center;
		p = this._eye;
	mat4.multiplyVec3( p, matrix, p );
	this._must_update_view_matrix = true;
	return true;

//Rendering stuff ******************************************

//used when rendering to a texture
Camera.prototype.enableRenderFrameContext = function()

Camera.prototype.disableRenderFrameContext = function()
		LS.Renderer.showRenderFrameContext( this._frame, this );

Camera.prototype.prepare = function()
	this._previous_viewprojection_matrix.set( this._viewprojection_matrix );

Camera.prototype.fillShaderUniforms = function()
	var uniforms = this._uniforms;
	uniforms.u_camera_planes[0] = this.near;
	uniforms.u_camera_planes[1] = this.far;
	if(this.type == LS.Camera.PERSPECTIVE)
		uniforms.u_camera_perspective.set( [ this.fov * DEG2RAD, 512 / Math.tan( this.fov * DEG2RAD ) ] );
		uniforms.u_camera_perspective.set( [ this._frustum_size, 512 / this._frustum_size ] );
	uniforms.u_camera_perspective[2] = this._projection_matrix[5]; //[1][1]

	this.getEye( uniforms.u_camera_eye );
	this.getFront( uniforms.u_camera_front );

	return uniforms;

LS.registerComponent( Camera );
LS.Camera = Camera;