API Docs for:

File: ../src/components/light.js

//***** LIGHT ***************************

* Light contains all the info about the light (type: SPOT, OMNI, DIRECTIONAL, attenuations, shadows, etc)
* @class Light
* @namespace LS.Components
* @constructor
* @param {Object} object to configure from
function Light(o)
	* Position of the light in world space
	* @property position
	* @type {[[x,y,z]]}
	* @default [0,0,0]
	this._position = vec3.create();
	* Position where the light is pointing at (in world space)
	* @property target
	* @type {[[x,y,z]]}
	* @default [0,0,1]
	this._target = vec3.fromValues(0,0,1);
	* Up vector (in world coordinates)
	* @property up
	* @type {[[x,y,z]]}
	* @default [0,1,0]
	this._up = vec3.fromValues(0,1,0);

	* Enabled
	* @property enabled
	* @type {Boolean}
	* @default true
	this.enabled = true;

	* Layers mask, this layers define which objects are iluminated by this light
	* @property layers
	* @type {Number}
	* @default true
	this.layers = 0xFF;

	* Near distance
	* @property near
	* @type {Number}
	* @default 1
	this.near = 1;
	* Far distance
	* @property far
	* @type {Number}
	* @default 1000

	this.far = 500;
	* Angle for the spot light inner apperture
	* @property angle
	* @type {Number}
	* @default 45
	this.angle = 45; //spot cone
	* Angle for the spot light outer apperture
	* @property angle_end
	* @type {Number}
	* @default 60
	this.angle_end = 60; //spot cone end

	this.constant_diffuse = false;
	this.use_specular = true;
	this.att_start = 0;
	this.att_end = 1000;

	* @property attenuation_type
	* @type {Number}
	* @default [1,1,1]
	this.attenuation_type = Light.RANGE_ATTENUATION; //0: none, 1:linear, 2:range, ...
	this.offset = 0;
	this._spot_cone = true;

	this.projective_texture = null;

	this._attenuation_info = new Float32Array([ this.att_start, this.att_end, this.attenuation_type, 0 ]); //start,end,type,extra

	//use target (when attached to node)
	this.use_target = false;

	* The color of the light
	* @property color
	* @type {vec3}
	* @default [1,1,1]
	this._color = vec3.fromValues(1,1,1);
	* The intensity of the light
	* @property intensity
	* @type {Number}
	* @default 1
	this.intensity = 1;

	this._type = Light.OMNI;
	this.frustum_size = 50; //ortho

	* If the light cast shadows
	* @property cast_shadows
	* @type {Boolean}
	* @default false
	this.cast_shadows = false;
	this.shadow_bias = 0.05;
	this.shadowmap_resolution = 0; //use automatic shadowmap size
	this.shadow_type = "hard"; //0 hard shadows

	//used to force the computation of the light matrix for the shader (otherwise only if projective texture or shadows are enabled)
	this.force_light_matrix = false; 
	this._light_matrix = mat4.create();

	this.extra_texture = null;

	//vectors in world space
	this._front = vec3.clone( LS.FRONT );
	this._right = vec3.clone( LS.RIGHT );
	this._top = vec3.clone( LS.TOP );

	//for StandardMaterial
	this._samplers = [];

	//light uniforms
	this._uniforms = {
		u_light_info: vec4.fromValues( this._type, this._spot_cone ? 1 : 0, 0, 0 ), //light type, spot cone, index of pass, num passes
		u_light_front: this._front,
		u_light_angle: vec4.fromValues( this.angle * DEG2RAD, this.angle_end * DEG2RAD, Math.cos( this.angle * DEG2RAD * 0.5 ), Math.cos( this.angle_end * DEG2RAD * 0.5 ) ),
		u_light_position: this._position,
		u_light_color: vec3.create(),
		u_light_att: this._attenuation_info,
		u_light_offset: this.offset,
		u_light_extra: vec4.create(),
		u_light_matrix: this._light_matrix
//		u_shadow_params: vec4.fromValues( 1, this.shadow_bias, 1, 100 ),
//		shadowmap: LS.Renderer.SHADOWMAP_TEXTURE_SLOT

		if(o.shadowmap_resolution !== undefined)
			this.shadowmap_resolution = parseInt(o.shadowmap_resolution); //LEGACY: REMOVE

	if(global.gl && !gl.extensions.WEBGL_depth_texture)
		Light.use_shadowmap_depth_texture = false;


Light.AttenuationTypes = {
	"none": Light.NO_ATTENUATION,
	"linear": Light.LINEAR_ATTENUATION,

Light["@projective_texture"] = { type: LS.TYPES.TEXTURE };
Light["@extra_texture"] = { type: LS.TYPES.TEXTURE };
Light["@color"] = { type: LS.TYPES.COLOR };
Light["@attenuation_type"] = { type: "enum", values: Light.AttenuationTypes };

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'type', {
	get: function() { return this._type; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._uniforms.u_light_info[0] = v;
		this._type = v;
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'position', {
	get: function() { return this._position; },
	set: function(v) { this._position.set(v); },
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'target', {
	get: function() { return this._target; },
	set: function(v) { this._target.set(v);  },
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'extra', {
	get: function() { return this._uniforms.u_light_extra; },
	set: function(v) { 
			this._uniforms.u_light_extra.set(v);  },
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'up', {
	get: function() { return this._up; },
	set: function(v) { this._up.set(v);  },
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'color', {
	get: function() { return this._color; },
	set: function(v) { this._color.set(v); },
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Light.prototype, 'spot_cone', {
	get: function() { return this._spot_cone; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._spot_cone = v;
		this._uniforms.u_light_info[1] = v ? 1 : 0;
	enumerable: true

Light.OMNI = 1;
Light.SPOT = 2;


Light.use_shadowmap_depth_texture = true;
Light.shadow_shaderblocks = [];
Light.shadow_shaderblocks_by_name = [];

Light.prototype.onAddedToNode = function(node)
		node.light = this;

Light.prototype.onRemovedFromNode = function(node)
	if(node.light == this)
		delete node.light;

Light.prototype.onAddedToScene = function(scene)
	LEvent.bind( scene, "collectLights", this.onCollectLights, this ); 

Light.prototype.onRemovedFromScene = function(scene)
	LEvent.unbind( scene, "collectLights", this.onCollectLights, this );
	LS.ResourcesManager.unregisterResource( ":shadowmap_" + this.uid );

Light.prototype.onCollectLights = function(e, lights)

	//add to lights vector

Light._temp_matrix = mat4.create();
Light._temp2_matrix = mat4.create();
Light._temp3_matrix = mat4.create();
Light._temp_position = vec3.create();
Light._temp_target = vec3.create();
Light._temp_up = vec3.create();
Light._temp_front = vec3.create();

//Used to create a camera from a light
Light.prototype.updateLightCamera = function()
		this._light_camera = new LS.Components.Camera();

	var camera = this._light_camera;
	camera.eye = this.getPosition( Light._temp_position );
	camera.center = this.getTarget( Light._temp_target );

	var up = this.getUp( Light._temp_up );
	var front = this.getFront( Light._temp_front );
	if( Math.abs( vec3.dot(front,up) ) > 0.999 ) 
	camera.up = up;
	camera.type = this.type == Light.DIRECTIONAL ? LS.Components.Camera.ORTHOGRAPHIC : LS.Components.Camera.PERSPECTIVE;

	var closest_far = this.computeShadowmapFar();

	camera.frustum_size = this.frustum_size || Light.DEFAULT_DIRECTIONAL_FRUSTUM_SIZE;
	camera.near = this.near;
	camera.far = closest_far;
	camera.fov = (this.angle_end || 45); //fov is in degrees


	this._light_matrix.set( camera._viewprojection_matrix );

	if(this.type == Light.DIRECTIONAL && this.cast_shadows && this.enabled)
		var shadowmap_resolution = this.shadowmap_resolution || Light.DEFAULT_SHADOWMAP_RESOLUTION;
		var texelSize = frustum_size / shadowmap_resolution;
		view_matrix[12] = Math.floor( view_matrix[12] / texelSize) * texelSize;
		view_matrix[13] = Math.floor( view_matrix[13] / texelSize) * texelSize;

	return camera;

* Returns the camera that will match the light orientation (taking into account fov, etc), useful for shadowmaps
* @method getLightCamera
* @return {Camera} the camera
Light.prototype.getLightCamera = function()
	return this._light_camera;

* updates all the important vectors (target, position, etc) according to the node parent of the light
* @method updateVectors
Light.prototype.updateVectors = (function(){
	var temp_v3 = vec3.create();

	return function()
		//if the light is inside the root node of the scene
		if(!this._root || !this._root.transform) 
			//position, target and up are already valid
			 //vec3.subtract(this._front, this.position, this.target ); //positive z front
			 vec3.subtract(this._front, this._target, this._position ); //positive z front
			 vec3.normalize( temp_v3, this._up );
			 vec3.cross( this._right, this._front, temp_v3 );
			 vec3.cross( this._top, this._right, this._front );

		var mat = this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrixRef();

		mat4.getTranslation( this._position, mat);
		if (!this.use_target)
			mat4.multiplyVec3( this._target, mat, LS.FRONT ); //right in front of the object
		mat4.multiplyVec3( this._up, mat, LS.TOP ); //right in front of the object

		mat4.rotateVec3( this._front, mat, LS.FRONT ); 
		mat4.rotateVec3( this._right, mat, LS.RIGHT ); 
		vec3.copy( this._top, this.up ); 
* returns a copy of the light position (in global coordinates), if you want local you can access the position property
* @method getPosition
* @param {vec3} output optional
* @return {vec3} the position
Light.prototype.getPosition = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	//if(this._root && this._root.transform) return this._root.transform.localToGlobal( this.position, p || vec3.create() );
	if(this._root && this._root.transform) 
		return this._root.transform.getGlobalPosition( out );
	out.set( this._position );
	return out;

* returns a copy of the light target (in global coordinates), if you want local you can access the target property
* @method getTarget
* @param {vec3} output optional
* @return {vec3} the target
Light.prototype.getTarget = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();
	if(this._root && this._root.transform && !this.use_target) 
		return this._root.transform.localToGlobal( LS.FRONT , out );
	out.set( this._target );
	return out;

* returns a copy of the light up vector (in global coordinates), if you want local you can access the up property
* @method getUp
* @param {vec3} output optional
* @return {vec3} the up vector
Light.prototype.getUp = function( out )
	out = out || vec3.create();

	if(this._root && this._root.transform) 
		return this._root.transform.transformVector( LS.TOP , out );
	out.set( this._up );
	return out;

* returns a copy of the front vector (in global coordinates)
* @method getFront
* @param {vec3} output optional
* @return {vec3} the front vector
Light.prototype.getFront = function( out ) 
	var front = out || vec3.create();
	this.getPosition( front );
	vec3.subtract( front, front, this.getTarget( Light._temp_position ) ); //front is reversed?
	//vec3.subtract(front, this.getTarget(), this.getPosition() ); //front is reversed?
	vec3.normalize(front, front);
	return front;

Light.prototype.getLightRotationMatrix = function()

Light.prototype.getResources = function (res)
		res[ this.projective_texture ] = GL.Texture;
		res[ this.extra_texture ] = GL.Texture;
	return res;

Light.prototype.onResourceRenamed = function (old_name, new_name, resource)
	if(this.projective_texture == old_name)
		this.projective_texture = new_name;
	if(this.extra_texture == old_name)
		this.extra_texture = new_name;

//Layer stuff
Light.prototype.checkLayersVisibility = function( layers )
	return (this.layers & layers) !== 0;

Light.prototype.isInLayer = function(num)
	return (this.layers & (1<<num)) !== 0;

* This method is called by the LS.Renderer when the light needs to be prepared to be used during render (compute light camera, create shadowmaps, prepare macros, etc)
* @method prepare
* @param {Object} render_settings info about how the scene will be rendered
Light.prototype.prepare = function( render_settings )
	var uniforms = this._uniforms;
	var samplers = this._samplers;

	//projective texture needs the light matrix to compute projection
	if(this.projective_texture || this.cast_shadows || this.force_light_matrix)

	if( (!render_settings.shadows_enabled || !this.cast_shadows) && this._shadowmap)
		this._shadowmap = null;
		delete LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":shadowmap_" + this.uid ];


	if( this.cast_shadows )
		this._shadow_shaderblock_info = Light.shadow_shaderblocks_by_name[ this.shadow_type ];
		//this._shadow_shaderblock_info = Light.shadow_shaderblocks_by_name[ this.hard_shadows ? "hard" : "soft" ];

	//if(this.type == Light.DIRECTIONAL || this.type == Light.SPOT)
	//	uniforms.u_light_front = this._front;
	if(this.type == Light.SPOT)
		uniforms.u_light_angle[0] = this.angle * DEG2RAD;
		uniforms.u_light_angle[1] = this.angle_end * DEG2RAD;
		uniforms.u_light_angle[2] = Math.cos( this.angle * DEG2RAD * 0.5 );
		uniforms.u_light_angle[3] = Math.cos( this.angle_end * DEG2RAD * 0.5 );

	vec3.scale( uniforms.u_light_color, this.color, this.intensity );
	this._attenuation_info[0] = this.att_start;
	this._attenuation_info[1] = this.att_end;
	this._attenuation_info[2] = this.attenuation_type;
	uniforms.u_light_offset = this.offset;

	//generate shadowmaps
	var must_update_shadowmap = (render_settings.update_shadowmaps || (!this._shadowmap && !LS.ResourcesManager.isLoading())) && render_settings.shadows_enabled && !render_settings.lights_disabled && !render_settings.low_quality;

		var cameras = LS.Renderer._visible_cameras;
		var is_inside_one_camera = false;

		if( !render_settings.update_all_shadowmaps && cameras && this.type == Light.OMNI && this.attenuation_type > Light.LINEAL_ATTENUATION )
			var closest_far = this.computeShadowmapFar();
			for(var i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++)
				if( geo.frustumTestSphere( cameras[i]._frustum_planes, this.position, closest_far ) != CLIP_OUTSIDE )
					is_inside_one_camera = true;
		else //we only check for omnis, cone frustum collision not developed yet
			is_inside_one_camera = true;

		if( is_inside_one_camera )
			this.generateShadowmap( render_settings );

	if( this._shadowmap && !this.cast_shadows )
		this._shadowmap = null; //remove shadowmap

	//prepare samplers
	this._samplers.length = 0;
	var use_shadows = this.cast_shadows && this._shadowmap && this._light_matrix != null && !render_settings.shadows_disabled;

	//projective texture
		var light_projective_texture = this.projective_texture.constructor === String ? LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ this.projective_texture ] : this.projective_texture;
			if(light_projective_texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
				uniforms.light_cubemap = LS.Renderer.LIGHTPROJECTOR_TEXTURE_SLOT;
				uniforms.light_texture = LS.Renderer.LIGHTPROJECTOR_TEXTURE_SLOT;
		samplers[ LS.Renderer.LIGHTPROJECTOR_TEXTURE_SLOT ] = light_projective_texture;
		delete uniforms["light_texture"];
		delete uniforms["light_cubemap"];

		var extra_texture = this.extra_texture.constructor === String ? LS.ResourcesManager.textures[this.extra_texture] : this.extra_texture;
			if(extra_texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
				uniforms.extra_light_cubemap = LS.Renderer.LIGHTEXTRA_TEXTURE_SLOT;
				uniforms.extra_light_texture = LS.Renderer.LIGHTEXTRA_TEXTURE_SLOT;
		samplers[ LS.Renderer.LIGHTEXTRA_TEXTURE_SLOT ] = extra_texture;
		delete uniforms["extra_light_texture"];
		delete uniforms["extra_light_cubemap"];

	//use shadows?
		var closest_far = this.computeShadowmapFar();
			uniforms.u_shadow_params = vec4.create();
		uniforms.u_shadow_params.set([ 1.0 / this._shadowmap.width, this.shadow_bias, this.near, closest_far ]);
		//uniforms.shadowmap = this._shadowmap.bind(10); //fixed slot
		uniforms.shadowmap = LS.Renderer.SHADOWMAP_TEXTURE_SLOT;
		uniforms.u_light_matrix = this._light_matrix;
		samplers[ LS.Renderer.SHADOWMAP_TEXTURE_SLOT ] = this._shadowmap;
		delete uniforms["u_shadow_params"];
		delete uniforms["shadowmap"];

* Collects and returns the shader query of the light (some macros have to be computed now because they depend not only on the light, also on the node or material)
* @method getQuery
* @param {RenderInstance} instance the render instance where this light will be applied
* @param {Object} render_settings info about how the scene will be rendered
* @return {ShaderQuery} the macros
Light.prototype.getQuery = function(instance, render_settings)
	var query = this._query;

	var use_shadows = this.cast_shadows && this._shadowmap && this._light_matrix != null && !render_settings.shadows_disabled;

	if(!this.constant_diffuse && !instance.material.constant_diffuse)
		query.macros.USE_DIFFUSE_LIGHT = "";
		delete query.macros["USE_DIFFUSE_LIGHT"];

	if(this.use_specular && instance.material.specular_factor > 0)
		query.macros.USE_SPECULAR_LIGHT = "";	
		delete query.macros["USE_SPECULAR_LIGHT"];

	if(use_shadows && instance.material.flags.receive_shadows )
		query.macros.USE_SHADOW_MAP = "";
		if(this._shadowmap && this._shadowmap.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
			query.macros.USE_SHADOW_CUBEMAP = "";
		if(this.hard_shadows)// || macros.USE_SHADOW_CUBEMAP != null)
			query.macros.USE_HARD_SHADOWS = "";
		if(this._shadowmap && this._shadowmap.format == gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT)
			query.macros.USE_SHADOW_DEPTH_TEXTURE = "";
		query.macros.SHADOWMAP_OFFSET = "";
		delete query.macros["USE_SHADOW_MAP"];

	return query;

* Optimization: instead of using the far plane, we take into account the attenuation to avoid rendering objects where the light will never reach
* @method computeShadowmapFar
* @return {number} distance
Light.prototype.computeShadowmapFar = function()
	var closest_far = this.far;

	if( this.type == Light.OMNI )
		//Math.SQRT2 because in a 45� triangle the hypotenuse is sqrt(1+1) * side
		if( this.attenuation_type == Light.RANGE_ATTENUATION  && (this.att_end * Math.SQRT2) < closest_far)
			closest_far = this.att_end / Math.SQRT2;

		//TODO, if no range_attenuation but linear_attenuation also check intensity to reduce the far
		if( this.attenuation_type == Light.RANGE_ATTENUATION && this.att_end < closest_far)
			closest_far = this.att_end;

	return closest_far;

* Computes the max amount of light this object can produce (taking into account every color channel)
* @method computeLightIntensity
* @return {number} intensity
Light.prototype.computeLightIntensity = function()
	var max = Math.max( this.color[0], this.color[1], this.color[2] );
	return Math.max(0,max * this.intensity);

* Computes the light radius according to the attenuation
* @method computeLightRadius
* @return {number} radius
Light.prototype.computeLightRadius = function()
	//linear attenuation has no ending so infinite
	if(this.attenuation_type == Light.NO_ATTENUATION || this.attenuation_type == Light.LINEAR_ATTENUATION )
		return -1;

	if( this.type == Light.OMNI )
		return this.att_end * Math.SQRT2;

	return this.att_end;

* Generates the shadowmap for this light
* @method generateShadowmap
* @return {Object} render_settings
Light.prototype.generateShadowmap = function (render_settings)

	var light_intensity = this.computeLightIntensity();
	if( light_intensity < 0.0001 )

	//create the texture
	var shadowmap_resolution = this.shadowmap_resolution;
	if(shadowmap_resolution == 0)
		shadowmap_resolution = render_settings.default_shadowmap_resolution;

	var tex_type = this.type == Light.OMNI ? gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : gl.TEXTURE_2D;
	if(this._shadowmap == null || this._shadowmap.width != shadowmap_resolution || this._shadowmap.texture_type != tex_type )
		var type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
		var format = gl.RGBA;

		//not all webgl implementations support depth textures
		if( LS.Light.use_shadowmap_depth_texture && gl.extensions.WEBGL_depth_texture && this.type != LS.Light.OMNI )
			format = gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
			type = gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
		//create texture to store the shadowmap
		this._shadowmap = new GL.Texture( shadowmap_resolution, shadowmap_resolution, { type: type, texture_type: tex_type, format: format, magFilter: gl.NEAREST, minFilter: gl.NEAREST });
		LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":shadowmap_" + this.uid ] = this._shadowmap; //debug
		if( this._shadowmap.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D )
			if(format == gl.RGBA)
				this._fbo = new GL.FBO( [this._shadowmap] );
				this._fbo = new GL.FBO( null, this._shadowmap );

	LS.Renderer.setRenderPass( SHADOW_PASS );
	LS.Renderer._current_light = this;

	//render the scene inside the texture
	if(this.type == Light.OMNI) //render to cubemap
		var closest_far = this.computeShadowmapFar();
		LS.Renderer.renderToCubemap( this.getPosition(), shadowmap_resolution, this._shadowmap, render_settings, this.near, closest_far );
		var shadow_camera = this.getLightCamera();
		LS.Renderer.enableCamera( shadow_camera, render_settings, true );

		// Render the object viewed from the light using a shader that returns the
		// fragment depth.
		LS.Renderer._current_target = this._shadowmap;

		gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
		//gl.clearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);

		//RENDER INSTANCES in the shadowmap
		LS.Renderer.renderInstances( render_settings );

		LS.Renderer._current_target = null;

	LS.Renderer.setRenderPass( COLOR_PASS );
	LS.Renderer._current_light = null;

* It returns the global matrix 
* @method getGlobalMatrix
* @param {mat4} output [optional]
* @return {mat4} mat4
Light.prototype.getGlobalMatrix = function( mat )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrix( mat ); //use the node transform

	mat = mat || mat4.create();
	mat4.lookAt( mat, this._position, this._target, LS.TOP );
	return mat;

* It returns a matrix in the position of the given light property (target, position), mostly used for gizmos
* @method getTransformMatrix
* @param {String} element "target" or "position"
* @param {mat4} output [optional]
* @return {mat4} mat4
Light.prototype.getTransformMatrix = function( element, mat )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return this._root.transform.getGlobalMatrix( mat ); //use the node transform

	var p = null;
	if( element == "matrix" )
		return this.getGlobalMatrix(mat);
	if (element == "target")
		p = this.target;
	else //if (element == "position")
		p = this.position;

	var T = mat || mat4.create();
	mat4.setTranslation( T, p );
	return T;

* apply a transformation to a given light property, this is done in a function to allow more complex gizmos
* @method applyTransformMatrix
* @param {mat4} matrix transformation in matrix form
* @param {vec3} center �?
* @param {string} property_name "target" or "position"
* @return {mat4} mat4
Light.prototype.applyTransformMatrix = function( matrix, center, property_name )
	if( this._root && this._root.transform )
		return false; //ignore transform

	var p = null;
	if (property_name == "target")
		p = this.target;
		p = this.position;

	mat4.multiplyVec3( p, matrix, p );
	return true;

Light.prototype.applyShaderBlockFlags = function( flags, pass, render_settings )
		return flags;

	//get the default light shader block
	flags |= Light.shader_block.flag_mask;

		flags |= Light.attenuation_block.flag_mask;

		flags |= Light.light_texture_block.flag_mask;

	//disabled now
	if( this.cast_shadows && render_settings.shadows_enabled )
		if(this.type == Light.OMNI)
			//flags |= Light.shadowmapping_cube_shader_block.flag_mask;
			//take into account if using depth texture or color texture
			var shadow_block = this._shadow_shaderblock_info ? this._shadow_shaderblock_info.shaderblock : null;
				flags |= shadow_block.flag_mask;

		if(this._shadowmap && this._shadowmap.format == gl.RGBA )
			flags |= LS.Light.shadowmapping_depth_in_color_block.flag_mask;
	return flags;

Light.registerShadowType = function( name, shaderblock )
	var info = { id: this.shadow_shaderblocks.length, name: name, shaderblock: shaderblock };
	this.shadow_shaderblocks.push( info );
	this.shadow_shaderblocks_by_name[ name ] = info;

LS.registerComponent( Light );
LS.Light = Light;

//Shader blocks are moved to basePipeline.js