//Global Scope
//better array conversion to string for serializing
if( !Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON )
var typed_arrays = [ Uint8Array, Int8Array, Uint16Array, Int16Array, Uint32Array, Int32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array ];
typed_arrays.forEach( function(v) {
v.prototype.toJSON = function(){ return Array.prototype.slice.call(this); }
if( typeof(GL) === "undefined" )
console.error("LiteScene requires to include LiteGL first. More info: https://github.com/jagenjo/litegl.js");
* LS is the global scope for the global functions and containers of LiteScene
* @class LS
* @module LS
var LS = {
//systems: defined in their own files
ResourcesManager: null,
Picking: null,
Player: null,
GUI: null,
Network: null,
Input: null,
Renderer: null,
Physics: null,
ShadersManager: null,
Formats: null,
Tween: null,
Classes: {}, //maps classes name like "Prefab" or "Animation" to its namespace "LS.Prefab". Used in Formats and ResourceManager when reading classnames from JSONs or WBin.
ResourceClasses: {}, //classes that can contain a resource of the system
ResourceClasses_by_extension: {},
Globals: {}, //global scope to share info among scripts
* Contains all the registered components
* @property Components
* @type {Object}
* @default {}
Components: {},
* Contains all the registered material classes
* @property MaterialClasses
* @type {Object}
* @default {}
MaterialClasses: {},
//vars used for uuid genereration
_last_uid: 1,
_uid_prefix: "@", //WARNING: must be one character long
debug: false, //enable to see verbose output
allow_static: true, //used to disable static instances in the editor
//for HTML GUI
_gui_element: null,
_gui_style: null,
* Generates a UUID based in the user-agent, time, random and sequencial number. Used for Nodes and Components.
* @method generateUId
* @return {string} uuid
generateUId: function ( prefix, suffix ) {
prefix = prefix || "";
suffix = suffix || "";
var str = this._uid_prefix + prefix + (window.navigator.userAgent.hashCode() % 0x1000000).toString(16) + "-"; //user agent
str += (GL.getTime()|0 % 0x1000000).toString(16) + "-"; //date
str += Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x1000000).toString(16) + "-"; //rand
str += (this._last_uid++).toString(16); //sequence
str += suffix;
return str;
* validates name string to ensure there is no forbidden characters
* valid characters are letters, numbers, spaces, dash, underscore and dot
* @method validateName
* @param {string} name
* @return {boolean}
validateName: function(v)
var exp = /^[a-z\s0-9-_.]+$/i; //letters digits and dashes
return v.match(exp);
valid_property_types: ["String","Number","Boolean","color","vec2","vec3","vec4","quat","mat3","mat4","Resource","Animation","Texture","Prefab","Mesh","ShaderCode","node","component"],
//used when creating a property to a component, to see if the type is valid
validatePropertyType: function(v)
if( this.valid_property_types.indexOf(v) == -1 )
console.error( v + " is not a valid property value type." );
return false;
return true;
_catch_exceptions: false, //used to try/catch all possible callbacks (used mostly during development inside an editor) It is linked to LScript too
* Register a component (or several) so it is listed when searching for new components to attach
* @method registerComponent
* @param {Component} component component class to register
* @param {String} old_classname [optional] the name of the component that this class replaces (in case you are renaming it)
registerComponent: function( component, old_classname ) {
//allows to register several at the same time
var name = LS.getClassName( component );
if(old_classname && old_classname.constructor !== String)
throw("old_classname must be null or a String");
//save the previous class in case we are replacing it
var old_class = this.Components[ old_classname || name ];
this.Components[ name ] = component;
component.is_component = true;
component.resource_type = "Component";
//Helper: checks for errors
if( !!component.prototype.onAddedToNode != !!component.prototype.onRemovedFromNode ||
!!component.prototype.onAddedToScene != !!component.prototype.onRemovedFromScene )
console.warn("%c Component "+name+" could have a bug, check events: " + name , "font-size: 2em");
if( component.prototype.getResources && !component.prototype.onResourceRenamed )
console.warn("%c Component "+name+" could have a bug, it uses resources but doesnt implement onResourceRenamed, this could lead to problems when resources are renamed.", "font-size: 1.2em");
//if( !component.prototype.serialize || !component.prototype.configure )
// console.warn("%c Component "+name+" could have a bug, it doesnt have a serialize or configure method. No state will be saved.", "font-size: 1.2em");
//add stuff to the class
component.actions = {};
//add default methods
LS.extendClass( component, LS.BaseComponent );
BaseComponent.addExtraMethods( component );
if( LS.debug )
var c = new component();
var r = c.serialize();
console.warn("%c Component "+name+" could have a bug, serialize() method has object_class missing.", "font-size: 1.2em");
LEvent.trigger(LS, "component_registered", component );
if(LS.GlobalScene) //because main components are create before the global scene is created
this.replaceComponentClass( LS.GlobalScene, old_classname || name, name );
if( old_classname != name )
this.unregisterComponent( old_classname );
* Unregisters a component from the system (although existing instances are kept in the scene)
* @method unregisterComponent
* @param {String} name the name of the component to unregister
unregisterComponent: function( name ) {
//not found
//delete from the list of component (existing components will still exists)
delete this.Components[name];
* Tells you if one class is a registered component class
* @method isClassComponent
* @param {ComponentClass} comp component class to evaluate
* @return {boolean} true if the component class is registered
isClassComponent: function( comp_class )
var name = this.getClassName( comp_class );
return !!this.Components[name];
* Replaces all components of one class in the scene with components of another class
* @method replaceComponentClass
* @param {Scene} scene where to apply the replace
* @param {String} old_class_name name of the class to be replaced
* @param {String} new_class_name name of the class that will be used instead
* @return {Number} the number of components replaced
replaceComponentClass: function( scene, old_class_name, new_class_name )
var proposed_class = new_class_name.constructor === String ? LS.Components[ new_class_name ] : new_class_name;
return 0;
//this may be a problem if the old class has ben unregistered...
var old_class = null;
if( old_class_name.constructor === String )
old_class = LS.Components[ old_class_name ];
old_class_name = LS.getClassName( old_class );
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < scene._nodes.length; ++i)
var node = scene._nodes[i];
//search in current components
for(var j = 0; j < node._components.length; ++j)
var comp = node._components[j];
//it it is the exact same class then skip it
if(comp.constructor === proposed_class)
var comp_name = LS.getObjectClassName( comp );
//if this component is neither the old comp nor the new one
if( comp_name != old_class_name && comp_name != new_class_name )
var info = comp.serialize();
node.removeComponent( comp );
var new_comp = new proposed_class();
node.addComponent( new_comp, j < node._components.length ? j : undefined );
new_comp.configure( info );
//search in missing components
for(var j = 0; j < node._missing_components.length; ++j)
var comp_info = node._missing_components[j];
if( comp_info[0] !== old_class_name )
node._missing_components.splice(j,1); //remove from the list
var new_comp = new proposed_class();
node.addComponent( new_comp, comp_info[2] < node._components.length ? comp_info[2] : undefined ); //add in the place where it should be
new_comp.configure( comp_info[1] );
return num;
* Register a resource class so we know which classes could be use as resources
* @method registerResourceClass
* @param {ComponentClass} c component class to register
registerResourceClass: function( resourceClass )
var class_name = LS.getClassName( resourceClass );
this.ResourceClasses[ class_name ] = resourceClass;
this.Classes[ class_name ] = resourceClass;
resourceClass.is_resource = true;
if( resourceClass.EXTENSION ) //used in GRAPH.json
this.ResourceClasses_by_extension[ resourceClass.EXTENSION.toLowerCase() ] = resourceClass;
//some validation here? maybe...
//Coroutines that allow to work with async functions
coroutines: {},
addWaitingCoroutine: function( resolve, event )
event = event || "render";
var coroutines = this.coroutines[ event ];
coroutines = this.coroutines[ event ] = [];
coroutines.push( resolve );
triggerCoroutines: function( event, data )
event = event || "render";
var coroutines = this.coroutines[ event ];
for(var i = 0; i < coroutines.length; ++i)
LS.safeCall( coroutines[i], data ); //call resolves
coroutines.length = 0;
createCoroutine: function( event )
return new Promise(function(resolve){
LS.addWaitingCoroutine( resolve, event );
* Returns a Promise that will be fulfilled once the time has passed
* @method sleep
* @param {Number} ms time in milliseconds
* @return {Promise}
sleep: function(ms) {
return new Promise( function(resolve){ setTimeout(resolve, ms); });
* Returns a Promise that will be fulfilled when the next frame is rendered
* @method nextFrame
* @return {Promise}
nextFrame: function( skip_request )
return new Promise(function(resolve){
LS.addWaitingCoroutine( resolve, "render" );
* Is a wrapper for callbacks that throws an LS "exception" in case something goes wrong (needed to catch the error from the system and editor)
* @method safeCall
* @param {function} callback
* @param {array} params
* @param {object} instance
safeCall: function(callback, params, instance)
return callback.apply( instance, params );
return callback( params );
return callback.apply( instance, params );
catch (err)
//test this
//throw new Error( err.stack );
console.error( err.stack );
* Is a wrapper for setTimeout that throws an LS "code_error" in case something goes wrong (needed to catch the error from the system)
* @method setTimeout
* @param {function} callback
* @param {number} time in ms
* @param {number} timer_id
setTimeout: function(callback, time)
return setTimeout( callback,time );
return setTimeout( callback,time );
catch (err)
* Is a wrapper for setInterval that throws an LS "code_error" in case something goes wrong (needed to catch the error from the system)
* @method setInterval
* @param {function} callback
* @param {number} time in ms
* @param {number} timer_id
setInterval: function(callback, time)
return setInterval( callback,time );
return setInterval( callback,time );
catch (err)
* copy the properties (methods and properties) of origin class into target class
* @method extendClass
* @param {Class} target
* @param {Class} origin
extendClass: function( target, origin ) {
for(var i in origin) //copy class properties
target[i] = origin[i];
if(origin.prototype) //copy prototype properties
for(var i in origin.prototype) //only enumerables
if(target.prototype.hasOwnProperty(i)) //avoid overwritting existing ones
//copy getters
target.prototype.__defineGetter__(i, origin.prototype.__lookupGetter__(i));
target.prototype[i] = origin.prototype[i];
//and setters
target.prototype.__defineSetter__(i, origin.prototype.__lookupSetter__(i));
* Clones an object (no matter where the object came from)
* - It skip attributes starting with "_" or "jQuery" or functions
* - it tryes to see which is the best copy to perform
* - to the rest it applies JSON.parse( JSON.stringify ( obj ) )
* - use it carefully
* @method cloneObject
* @param {Object} object the object to clone
* @param {Object} target=null optional, the destination object
* @return {Object} returns the cloned object (target if it is specified)
cloneObject: function( object, target, recursive, only_existing, encode_objects )
if(object === undefined)
return undefined;
if(object === null)
return null;
//base type
switch( object.constructor )
case String:
case Number:
case Boolean:
return object;
//typed array
if( object.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT )
return new object.constructor( object );
else if(target.construtor === Array)
for(var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i)
target[i] = object[i];
throw("cloneObject: target has no set method");
return target;
var o = target;
if(o === undefined || o === null)
if(object.constructor === Array)
o = [];
o = {};
//copy every property of this object
for(var i in object)
if(i[0] == "@" || i[0] == "_" || i.substr(0,6) == "jQuery") //skip vars with _ (they are private) or '@' (they are definitions)
if(only_existing && !target.hasOwnProperty(i) && !target.__proto__.hasOwnProperty(i) ) //target[i] === undefined)
//if(o.constructor === Array) //not necessary
// i = parseInt(i);
var v = object[i];
if(v == null)
o[i] = null;
else if ( isFunction(v) ) //&& Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, i) && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, i).get )
continue;//o[i] = v;
else if (v.constructor === Number || v.constructor === String || v.constructor === Boolean ) //elemental types
o[i] = v;
else if( v.buffer && v.byteLength && v.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer ) //typed arrays are ugly when serialized
if(o[i] && v && only_existing)
if(o[i].length == v.length) //typed arrays force to fit in the same container
o[i].set( v );
o[i] = new v.constructor(v); //clone typed array
else if ( v.constructor === Array ) //clone regular array (container and content!)
//not safe to use concat or slice(0) because it doesnt clone content, only container
if( o[i] && o[i].set && o[i].length >= v.length ) //reuse old container
if( encode_objects && target && v[0] == "@ENC" ) //encoded object (component, node...)
o[i] = LS.decodeObject(v);
o[i] = LS.cloneObject( v );
else //Objects:
if( v.constructor.is_resource )
console.error("Resources cannot be saved as a property of a component nor script, they must be saved individually as files in the file system. If assigning them to a component/script use private variables (name start with underscore) to avoid being serialized.");
if( encode_objects && !target )
o[i] = LS.encodeObject(v);
if( v.constructor !== Object && !target && !v.toJSON )
console.warn("Cannot clone internal classes:", LS.getObjectClassName( v )," When serializing an object I found a var with a class that doesnt support serialization. If this var shouldnt be serialized start the name with underscore.'");
if( v.toJSON )
o[i] = v.toJSON();
else if( recursive )
o[i] = LS.cloneObject( v, null, true );
else {
if(v.constructor !== Object && LS.Classes[ LS.getObjectClassName(v) ])
console.warn("Cannot clone internal classes:", LS.getObjectClassName(v)," When serializing an object I found a var with a class that doesnt support serialization. If this var shouldnt be serialized start the name with underscore.'" );
//prevent circular recursions //slow but safe
o[i] = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(v) );
catch (err)
else //slow but safe
o[i] = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(v) );
return o;
encodeObject: function( obj )
if( !obj || obj.constructor === Number || obj.constructor === String || obj.constructor === Boolean || obj.constructor === Object ) //regular objects
return obj;
if( obj.constructor.is_component && obj._root) //in case the value of this property is an actual component in the scene
return [ "@ENC", LS.TYPES.COMPONENT, obj.getLocator(), LS.getObjectClassName( obj ) ];
if( obj.constructor == LS.SceneNode && obj._in_tree) //in case the value of this property is an actual node in the scene
return [ "@ENC", LS.TYPES.NODE, obj.uid ];
if( obj.constructor == LS.Scene)
return [ "@ENC", LS.TYPES.SCENE, obj.fullpath ]; //weird case
if( obj.serialize || obj.toJSON )
//return obj.serialize ? obj.serialize() : obj.toJSON(); //why not this?
return [ "@ENC", LS.TYPES.OBJECT, obj.serialize ? obj.serialize() : obj.toJSON(), LS.getObjectClassName( obj ) ];
console.warn("Cannot clone internal classes:", LS.getObjectClassName( obj )," When serializing an object I found a property with a class that doesnt support serialization. If this property shouldn't be serialized start the name with underscore.'");
return null;
decodeObject: function( data )
if(!data || data.constructor !== Array || data[0] != "@ENC" )
return null;
switch( data[1] )
var obj = LSQ.get( data[2] );
if( obj )
return obj;
console.warn( "Object UID referencing object not found in the scene:", data[2] );
return data[2];
//return break;
case LS.TYPES.SCENE: return null; break; //weird case
if( !data[2] || !data[2].object_class )
return null;
var ctor = LS.Classes[ data[2].object_class ];
return null;
var v = new ctor();
return v;
return null;
* Clears all the uids inside this object and children (it also works with serialized object)
* @method clearUIds
* @param {Object} root could be a node or an object from a node serialization
clearUIds: function( root, uids_removed )
uids_removed = uids_removed || {};
uids_removed[ root.uid ] = root;
delete root.uid;
//remove for embeded materials
if(root.material && root.material.uid)
uids_removed[ root.material.uid ] = root.material;
delete root.material.uid;
var components = root.components;
if(!components && root.getComponents)
components = root.getComponents();
for(var i in components)
var comp = components[i];
uids_removed[ comp[1].uid ] = comp[1];
delete comp[1].uid;
uids_removed[ comp[1]._uid ] = comp[1];
delete comp[1]._uid;
var children = root.children;
if(!children && root.getChildren)
children = root.getChildren();
for(var i in children)
LS.clearUIds( children[i], uids_removed );
return uids_removed;
* Returns an object class name (uses the constructor toString)
* @method getObjectClassName
* @param {Object} the object to see the class name
* @return {String} returns the string with the name
getObjectClassName: function(obj)
if (!obj)
if(obj.constructor.fullname) //this is to overwrite the common name "Prefab" for a global name "LS.Prefab"
return obj.constructor.fullname;
return obj.constructor.name;
var arr = obj.constructor.toString().match(
if (arr && arr.length == 2) {
return arr[1];
* Returns an string with the class name
* @method getClassName
* @param {Object} class object
* @return {String} returns the string with the name
getClassName: function(obj)
if (!obj)
//from function info, but not standard
return obj.name;
//from sourcecode
if(obj.toString) {
var arr = obj.toString().match(
if (arr && arr.length == 2) {
return arr[1];
* Returns the public properties of one object and the type (not the values)
* @method getObjectProperties
* @param {Object} object
* @return {Object} returns object with attribute name and its type
//TODO: merge this with the locator stuff
getObjectProperties: function( object )
return object.getPropertiesInfo();
var class_object = object.constructor;
return class_object.properties;
var o = {};
for(var i in object)
//ignore some
if(i[0] == "_" || i[0] == "@" || i.substr(0,6) == "jQuery") //skip vars with _ (they are private)
if(class_object != Object)
var hint = class_object["@"+i];
if(hint && hint.type)
o[i] = hint.type;
var v = object[i];
if(v == null)
o[i] = null;
else if ( isFunction(v) )//&& Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, i) && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, i).get )
continue; //o[i] = v;
else if ( v.constructor === Boolean )
else if ( v.constructor === Number )
else if ( v.constructor === String )
else if ( v.buffer && v.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer ) //typed array
if(v.length == 2)
o[i] = LS.TYPES.VEC2;
else if(v.length == 3)
o[i] = LS.TYPES.VEC3;
else if(v.length == 4)
o[i] = LS.TYPES.VEC4;
else if(v.length == 9)
o[i] = LS.TYPES.MAT3;
else if(v.length == 16)
o[i] = LS.TYPES.MAT4;
o[i] = 0;
o[i] = 0;
return o;
//TODO: merge this with the locator stuff
setObjectProperty: function( obj, name, value )
return obj.setProperty(name, value);
obj[ name ] = value; //clone�?
obj.onPropertyChanged( name, value );
* Register a Material class so it is listed when searching for new materials to attach
* @method registerMaterialClass
* @param {ComponentClass} comp component class to register
registerMaterialClass: function( material_class )
var class_name = LS.getClassName( material_class );
this.MaterialClasses[ class_name ] = material_class;
this.Classes[ class_name ] = material_class;
//add extra material methods
LS.extendClass( material_class, Material );
LEvent.trigger( LS, "materialclass_registered", material_class );
material_class.resource_type = "Material";
material_class.is_material = true;
* Returns an script context using the script name (not the node name), usefull to pass data between scripts.
* @method getScript
* @param {String} name the name of the script according to the Script component.
* @return {Object} the context of the script.
getScript: function( name )
var script = LS.Script.active_scripts[name];
return script.context;
return null;
//we do it in a function to make it more standard and traceable
dispatchCodeError: function( err, line, resource, extra )
var error_info = { error: err, line: line, resource: resource, extra: extra };
LEvent.trigger( this, "code_error", error_info );
convertToString: function( data )
return "";
if(data.constructor === String)
return data;
if(data.constructor === Object)
return JSON.stringify( object.serialize ? object.serialize() : object );
if(data.constructor === ArrayBuffer)
data = new Uint8Array(data);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,data);
* clears the global scene and the resources manager
* @method reset
reset: function()
LEvent.trigger( LS, "reset" );
log: function()
console.log.apply( console, arguments );
stringToValue: function( v )
var value = v;
value = JSON.parse(v);
catch (err)
console.error( "Not a valid value: " + v );
return value;
isValueOfType: function( value, type )
if(value === null || value === undefined)
switch (type)
case "float":
case "sampler2D":
case "samplerCube":
case "mat3":
case "mat4":
return false;
return true;
switch (type)
//used to validate shaders
case "float":
case "sampler2D":
case "samplerCube":
case LS.TYPES.NUMBER: return isNumber(value);
case LS.TYPES.VEC2: return value.length === 2;
case LS.TYPES.VEC3: return value.length === 3;
case LS.TYPES.VEC4: return value.length === 4;
case LS.TYPES.COLOR: return value.length === 3;
case LS.TYPES.COLOR4: return value.length === 4;
case "mat3": return value.length === 9;
case "mat4": return value.length === 16;
return true;
//solution from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979975/how-to-get-the-value-from-the-url-parameter
queryString: function () {
// This function is anonymous, is executed immediately and
// the return value is assigned to QueryString!
var query_string = {};
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
// If first entry with this name
if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "undefined") {
query_string[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
// If second entry with this name
} else if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "string") {
var arr = [ query_string[pair[0]],decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) ];
query_string[pair[0]] = arr;
// If third or later entry with this name
} else {
return query_string;
downloadFile: function( filename, data, dataType )
console.warn("No file provided to download");
if(data.constructor === String )
dataType = 'text/plain';
dataType = 'application/octet-stream';
var file = null;
if(data.constructor !== File && data.constructor !== Blob)
file = new Blob( [ data ], {type : dataType});
file = data;
var url = URL.createObjectURL( file );
var element = document.createElement("a");
element.setAttribute('href', url);
element.setAttribute('download', filename );
element.style.display = 'none';
setTimeout( function(){ URL.revokeObjectURL( url ); }, 1000*60 ); //wait one minute to revoke url
//ensures no exception is catched by the system (useful for developers)
Object.defineProperty( LS, "catch_exceptions", {
set: function(v){
this._catch_exceptions = v;
LScript.catch_exceptions = v;
LScript.catch_important_exceptions = v;
get: function() { return this._catch_exceptions; },
enumerable: true
//ensures no exception is catched by the system (useful for developers)
Object.defineProperty( LS, "block_scripts", {
set: function(v){
LS._block_scripts = v;
LScript.block_execution = v;
get: function() {
return !!LS._block_scripts;
enumerable: true
//Add some classes
LS.Classes.WBin = LS.WBin = global.WBin = WBin;
* LSQ allows to set or get values easily from the global scene, using short strings as identifiers
* similar to jQuery and the DOM: LSQ("nod_name").material = ...
* @class LSQ
function LSQ(v)
return LSQ.get(v);
* Assigns a value to a property of one node in the scene, just by using a string identifier
* Example: LSQ.set("mynode|a_child/MeshRenderer/enabled",false);
* @method set
* @param {String} locator the locator string identifying the property
* @param {*} value value to assign to property
LSQ.set = function( locator, value, root, scene )
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
scene.setPropertyValue( locator, value );
if(root.constructor === LS.SceneNode)
var path = locator.split("/");
var node = root.findNodeByUId( path[0] );
return null;
return node.setPropertyValueFromPath( path.slice(1), value );
* Retrieves the value of a property of one node in the scene, just by using a string identifier
* Example: var value = LSQ.get("mynode|a_child/MeshRenderer/enabled");
* @method get
* @param {String} locator the locator string identifying the property
* @return {*} value of the property
LSQ.get = function( locator, root, scene )
if(!locator) //sometimes we have a var with a locator that is null
return null;
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
var info;
info = scene.getPropertyInfo( locator );
if(root.constructor === LS.SceneNode)
var path = locator.split("/");
var node = root.findNodeByUId( path[0] );
return null;
info = node.getPropertyInfoFromPath( path.slice(1) );
return info.value;
return null;
* Shortens a locator that uses unique identifiers to a simpler one, but be careful, because it uses names instead of UIDs it could point to the wrong property
* Example: "@NODE--a40661-1e8a33-1f05e42-56/@COMP--a40661-1e8a34-1209e28-57/size" -> "node|child/Collider/size"
* @method shortify
* @param {String} locator the locator string to shortify
* @return {String} the locator using names instead of UIDs
LSQ.shortify = function( locator, scene )
var t = locator.split("/");
var node = null;
//already short
if( t[0][0] != LS._uid_prefix )
return locator;
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
node = scene._nodes_by_uid[ t[0] ];
if(!node) //node not found
return locator;
t[0] = node.getPathName();
if( t[1][0] == LS._uid_prefix )
var compo = node.getComponentByUId(t[1]);
t[1] = LS.getObjectClassName( compo );
return t.join("/");
* Assigns a value using the getLocatorInfo object instead of searching it again
* This is faster but if the locator points to a different object it wont work.
* @method setFromInfo
* @param {Object} info information of a location (obtain using scene.getLocatorInfo
* @param {*} value to assign
LSQ.setFromInfo = function( info, value )
if(!info || !info.target)
var target = info.target;
if( target.setPropertyValue )
if( target.setPropertyValue( info.name, value ) === true )
return target;
if( target[ info.name ] === undefined )
target[ info.name ] = value;
LSQ.getFromInfo = function( info )
if(!info || !info.target)
var target = info.target;
var varname = info.name;
var v = undefined;
if( target.getPropertyValue )
v = target.getPropertyValue( varname );
if( v === undefined && target[ varname ] === undefined )
return null;
return v !== undefined ? v : target[ varname ];
//register resource classes
LS.registerResourceClass( GL.Mesh );
LS.registerResourceClass( GL.Texture );
LS.Mesh = GL.Mesh;
LS.Texture = GL.Texture;
LS.Buffer = GL.Buffer;
//LS.Shader = GL.Shader; //this could be confussing since there is also ShaderBlocks etc in LiteScene
global.LSQ = LSQ;