API Docs for:

File: ../src/materials/material.js


//Material class **************************
* A Material is a class in charge of defining how to render an object, there are several classes for Materials
* but this class is more like a template for other material classes.
* The rendering of a material is handled by the material itself, if not provided then uses the Renderer default one
* @namespace LS
* @class Material
* @constructor
* @param {String} object to configure from

function Material( o )
	this.uid = LS.generateUId("MAT-");
	this._must_update = true;

	//used locally during rendering
	this._index = -1;
	this._local_id = Material.last_index++;
	this._last_frame_update = -1;

	* materials have at least a basic color property and opacity
	* @property color
	* @type {[[r,g,b]]}
	* @default [1,1,1]
	this._color = new Float32Array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]);

	* render queue: which order should this be rendered
	* @property queue
	* @type {Number}
	* @default LS.RenderQueue.DEFAULT
	this._queue = LS.RenderQueue.DEFAULT;

	* render state: which flags should be used (in StandardMaterial this is overwritten due to the multipass lighting)
	* TODO: render states should be moved to render passes defined by the shadercode in the future to allow multipasses like cellshading outline render
	* @property render_state
	* @type {LS.RenderState}
	this._render_state = new LS.RenderState();

	this._light_mode = LS.Material.NO_LIGHTS;

	* matrix used to define texture tiling in the shader (passed as u_texture_matrix)
	* @property uvs_matrix
	* @type {mat3}
	* @default [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1]
	this.uvs_matrix = new Float32Array([1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1]);

	* texture channels
	* contains info about the samplers for every texture channel
	* @property textures
	* @type {Object}
	this.textures = {};

	* used internally by LS.StandardMaterial
	* This will be gone in the future in order to use the new ShaderMaterial rendering system
	* @property query
	* @type {LS.ShaderQuery}
	//this._query = new LS.ShaderQuery();

	* flags to control cast_shadows, receive_shadows or ignore_frustum
	* @property flags
	* @type {Object}
	* @default { cast_shadows: true, receive_shadows: true, ignore_frutum: false }
	this.flags = {
		cast_shadows: true,
		receive_shadows: true,
		ignore_frustum: false

	//properties with special storage (multiple vars shared among single properties)

	Object.defineProperty( this, 'color', {
		get: function() { return this._color.subarray(0,3); },
		set: function(v) { vec3.copy( this._color, v ); },
		enumerable: true

	* The alpha component to control opacity
	* @property opacity
	* @default 1
	Object.defineProperty( this, 'opacity', {
		get: function() { return this._color[3]; },
		set: function(v) { this._color[3] = v; },
		enumerable: true

	* the render queue id where this instance belongs
	* @property queue
	* @default LS.RenderQueue.DEFAULT;
	Object.defineProperty( this, 'queue', {
		get: function() { return this._queue; },
		set: function(v) { 
			if( isNaN(v) || !isNumber(v) )
			this._queue = v;
		enumerable: true

	* the render state flags to control how the GPU behaves
	* @property render_state
	Object.defineProperty( this, 'render_state', {
		get: function() { return this._render_state; },
		set: function(v) { 
			for(var i in v) //copy from JSON object
				this._render_state[i] = v[i];
		enumerable: true


Material["@color"] = { type:"color" };

Material.icon = "mini-icon-material.png";
Material.last_index = 0;

Material.NO_LIGHTS = 0;
Material.ONE_LIGHT = 1;
Material.SEVERAL_LIGHTS = 2;

//material info attributes, use this to avoid errors when settings the attributes of a material

* Surface color
* @property color
* @type {vec3}
* @default [1,1,1]
Material.COLOR = "color";
* Opacity. It must be < 1 to enable alpha sorting. If it is <= 0 wont be visible.
* @property opacity
* @type {number}
* @default 1
Material.OPACITY = "opacity";

Material.SPECULAR_FACTOR = "specular_factor";
* Specular glossiness: the glossines (exponent) of specular light
* @property specular_gloss
* @type {number}
* @default 10
Material.SPECULAR_GLOSS = "specular_gloss";

Material.OPACITY_TEXTURE = "opacity";	//used for baked GI
Material.COLOR_TEXTURE = "color";	//material color
Material.AMBIENT_TEXTURE = "ambient";
Material.SPECULAR_TEXTURE = "specular"; //defines specular factor and glossiness per pixel
Material.EMISSIVE_TEXTURE = "emissive";
Material.ENVIRONMENT_TEXTURE = "environment";
Material.IRRADIANCE_TEXTURE = "irradiance";

Material.COORDS_UV0 = "0";
Material.COORDS_UV1 = "1";
Material.COORDS_UV_TRANSFORMED = "transformed";
Material.COORDS_SCREEN = "screen";					//project to screen space
Material.COORDS_SCREENCENTERED = "screen_centered";	//project to screen space and centers and corrects aspect
Material.COORDS_FLIPPED_SCREEN = "flipped_screen";	//used for realtime reflections
Material.COORDS_POLAR = "polar";					//use view vector as polar coordinates
Material.COORDS_POLAR_REFLECTED = "polar_reflected";//use reflected view vector as polar coordinates
Material.COORDS_POLAR_VERTEX = "polar_vertex";		//use normalized vertex as polar coordinates
Material.COORDS_WORLDXZ = "worldxz";
Material.COORDS_WORLDXY = "worldxy";
Material.COORDS_WORLDYZ = "worldyz";

Material.DEFAULT_UVS = { "normal":Material.COORDS_UV0, "displacement":Material.COORDS_UV0, "environment": Material.COORDS_POLAR_REFLECTED, "irradiance" : Material.COORDS_POLAR };

Material.available_shaders = ["default","global","lowglobal","phong_texture","flat","normal","phong","flat_texture","cell_outline"];

Material.prototype.fillUniforms = function( scene, options )
	var uniforms = {};
	var samplers = [];

	uniforms.u_material_color = this._color;
	uniforms.u_ambient_color = scene.info ? scene.info.ambient_color : LS.ONES;
	uniforms.u_texture_matrix = this.uvs_matrix;

	uniforms.u_specular = vec2.create([1,50]);
	uniforms.u_reflection = 0.0;

	//iterate through textures in the material
	var last_texture_slot = 0;
	for(var i in this.textures) 
		var sampler = this.getTextureSampler(i);

		var texture = Material.getTextureFromSampler( sampler );
		if(!texture) //loading or non-existant

		samplers[ last_texture_slot ] = sampler;
		var uniform_name = i + (texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D ? "_texture" : "_cubemap");
		uniforms[ uniform_name ] = last_texture_slot;

	//add extra uniforms
	for(var i in this.extra_uniforms)
		uniforms[i] = this.extra_uniforms[i];

	this._uniforms = uniforms;
	this._samplers = samplers; //samplers without fixed slot

* Configure the material getting the info from the object
* @method configure
* @param {Object} object to configure from
Material.prototype.configure = function(o)
	for(var i in o)
		if(typeof (o[i]) === "function")
		if(!this.setProperty( i, o[i] ) && LS.debug)
			console.warn("Material property not assigned: " + i );

* Serialize this material 
* @method serialize
* @return {Object} object with the serialization info
Material.prototype.serialize = function( simplified )
	var o = LS.cloneObject(this);
	delete o.filename;
	delete o.fullpath;
	delete o.remotepath;
	o.material_class = LS.getObjectClassName(this);

	if( simplified )
		delete o.render_state;
		delete o.flags;
		if( o.uvs_matrix && o.uvs_matrix.equal([1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1]) )
			delete o.uvs_matrix;

	return o;

* Clone this material (keeping the class)
* @method clone
* @return {Material} Material instance
Material.prototype.clone = function()
	var data = this.serialize();
		delete data.uid;
	return new this.constructor( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( data )) );

* Loads and assigns a texture to a channel
* @method loadAndSetTexture
* @param {Texture || url} texture_or_filename
* @param {String} channel
Material.prototype.loadAndSetTexture = function( channel, texture_or_filename, options )
	options = options || {};
	var that = this;

	if( texture_or_filename && texture_or_filename.constructor === String ) //it could be the url or the internal texture name 
		if(texture_or_filename[0] != ":")//load if it is not an internal texture
			LS.ResourcesManager.load(texture_or_filename,options, function(texture) {
				that.setTexture(channel, texture);
			this.setTexture(channel, texture_or_filename);
	else //otherwise just assign whatever
		this.setTexture( channel, texture_or_filename );

* gets all the properties and its types
* @method getPropertiesInfo
* @return {Object} object with name:type
Material.prototype.getPropertiesInfo = function()
	var o = {

	var textures = this.getTextureChannels();
	for(var i in textures)
		o["tex_" + textures[i]] = "Texture"; //changed from Sampler
	return o;

* gets all the properties and its types
* @method getProperty
* @return {Object} object with name:type
Material.prototype.getProperty = function(name)
	if(name.substr(0,4) == "tex_")
		return this.textures[ name.substr(4) ];
	return this[name];

* gets all the properties and its types
* @method getProperty
* @return {Object} object with name:type
Material.prototype.setProperty = function( name, value )
	if( value === undefined )

	if( name.substr(0,4) == "tex_" )
		if( (value && (value.constructor === String || value.constructor === GL.Texture)) || !value)
			this.setTexture( name.substr(4), value );
		return true;

	switch( name )
		case "queue": 
		case "opacity": 
			if(value !== null && value.constructor === Number)
				this[name] = value; 
		case "uid":
			this[name] = value; 
		case "uvs_matrix":
		case "color": 
			if(this[name].length == value.length)
				this[name].set( value );
		case "textures":
			for(var i in value)
				var tex = value[i];
				if( tex && tex.constructor === String )
					tex = { texture: tex, uvs: "0", wrap: 0, minFilter: 0, magFilter: 0 };
				tex._must_update = true;
				this.textures[i] = tex;
				//this is to ensure there are no wrong characters in the texture name
				if( this.textures[i] && this.textures[i].texture )
					this.textures[i].texture = LS.ResourcesManager.cleanFullpath( this.textures[i].texture );
			//this.textures = cloneObject(value);
		case "flags":
			for(var i in value)
				this.flags[i] = value[i];
		case "transparency": //special cases
			this.opacity = 1 - value;
		case "render_state":
			this._render_state.configure( value );
		case "material_class":
		case "object_type":
			return true;
			return false;
	return true;

Material.prototype.setPropertyValueFromPath = function( path, value, offset )
	offset = offset || 0;

	if( path.length < (offset+1) )

	//maybe check if path is texture?

	this.setProperty( path[ offset ], value );

Material.prototype.getPropertyInfoFromPath = function( path )
	if( path.length < 1)

	var varname = path[0];
	var type = null;

		case "queue": 
		case "opacity": 
		case "transparency":
			type = "number"; break;
		case "uvs_matrix":
			type = "mat3"; break;
		case "color": 
			type = "vec3"; break;
		case "textures":
			type = "Texture"; break;
			return null;

	return {
		node: this._root,
		target: this,
		name: varname,
		value: this[varname],
		type: type

* gets all the texture channels supported by this material
* @method getTextureChannels
* @return {Array} array with the name of every channel supported by this material
Material.prototype.getTextureChannels = function()
	//console.warn("this function should never be called, it should be overwritten");
	return [];

* Assigns a texture to a channel and its sampling parameters
* @method setTexture
* @param {String} channel for a list of supported channels by this material call getTextureChannels()
* @param {Texture} texture
* @param {Object} sampler_options
Material.prototype.setTexture = function( channel, texture, sampler_options ) {

		throw("Material.prototype.setTexture channel must be specified");

		delete this.textures[ channel ];

	//clean to avoid names with double slashes
	if( texture.constructor === String )
		texture = LS.ResourcesManager.cleanFullpath( texture );

	//get current info
	var sampler = this.textures[ channel ];
		this.textures[channel] = sampler = { 
			texture: texture, 
			uvs: Material.DEFAULT_UVS[channel] || "0", 
			wrap: 0, 
			minFilter: 0, 
			magFilter: 0,
			missing: "white"
	else if(sampler.texture == texture && !sampler_options)
		return sampler;
		sampler.texture = texture;

		for(var i in sampler_options)
			sampler[i] = sampler_options[i];
	sampler._must_update = true;

	if(texture.constructor === String && texture[0] != ":")
		LS.ResourcesManager.load( texture );

	return sampler;

* Set a property of the sampling (wrap, uvs, filter)
* @method setTextureProperty
* @param {String} channel for a list of supported channels by this material call getTextureChannels()
* @param {String} property could be "uvs", "filter", "wrap"
* @param {*} value the value, for uvs check Material.TEXTURE_COORDINATES, filter is gl.NEAREST or gl.LINEAR and wrap gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.MIRROR or gl.REPEAT
Material.prototype.setTextureProperty = function( channel, property, value )
	var sampler = this.textures[channel];

		if(property == "texture")
			this.textures[channel] = sampler = { texture: value, uvs: Material.DEFAULT_UVS[channel] || "0", wrap: 0, minFilter: 0, magFilter: 0 };

	sampler[ property ] = value;

* Returns the texture in a channel
* @method getTexture
* @param {String} channel default is COLOR
* @return {Texture}
Material.prototype.getTexture = function( channel ) {
	channel = channel || Material.COLOR_TEXTURE;

	var v = this.textures[channel];
		return null;

	if(v.constructor === String)
		return LS.ResourcesManager.textures[v];

	var tex = v.texture;
		return null;
	if(tex.constructor === String)
		return LS.ResourcesManager.textures[tex];
	else if(tex.constructor == Texture)
		return tex;
	return null;

* Returns the texture sampler info of one texture channel (filter, wrap, uvs)
* @method getTextureSampler
* @param {String} channel get available channels using getTextureChannels
* @return {Texture}
Material.prototype.getTextureSampler = function(channel) {
	return this.textures[ channel ];

Material.getTextureFromSampler = function(sampler)
	var texture = sampler.constructor === String ? sampler : sampler.texture;
	if(!texture) //weird case
		return null;

	if(texture.constructor === String)
		texture = LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ texture ];
	if (!texture || texture.constructor != GL.Texture)
		return null;
	return texture;

* Assigns a texture sampler to one texture channel (filter, wrap, uvs)
* @method setTextureInfo
* @param {String} channel default is COLOR
* @param {Object} sampler { texture, uvs, wrap, filter }
Material.prototype.setTextureSampler = function(channel, sampler) {
		throw("Cannot call Material setTextureSampler without channel");
		delete this.textures[ channel ];
		this.textures[ channel ] = sampler;

* Collects all the resources needed by this material (textures)
* @method getResources
* @param {Object} resources object where all the resources are stored
* @return {Texture}
Material.prototype.getResources = function (res)
	for(var i in this.textures)
		var sampler = this.textures[i];
		if(typeof(sampler.texture) == "string")
			res[ sampler.texture ] = GL.Texture;
	return res;

* Event used to inform if one resource has changed its name
* @method onResourceRenamed
* @param {Object} resources object where all the resources are stored
* @return {Boolean} true if something was modified
Material.prototype.onResourceRenamed = function (old_name, new_name, resource)
	var v = false;
	for(var i in this.textures)
		var sampler = this.textures[i];
		if(sampler.texture == old_name)
			sampler.texture = new_name;
			v = true;
	return v;

* Loads all the textures inside this material, by sending the through the ResourcesManager
* @method loadTextures

Material.prototype.loadTextures = function ()
	var res = this.getResources({});
	for(var i in res)
		LS.ResourcesManager.load( i );

* Register this material in a materials pool to be shared with other nodes
* @method registerMaterial
* @param {String} name name given to this material, it must be unique
Material.prototype.registerMaterial = function(name)
	this.name = name;
	LS.ResourcesManager.registerResource(name, this);
	this.material = name;

Material.prototype.getCategory = function()
	return this.category || "Material";

Material.prototype.updatePreview = function(size, options)
	options = options || {};

	var res = {};

	for(var i in res)
		var resource = LS.ResourcesManager.resources[i];
			console.warn("Cannot generate preview with resources missing.");
			return null;

		options.environment = LS.GlobalScene.info.textures.environment;

	size = size || 256;
	var preview = LS.Renderer.renderMaterialPreview( this, size, options, this._preview );

	this._preview = preview;
		this._preview_url = preview.toDataURL("image/png");

Material.prototype.getLocator = function()
		return this._root.uid + "/material";
	return this.uid;

Material.prototype.assignToNode = function(node)
		return false;
	var filename = this.fullpath || this.filename;
	node.material = filename ? filename : this;
	return true;

* Creates a new property in this material class. Helps with some special cases
* like when we have a Float32Array property and we dont want it to be replaced by another array, but setted
* @method createProperty
* @param {String} name the property name as it should be accessed ( p.e.  "color" -> material.color )
* @param {*} value
* @param {String} type a valid value type ("Number","Boolean","Texture",...)
Material.prototype.createProperty = function( name, value, type, options )
		this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = { type: type };

		if(!this.constructor[ "@" + name ])
			this.constructor[ "@" + name ] = {};
		LS.cloneObject( options, this.constructor[ "@" + name ] );

	if(value == null)

	//basic type
	if(value.constructor === Number || value.constructor === String || value.constructor === Boolean)
		this[ name ] = value;

	//for vector type
	if(value.constructor === Float32Array )
		var private_name = "_" + name;
		value = new Float32Array( value ); //clone
		this[ private_name ] = value; //this could be removed...

		Object.defineProperty( this, name, {
			get: function() { return value; },
			set: function(v) { value.set( v ); },
			enumerable: true,
			configurable: true

Material.prototype.prepare = function( scene )
		this._uniforms = {};
		this._samplers = [];


	//this.fillShaderQuery( scene ); //update shader macros on this material
	this.fillUniforms( scene ); //update uniforms

Material.prototype.getShader = function( pass_name )
	var shader = Material._shader_color;
		shader = Material._shader_color = new GL.Shader( LS.Shaders.common_vscode + "void main(){ vec4 vertex = u_model * a_vertex;\ngl_Position = u_viewprojection * vertex;\n }", LS.Shaders.common_vscode + "uniform vec4 u_color;\n\void main(){ gl_FragColor = u_color;\n }");
	return shader;

//main function called to render an object
Material.prototype.renderInstance = function( instance, render_settings, pass )
	//some globals
	var renderer = LS.Renderer;
	var camera = LS.Renderer._current_camera;
	var scene = LS.Renderer._current_scene;
	var model = instance.matrix;

	//node matrix info
	var instance_final_query = instance._final_query;
	var instance_final_samplers = instance._final_samplers;
	var render_uniforms = LS.Renderer._render_uniforms;

	//maybe this two should be somewhere else
	render_uniforms.u_model = model; 
	render_uniforms.u_normal_model = instance.normal_matrix; 

	//global stuff
	LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( this._samplers );
	var global_flags = 0;

		this.onRenderInstance( instance );

	//extract shader compiled
	var shader = shader_code.getShader( pass.name );
		return false;

	shader.uniformsArray( [ scene._uniforms, camera._uniforms, render_uniforms, this._uniforms, instance.uniforms ] ); 

	instance.render( shader, this._primitive != -1 ? this._primitive : undefined );
	renderer._rendercalls += 1;

	return true;

//LS.registerMaterialClass( Material );
LS.registerResourceClass( Material );
LS.Material = Material;