API Docs for:

File: ../src/components/transform.js

* Transform that contains the position (vec3), rotation (quat) and scale (vec3) 
* It uses lazy update to recompute the matrices.
* @class Transform
* @namespace LS.Components
* @constructor
* @param {Object} object to configure from

function Transform( o )
	//packed data (helpful for animation stuff)
	this._data = new Float32Array( 3 + 4 + 3 ); //pos, rot, scale, also known as trans10

	this._position = this._data.subarray(0,3);
	this._rotation = this._data.subarray(3,7);
	this._scaling = this._data.subarray(7,10);
	this._scaling[0] = this._scaling[1] = this._scaling[2] = 1;

	this._local_matrix = mat4.create();
	this._global_matrix = mat4.create();

	this._uid = null;
	this._root = null;
	this._parent = null;

	this._must_update = false; //local matrix must be redone
	this._version = 0;

	/* JS feature deprecated
		var inner_transform_change = (function(c) { 
			this._must_update = true;
		Object.observe( this._position, inner_transform_change );
		Object.observe( this._rotation, inner_transform_change );
		Object.observe( this._scaling, inner_transform_change );
		Object.observe( this._data, inner_transform_change );


Transform.temp_matrix = mat4.create();
Transform.icon = "mini-icon-gizmo.png";
Transform.ZERO = vec3.create();
Transform.UP = vec3.fromValues(0,1,0);
Transform.RIGHT = vec3.fromValues(1,0,0);
Transform.FRONT = vec3.fromValues(0,0,-1);

Transform["@position"] = { type: "position"};
Transform["@rotation"] = { type: "quat"};
Transform["@data"] = { type: "trans10" };

//what is this used for??
Transform.properties = {

Transform.prototype.onAddedToNode = function(node)
		node.transform = this;

Transform.prototype.onRemovedFromNode = function(node)
	if(node.transform == this)
		delete node["transform"];

* The position relative to its parent in vec3 format
* @property position {vec3}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'position', {
	get: function() { return this._position; },
	set: function(v) { 
		if(!v || !v.length)
		this._must_update = true; 
	enumerable: true

Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'x', {
	get: function() { return this._position[0]; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._position[0] = v; 
		this._must_update = true; 
	enumerable: false

Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'y', {
	get: function() { return this._position[1]; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._position[1] = v; 
		this._must_update = true; 
	enumerable: false

Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'z', {
	get: function() { return this._position[2]; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._position[2] = v; 
		this._must_update = true; 
	enumerable: false

Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'pitch', {
	get: function() { return 0; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._must_update = true; 
	enumerable: false

* The orientation relative to its parent in quaternion format
* @property rotation {quat}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'rotation', {
	get: function() { return this._rotation; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this._must_update = true;
	enumerable: true //avoid problems

* The scaling relative to its parent in vec3 format (default is [1,1,1])
* @property scaling {vec3}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'scaling', {
	get: function() { return this._scaling; },
	set: function(v) { 
		if(v.constructor === Number)
			this._scaling[0] = this._scaling[1] = this._scaling[2] = v;
		this._must_update = true;
	enumerable: true

* The local matrix transform relative to its parent in mat4 format
* @property matrix {mat4}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'matrix', {
	get: function() { 
		return this._local_matrix;
	set: function(v) { 
	enumerable: true

//this is used to speed up copying between transforms and for animation (better to animate one track than several)
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'data', {
	get: function() { 
		return this._data;
	set: function(v) { 
		this._must_update = true;
	enumerable: false

//in degrees
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'xrotation', {
	get: function() { return 0; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this.rotateX(v * DEG2RAD);
	enumerable: false

//in degrees
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'yrotation', {
	get: function() { return 0; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this.rotateY(v * DEG2RAD);
	enumerable: false

//in degrees
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'zrotation', {
	get: function() { return 0; },
	set: function(v) { 
		this.rotateZ(v * DEG2RAD);
	enumerable: false

* The position relative to its parent in vec3 format
* @property position {vec3}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'globalPosition', {
	get: function() { return this.getGlobalPosition(); },
	set: function(v) { 
	enumerable: true

* The matrix transform relative to world coordinates
* @property globalMatrix {mat4}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'globalMatrix', {
	get: function() { 
		return this._global_matrix;
	set: function(v) { 
		throw("globalMatrix cannot be set");
	enumerable: true

* The forward vector in global coordinates
* @property forward {mat4}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'forward', {
	get: function() { 
		return mat4.rotateVec3( vec3.create(), this._global_matrix, LS.FRONT );
	set: function(v) { 
		throw("forward cannot be set");
	enumerable: false //dont worry, it uses its own serialize

* Force object to update matrices in case they were modified
* @property mustUpdate {boolean}
Object.defineProperty( Transform.prototype, 'mustUpdate', {
	get: function() { 
		return this._must_update;
	set: function(v) { 
		this._must_update = true;
	enumerable: false

Transform.prototype.getPropertiesInfo = function(v)
	if(v == "output")
		return {
	else //if(v == "input")
		return {

* Copy the transform from another Transform
* @method copyFrom
* @param {Transform} src
Transform.prototype.copyFrom = function(src)
	this.configure( src.serialize() );

* Configure from a serialized object
* @method configure
* @param {Object} object with the serialized info
Transform.prototype.configure = function(o)
	if(o.uid) this.uid = o.uid;
	if(o.position) this._position.set( o.position );
	if(o.scaling) this._scaling.set( o.scaling );

	if(o.rotation && o.rotation.length == 4)
		this._rotation.set( o.rotation );
	if(o.rotation && o.rotation.length == 3)
		quat.identity( this._rotation );
		var R = quat.setAngleAxis( quat.create(), [1,0,0], o.rotation[0] * DEG2RAD);
		quat.multiply(this._rotation, this._rotation, R ); 
		quat.setAngleAxis( R, [0,1,0], o.rotation[1] * DEG2RAD );
		quat.multiply(this._rotation, this._rotation, R ); 
		quat.setAngleAxis( R, [0,0,1], o.rotation[2] * DEG2RAD );
		quat.multiply(this._rotation, this._rotation, R ); 

	this._must_update = true;

* Serialize the object 
* @method serialize
* @return {Object} object with the serialized info
Transform.prototype.serialize = function( simplified )
	var o = {
		object_class: "Transform",
		uid: this.uid,
		position: [ this._position[0],this._position[1],this._position[2] ],
		rotation: [ this._rotation[0],this._rotation[1],this._rotation[2],this._rotation[3] ],
		scaling: [ this._scaling[0],this._scaling[1],this._scaling[2] ]

	if( !this.isIdentity() && !simplified )
		o.matrix = toArray( this._local_matrix );; //could be useful

	return o;

Transform.prototype.isIdentity = function()
	for(var i = 0; i < this._local_matrix.length; ++i)
		if( Math.abs( this._local_matrix[i] - LS.IDENTITY[i] ) > 0.001 )
			return false;
	return true;

* Reset this transform
* @method identity
Transform.prototype.identity = function()
	vec3.copy(this._position, LS.ZEROS );
	quat.identity( this._rotation );
	vec3.copy(this._scaling, LS.ONES );
	this._version += 1;
	this._must_update = false;

Transform.prototype.reset = Transform.prototype.identity;

* Sets the rotation to identity
* @method resetRotation
Transform.prototype.resetRotation = function()
	quat.identity( this._rotation );
	this._version += 1;
	this._must_update = true;

* Sets the position to 0,0,0
* @method resetPosition
Transform.prototype.resetPosition = function()
	vec3.copy( this._position, LS.ZEROS );
	this._version += 1;
	this._must_update = true;

* Sets the scale to 1,1,1
* @method resetScale
Transform.prototype.resetScale = function()
	vec3.copy( this._scaling, LS.ONES );
	this._version += 1;
	this._must_update = true;

* Returns a copy of the local position
* @method getPosition
* @param {vec3} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one vec3 is created and returned
* @return {vec3} the position
Transform.prototype.getPosition = function(out)
	out = out || vec3.create();
	out.set( this._position );
	return out;

* Returns a copy of the global position
* @method getGlobalPosition
* @param {vec3} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one vec3 is created and returned
* @return {vec3} the position
Transform.prototype.getGlobalPosition = function(out)
	out = out || vec3.create();
		return mat4.multiplyVec3( out, this.getGlobalMatrix(), Transform.ZERO ); //cannot reuse matrix in getGlobalMatrix, is recursive
	return vec3.copy(out, this._position );

* Returns the rotation in quaternion array (a copy)
* @method getRotation
* @param {quat} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one quat is created and returned
* @return {quat} the rotation
Transform.prototype.getRotation = function(out)
	out = out || quat.create();
	return vec3.copy(out,this._rotation);

* Returns the global rotation in quaternion array (a copy)
* @method getRotation
* @param {quat} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one quat is created and returned
* @return {quat} the rotation
Transform.prototype.getGlobalRotation = function(out)
	out = out || quat.create();
	if( !this._parent )
		quat.copy(out, this._rotation);
		return out;

	var aux = this._parent;
		quat.multiply(out, aux._rotation, out);
		aux = aux._parent;
	return out;

* Returns the scale (its a copy)
* @method getScale
* @param {vec3} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one vec3 is created and returned
* @return {vec3} the scale
Transform.prototype.getScale = function(out)
	out = out || vec3.create();
	return vec3.copy(out,this._scaling);

* Returns a copy of the global scale (this is not correct, there is no global_scale factor, because due to rotations the axis could change)
* @method getGlobalScale
* @param {vec3} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one vec3 is created and returned
* @return {vec3} the scale
Transform.prototype.getGlobalScale = function(out)
	out = out || vec3.create();
	if( this._parent )
		var aux = this;
			vec3.multiply(out, out, aux._scaling);
			aux = aux._parent;
		return out;
	return vec3.copy(out, this._scaling);

* update the local Matrix to match the position,scale and rotation
* @method updateMatrix
Transform.prototype.updateMatrix = function()
	mat4.fromRotationTranslation( this._local_matrix , this._rotation, this._position );
	mat4.scale(this._local_matrix, this._local_matrix, this._scaling);
	this._must_update = false;
	this._version += 1;
Transform.prototype.updateLocalMatrix = Transform.prototype.updateMatrix;

* updates the global matrix using the parents transformation
* @method updateGlobalMatrix
* @param {bool} fast it doesnt recompute parent matrices, just uses the stored one, is faster but could create errors if the parent doesnt have its global matrix update
Transform.prototype.updateGlobalMatrix = function (fast)
	if (this._parent)
		mat4.multiply( this._global_matrix, fast ? this._parent._global_matrix : this._parent.getGlobalMatrix( this._parent._global_matrix ), this._local_matrix );
		this._global_matrix.set( this._local_matrix ); 

* Returns a copy of the local matrix of this transform (it updates the matrix automatically)
* @method getMatrix
* @param {mat4} out [optional] where to store the result, otherwise one mat4 is created and returned
* @return {mat4} the matrix
Transform.prototype.getMatrix = function (out)
	out = out || mat4.create();
	return mat4.copy(out, this._local_matrix);
Transform.prototype.getLocalMatrix = Transform.prototype.getMatrix; //alias

* Returns the original local matrix of this transform (it updates the matrix automatically)
* @method getLocalMatrixRef
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getLocalMatrixRef = function ()
	return this._local_matrix;

* Returns a copy of the global matrix of this transform (it updates the matrix automatically)
* @method getGlobalMatrix
* @param {mat4} out optional
* @param {boolean} fast this flags skips recomputing parents matrices
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getGlobalMatrix = function (out, fast)
	out = out || mat4.create();
	if (this._parent)
		mat4.multiply( this._global_matrix, fast ? this._parent._global_matrix : this._parent.getGlobalMatrix( this._parent._global_matrix ), this._local_matrix );
		mat4.copy( this._global_matrix, this._local_matrix ); 
	return mat4.copy(out, this._global_matrix);

* Returns a copy of the global matrix of this transform (it updates the matrix automatically)
* @method getGlobalMatrix
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getGlobalMatrixRef = function ()
	return this._global_matrix;

* Returns an array with all the ancestors
* @method getAncestors
* @return {Array} 
Transform.prototype.getAncestors = function()
	var r = [ this ];
	var aux = this;
	while(aux = aux._parent)
	return r;

* Returns a quaternion with all parents rotations
* @method getGlobalRotation
* @return {quat} Quaternion
Transform.prototype.getGlobalRotation = function (q)
	q = q || quat.create();

	//concatenate all parents rotations
	var aux = this._parent;
		aux = aux._parent;
	return q;
* Returns a Matrix with all parents rotations
* @method getGlobalRotationMatrix
* @return {mat4} Matrix rotation
Transform.prototype.getGlobalRotationMatrix = function (m)
	var q = quat.clone(this._rotation);

	var aux = this._parent;
		quat.multiply(q, q, aux._rotation);
		aux = aux._parent;

	m = m || mat4.create();
	return mat4.fromQuat(m,q);

* Returns the local matrix of this transform without the rotation or scale
* @method getGlobalTranslationMatrix
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getGlobalTranslationMatrix = function ()
	var pos = this.getGlobalPosition();
	return mat4.fromValues(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 1);

* Returns the global rotation in quaternion array (a copy)
* @method getGlobalRotationMatrix
* @return {mat4} the rotation
Transform.prototype.getGlobalRotationMatrix = function(out)
	var out = out || mat4.create();
	if( !this._parent )
		return mat4.fromQuat( out, this._rotation );
	var r = mat4.create();
	var aux = this;
	while( aux )
		mat4.fromQuat(r, aux._rotation);
		aux = aux._parent;
	return out;

* Returns the local matrix of this transform without the scale
* @method getGlobalTranslationRotationMatrix
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getGlobalTranslationRotationMatrix = function ()
	var pos = this.getGlobalPosition();
	return mat4.fromRotationTranslation(mat4.create(), this.getGlobalRotation(), pos);
Transform.prototype.getGlobalMatrixWithoutScale = Transform.prototype.getGlobalTranslationRotationMatrix;

* Returns the matrix for the normals in the shader
* @method getNormalMatrix
* @return {mat4} the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.getNormalMatrix = function (m)

	m = m || mat4.create();
	if (this._parent)
		mat4.multiply( this._global_matrix, this._parent.getGlobalMatrix(), this._local_matrix );
		m.set(this._local_matrix); //return local because it has no parent
	return mat4.transpose(m, mat4.invert(m,m) );

* Configure the transform from a local Matrix (do not tested carefully)
* @method fromMatrix
* @param {mat4} matrix the matrix in array format
* @param {bool} is_global tells if the matrix is in global space [optional]
Transform.prototype.fromMatrix = (function() { 

	var global_temp = mat4.create();
	var temp_mat4 = mat4.create();
	var temp_mat3 = mat3.create();
	var temp_vec3 = vec3.create();
	//var scale_temp = mat4.create();
	return function fromMatrix( m, is_global )
		if(is_global && this._parent)
			mat4.copy(this._global_matrix, m); //assign to global
			var M_parent = this._parent.getGlobalMatrix( global_temp ); //get parent transform
			var r = mat4.invert( M_parent, M_parent ); //invert
			m = mat4.multiply( this._local_matrix, M_parent, m ); //transform from global to local

		var M = temp_mat4;
		mat4.multiplyVec3( this._position, M, LS.ZEROS );

		//compute scale
		this._scaling[0] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.RIGHT) );
		this._scaling[1] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.TOP) );
		this._scaling[2] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.BACK) );

		//apply scale, why the inverse? ??
		//mat4.scale( scale_temp, M, [1/this._scaling[0], 1/this._scaling[1], 1/this._scaling[2]] );

		//quat.fromMat4(this._rotation, M);
		//normalize system vectors
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(0,3), M.subarray(0,3) );
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(4,7), M.subarray(4,7) );
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(8,11), M.subarray(8,11) );

		var M3 = mat3.fromMat4( temp_mat3, M );
		mat3.transpose( M3, M3 );
		quat.fromMat3( this._rotation, M3 );
		quat.normalize( this._rotation, this._rotation );

		if(m != this._local_matrix)
			mat4.copy(this._local_matrix, m);
		this._must_update = false;
		this._version += 1;

* Configure the transform from a global Matrix (do not tested carefully)
* @method fromGlobalMatrix
* @param {mat4} matrix the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.fromGlobalMatrix = function(m)

Transform.fromMatrix4ToTransformData = (function() { 

	var global_temp = mat4.create();
	var temp_mat4 = mat4.create();
	var temp_mat3 = mat3.create();
	var temp_vec3 = vec3.create();
	return function fromMatrix4ToTransformData( m, out )
		var data = out || new Float32Array( 3 + 4 + 3 ); //pos, rot, scale
		var position = data.subarray(0,3);
		var rotation = data.subarray(3,7);
		var scaling = data.subarray(7,10);

		var M = temp_mat4;
		mat4.multiplyVec3( position, M, LS.ZEROS );

		//extract scaling by 
		scaling[0] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.RIGHT) );
		scaling[1] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.TOP) );
		scaling[2] = vec3.length( mat4.rotateVec3( temp_vec3, M, LS.BACK) );

		//quat.fromMat4( rotation, M ); //doesnt work

		//normalize axis vectors
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(0,3), M.subarray(0,3) );
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(4,7), M.subarray(4,7) );
		vec3.normalize( M.subarray(8,11), M.subarray(8,11) );

		var M3 = mat3.fromMat4( temp_mat3, M );
		mat3.transpose( M3, M3 );
		quat.fromMat3( rotation, M3 );
		quat.normalize( rotation, rotation );

		return data;

* Configure the transform rotation from a vec3 Euler angles (heading,attitude,bank)
* @method setRotationFromEuler
* @param {mat4} src, the matrix in array format
Transform.prototype.setRotationFromEuler = function(v)
	quat.fromEuler( this._rotation, v );
	this._must_update = true;

* sets the position
* @method setPosition
* @param {number} x 
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} z 
Transform.prototype.setPosition = function(x,y,z)
	if(arguments.length == 3)
		vec3.set(this._position, x,y,z);
		vec3.copy(this._position, x);
	this._must_update = true;

* sets the rotation from a quaternion or from an angle(rad) and axis
* @method setRotation
* @param {quat} rotation in quaterion format or angle
Transform.prototype.setRotation = function(q_angle,axis)
		quat.setAxisAngle( this._rotation, axis, q_angle );
		quat.copy(this._rotation, q_angle );
	this._must_update = true;

* sets the scale
* @method setScale
* @param {number} x 
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} z 
Transform.prototype.setScale = function(x,y,z)
	if(arguments.length == 3)
		vec3.set(this._scaling, x,y,z);
		vec3.set(this._scaling, x,x,x);
	this._must_update = true;

* translates object in local coordinates (using the rotation and the scale)
* @method translate
* @param {number} x 
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} z 
Transform.prototype.translate = (function(){
	var tmp = vec3.create();
	var tmp2 = vec3.create();
	return function(x,y,z)
		if(arguments.length == 3)
			tmp2[0] = x; tmp2[1] = y; tmp2[2] = z;
			vec3.add( this._position, this._position, this.transformVector(tmp2, tmp) );
			vec3.add( this._position, this._position, this.transformVector(x, tmp) );
		this._must_update = true;

* translates object in local coordinates (adds to the position)
* @method translateGlobal
* @param {number} x 
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} z 
Transform.prototype.translateGlobal = function(x,y,z)
	if(arguments.length == 3)
		vec3.add( this._position, this._position, [x,y,z] );
		vec3.add( this._position, this._position, x );
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in local space (axis is in local space)
* @method rotate
* @param {number} angle_in_deg 
* @param {vec3} axis
* @param {boolean} is_global tells if the axis is in global coordinates or local coordinates
Transform.prototype.rotate = (function(){

	var temp = quat.create();
	var temp_axis = quat.create();

	return function(angle_in_deg, axis, is_global )
		if( is_global ) //convert global vector to local
			axis = this.globalVectorToLocal( axis, temp_axis );
		quat.setAxisAngle( temp, axis, angle_in_deg * 0.0174532925 );
		quat.multiply( this._rotation, this._rotation, temp );
		this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in local space in local X axis
* @method rotateX
* @param {number} angle_in_rad
Transform.prototype.rotateX = function(angle_in_rad)
	quat.rotateX( this._rotation, this._rotation, angle_in_rad  );
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in local space in local Y axis
* @method rotateY
* @param {number} angle_in_rad 
Transform.prototype.rotateY = function(angle_in_rad)
	quat.rotateY( this._rotation, this._rotation, angle_in_rad );
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in local space in local Z axis
* @method rotateZ
* @param {number} angle_in_rad 
Transform.prototype.rotateZ = function(angle_in_rad)
	quat.rotateZ( this._rotation, this._rotation, angle_in_rad );
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in global space (axis is in global space)
* @method rotateGlobal
* @param {number} angle_in_deg 
* @param {vec3} axis
Transform.prototype.rotateGlobal = function(angle_in_deg, axis)
	var R = quat.setAxisAngle(quat.create(), axis, angle_in_deg * 0.0174532925);
	quat.multiply(this._rotation, R, this._rotation);
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in local space using a quat
* @method rotateQuat
* @param {quat} quaternion
Transform.prototype.rotateQuat = function(quaternion)
	quat.multiply(this._rotation, this._rotation, quaternion);
	this._must_update = true;

* rotate object in global space using a quat
* @method rotateQuatGlobal
* @param {quat} quaternion
Transform.prototype.rotateQuatGlobal = function(quaternion)
	quat.multiply(this._rotation, quaternion, this._rotation);
	this._must_update = true;

* scale the object
* @method scale
* @param {number} x 
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} z 
Transform.prototype.scale = function(x,y,z)
	if(arguments.length == 3)
		vec3.multiply(this._scaling, this._scaling, [x,y,z]);
		vec3.multiply(this._scaling, this._scaling,x);
	this._must_update = true;

* This method is static (call it from Transform.interpolate)
* interpolate the transform between two transforms and stores the result in another Transform
* @method interpolate
* @param {Transform} a 
* @param {Transform} b
* @param {number} factor from 0 to 1 
* @param {Transform} the destination
Transform.interpolate = function( a, b, factor, result )
	vec3.lerp( result._scaling, a._scaling, b._scaling, factor); //scale
	vec3.lerp( result._position, a._position, b._position, factor); //position
	quat.slerp( result._rotation, a._rotation, b._rotation, factor); //rotation
	this._must_update = true;

* Orbits around a point
* @method orbit
* @param {number} angle_in_deg
* @param {vec3} axis
* @param {vec3} center in local coordinates
Transform.prototype.orbit = (function() { 
	var tmp_quat = quat.create();
	var tmp_vec3 = vec3.create();

	return function( angle_in_deg, axis, center )
			throw("Transform orbit requires a center");

		var R = quat.setAxisAngle( tmp_quat, axis, angle_in_deg * 0.0174532925 );
		tmp_vec3.set( this._position );
		vec3.sub(tmp_vec3, tmp_vec3, center );
		vec3.transformQuat( tmp_vec3, tmp_vec3, R );
		vec3.add(tmp_vec3, tmp_vec3, center );
		this._position.set( tmp_vec3 );
		this._must_update = true;

* Orients the transform to look from one position to another
* @method lookAt
* @param {vec3} position
* @param {vec3} target
* @param {vec3} up
* @param {boolean} in_world tells if the values are in world coordinates (otherwise asume its in local coordinates)
Transform.prototype.lookAt = (function() { 

	//avoid garbage
	var GM = mat4.create();
	var temp = mat4.create();
	var temp_pos = vec3.create();
	var temp_target = vec3.create();
	var temp_up = vec3.create();
	return function( pos, target, up, in_world )
		up = up || LS.TOP;

		//convert to local space
		if(in_world && this._parent)
			this._parent.getGlobalMatrix( GM );
			var inv = mat4.invert(GM,GM);
			mat4.multiplyVec3(temp_pos, inv, pos);
			mat4.multiplyVec3(temp_target, inv, target);
			mat4.rotateVec3(temp_up, inv, up );
			temp_pos.set( pos );
			temp_target.set( target );
			temp_up.set( up );

		mat4.lookAt(temp, temp_pos, temp_target, temp_up);
		//mat4.invert(temp, temp);

		quat.fromMat4( this._rotation, temp );
		this._position.set( temp_pos );	
		this._must_update = true;

		mat4.lookAt(temp, pos, target, up);
		mat4.invert(temp, temp);

Transform.prototype._on_change = function(only_events)
		this._must_update = true;
	 * Fired when the node has changed its transform
	 * @event changed
	LEvent.trigger(this, "changed", this);
		LEvent.trigger(this._root, "transformChanged", this);

* returns the [0,0,-1] vector in global space
* @method getFront
* @return {vec3}
Transform.prototype.getFront = function(out) {
	return vec3.transformQuat(out || vec3.create(), Transform.FRONT, this.getGlobalRotation() );

* returns the [0,1,0] vector in global space
* @method getTop
* @return {vec3}
Transform.prototype.getTop = function(out) {
	return vec3.transformQuat(out || vec3.create(), Transform.UP, this.getGlobalRotation() );

* returns the [1,0,0] vector in global space
* @method getRight
* @return {vec3}
Transform.prototype.getRight = function(out) {
	return vec3.transformQuat(out || vec3.create(), Transform.RIGHT, this.getGlobalRotation() );

* Multiplies a point by the local matrix (not global)
* If no destination is specified a new vector is created
* @method transformPoint
* @param {vec3} point
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.transformPoint = function(vec, dest) {
	dest = dest || vec3.create();
	if( this._must_update )
	return mat4.multiplyVec3( dest, this._local_matrix, vec );

* convert from local coordinates to global coordinates
* If no destination is specified a new vector is created
* @method localToGlobal
* @param {vec3} point
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.localToGlobal = function(vec, dest) {
	dest = dest || vec3.create();
	return mat4.multiplyVec3( dest, this.getGlobalMatrixRef(), vec );

* same as localToGlobal
* @method transformPointGlobal
* @param {vec3} point
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.transformPointGlobal = Transform.prototype.localToGlobal;

* convert from global coordinates to local coordinates
* @method globalToLocal
* @param {vec3} point
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.globalToLocal = (function(){ 
	var inv = mat4.create();
	return function(vec, dest) {
		dest = dest || vec3.create();
		if( !mat4.invert( inv, this.getGlobalMatrixRef() ) )
			return inv;
		return mat4.multiplyVec3( dest, inv, vec );

* Applies the transformation to a vector (rotate but not translate)
* @method transformVector
* @param {vec3} vector
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.transformVector = function( vec, dest ) {
	return vec3.transformQuat( dest || vec3.create(), vec, this._rotation );

* Applies the transformation to a vector (rotate but not translate)
* @method localVectorToGlobal
* @param {vec3} vector
* @param {vec3} destination (optional)
Transform.prototype.localVectorToGlobal = function(vec, dest) {
	return vec3.transformQuat( dest || vec3.create(), vec, this.getGlobalRotation() );

Transform.prototype.transformVectorGlobal = Transform.prototype.localVectorToGlobal;

Transform.prototype.globalVectorToLocal = function(vec, dest) {
	var Q = this.getGlobalRotation();
	return vec3.transformQuat(dest || vec3.create(), vec, Q );

* Apply a transform to this transform
* @method applyTransform
Transform.prototype.applyTransform = function( transform, center, is_global )
	//is local

	//apply translation
	vec3.add( this._position, this._position, transform._position );

	//apply rotation
	quat.multiply( this._rotation, this._rotation, transform._rotation );

	//apply scale
	vec3.multiply( this._scaling, this._scaling, transform._scaling );

	this._must_update = true; //matrix must be redone?

* Applies the transformation using a matrix
* @method applyTransformMatrix
* @param {mat4} matrix with the transform
* @param {vec3} center different pivot [optional] if omited 0,0,0 will be used
* @param {bool} is_global (optional) tells if the transformation should be applied in global space or local space
Transform.prototype.applyTransformMatrix = (function(){ 
	var T = mat4.create();
	var inv_center = vec3.create();
	var iT = mat4.create();
	var M = mat4.create();
	var temp = mat4.create();
	return function(matrix, center, is_global)
		var M = matrix;

			mat4.setTranslation( T, center);
			vec3.scale( inv_center, center, -1 );
			mat4.setTranslation( iT, inv_center);

			mat4.multiply( M, T, matrix );
			mat4.multiply( M, M, iT );

				this.applyLocalTransformMatrix( M );

			//is local
			this.applyLocalTransformMatrix( M );

		//convert transform to local coordinates
		var GM = this.getGlobalMatrix();
		var temp_mat = mat4.multiply( mat4.create(), M, GM );

		var PGM = this._parent._global_matrix;
		var inv_pgm = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), PGM );

		mat4.multiply(temp_mat, inv_pgm, temp_mat );
		this.applyLocalTransformMatrix( temp_mat );

		var GM = this.getGlobalMatrix();
		var PGM = this._parent._global_matrix;
		mat4.multiply( this._global_matrix, M, GM );

		if(!mat4.invert( temp, PGM ))
		mat4.multiply( this._local_matrix, temp, this._global_matrix );
		this.fromMatrix( this._local_matrix );

//applies matrix to position, rotation and scale individually, doesnt take into account parents
Transform.prototype.applyLocalTransformMatrix = (function() {
	var temp = vec3.create();
	var temp_mat3 = mat3.create();
	var temp_mat4 = mat4.create();
	var temp_quat = quat.create();

	return (function( M )
		//apply translation
		vec3.transformMat4( this._position, this._position, M );

		//apply scale
		mat4.rotateVec3( temp, M, [1,0,0] );
		this._scaling[0] *= vec3.length( temp );
		mat4.rotateVec3( temp, M, [0,1,0] );
		this._scaling[1] *= vec3.length( temp );
		mat4.rotateVec3( temp, M, [0,0,1] );
		this._scaling[2] *= vec3.length( temp );

		//apply rotation
		var m = mat4.invert( temp_mat4, M );

		mat4.transpose(m, m);
		var m3 = mat3.fromMat4( temp_mat3, m);
		var q = quat.fromMat3( temp_quat, m3);
		quat.normalize(q, q);
		quat.multiply( this._rotation, q, this._rotation );

		this._must_update = true; //matrix must be redone?

Transform.prototype.applyTransformMatrix = function(matrix, center, is_global)
	var M = matrix;

		var T = mat4.setTranslation( mat4.create(), center);
		var inv_center = vec3.scale( vec3.create(), center, -1 );
		var iT = mat4.setTranslation( mat4.create(), inv_center);

		M = mat4.create();
		mat4.multiply( M, T, matrix );
		mat4.multiply( M, M, iT );

			mat4.multiply(this._local_matrix, M, this._local_matrix);
			mat4.multiply(this._local_matrix, this._local_matrix, M);
		mat4.copy(this._global_matrix, this._local_matrix); //no parent? then is the global too

	var GM = this.getGlobalMatrix();
	var PGM = this._parent._global_matrix;
	var temp = mat4.create();
	mat4.multiply( this._global_matrix, M, GM );

	mat4.multiply(this._local_matrix, temp, this._global_matrix );

//marks descendants to be updated
Transform.prototype.updateDescendants = function()
	var children = this._root._children;

	for(var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i)
		var node = children[i];
		if(!node.transform) //bug: what if the children doesnt have a transform but the grandchilden does?! TODO FIX THIS
		node.transform._must_update = true;
		node.transform._version += 1;
		if(node._children && node._children.length)

LS.registerComponent( Transform );
LS.Transform = Transform;