* ShaderMaterial allows to use your own shader from scratch
* @namespace LS
* @class ShaderMaterial
* @constructor
* @param {Object} object [optional] to configure from
function ShaderMaterial( o )
Material.call( this, null );
this._shader = "";
this._shader_version = -1;
this._shader_flags = 0; //?
this._shader_code = null;
this._uniforms = {};
this._samplers = [];
this._properties = [];
this._properties_by_name = {};
this._passes = {};
this._light_mode = 0;
this._primitive = -1;
this._allows_instancing = false;
this._version = -1;
this._shader_version = -1;
//assign a shader from a filename to a shadercode
Object.defineProperty( ShaderMaterial.prototype, "shader", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._shader;
set: function(v) {
v = LS.ResourcesManager.cleanFullpath(v);
if(this._shader == v)
this._shader_code = null;
this._shader = v;
//allows to assign a shader code that doesnt come from a resource
Object.defineProperty( ShaderMaterial.prototype, "shader_code", {
enumerable: false,
get: function() {
return this._shader_code;
set: function(v) {
this._shader = null;
this._shader_code = v;
Object.defineProperty( ShaderMaterial.prototype, "properties", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._properties;
set: function(v) {
this._properties = v;
this._properties_by_name = {};
for(var i in this._properties)
var p = this._properties[i];
this._properties_by_name[ p.name ] = p;
Object.defineProperty( ShaderMaterial.prototype, "enableLights", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._light_mode != 0;
set: function(v) {
this._light_mode = v ? 1 : 0;
Object.defineProperty( ShaderMaterial.prototype, "version", {
enumerable: false,
get: function() {
return this._version;
set: function(v) {
console.error("version cannot be set manually");
ShaderMaterial.prototype.addPass = function( name, vertex_shader, fragment_shader, macros )
this._passes[ name ] = {
vertex: vertex_shader,
fragment: fragment_shader,
macros: macros
//called when preparing materials before rendering the scene
ShaderMaterial.prototype.prepare = function( scene )
if( this.onPrepare )
this.onPrepare( scene );
//called when filling uniforms from prepare
ShaderMaterial.prototype.fillUniforms = function()
//gather uniforms & samplers
var samplers = this._samplers;
samplers.length = 0;
this._uniforms.u_material_color = this._color;
for(var i = 0; i < this._properties.length; ++i)
var p = this._properties[i];
if(p.internal) //internal is a property that is not for the shader (is for internal computations)
this._uniforms[ p.uniform ] = samplers.length;
samplers.push( p.value );
samplers.push( " " ); //force missing texture
this._uniforms[ p.uniform ] = p.value;
//assigns a value to a property
ShaderMaterial.prototype.setProperty = function(name, value)
//redirect to base material
if( Material.prototype.setProperty.call(this,name,value) )
return true;
if(name == "shader")
this.shader = value;
else if(name == "properties")
this.properties.length = 0;
this._properties_by_name = {};
for(var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i)
var prop = value[i];
if(prop.is_texture && prop.value && prop.value.constructor === String)
prop.value = { texture: prop.value };
this.properties[i] = prop;
this._properties_by_name[ prop.name ] = prop;
// this._samplers.push( prop.value );
else if( this._properties_by_name[ name ] )
var prop = this._properties_by_name[ name ];
if( !prop.value || prop.value.constructor === String || !prop.value.length )
prop.value = value;
prop.value.set( value );
return false;
return true;
//check the ShaderCode associated and applies it to this material (keeping the state of the properties)
ShaderMaterial.prototype.processShaderCode = function()
if(!this._shader_code && !this._shader)
this._properties.length = 0;
this._properties_by_name = {};
this._passes = {};
this._samplers.length = 0;
return false;
//get shader code
var shader_code = this._shader_code;
if( !shader_code && this._shader )
shader_code = LS.ResourcesManager.getResource( this.shader );
if( !shader_code || shader_code.constructor !== LS.ShaderCode )
return false;
var old_properties = this._properties_by_name;
this._properties.length = 0;
this._properties_by_name = {};
this._passes = {};
this._samplers.length = 0;
this._light_mode = 0;
this._primitive = -1;
//reset material properties
this._queue = LS.RenderQueue.GEOMETRY;
//clear old functions
for(var i in this)
if( this[i] && this[i].constructor === Function )
delete this[i];
//apply init
if( shader_code._functions.init )
shader_code._functions.init.call( this );
shader_code._functions.init.call( this );
catch (err)
for(var i in shader_code._global_uniforms)
var global = shader_code._global_uniforms[i];
if( global.disabled ) //in case this var is not found in the shader
this.createUniform( global.name, global.uniform, global.type, global.value, global.options );
//set version before asssignOldProperties
this._shader_version = shader_code._version;
//restore old values
this.assignOldProperties( old_properties );
//used after changing the code of the ShaderCode and wanting to reload the material keeping the old properties
ShaderMaterial.prototype.assignOldProperties = function( old_properties )
//get shader code
var shader = null;
var shader_code = this.getShaderCode(); //no parameters because we just want the render_state and init stuff
if( shader_code )
shader = shader_code.getShader();
for(var i = 0; i < this._properties.length; ++i)
var new_prop = this._properties[i];
if(!old_properties[ new_prop.name ])
var old = old_properties[ new_prop.name ];
if(old.value === undefined)
//validate (avoids error if we change the type of a uniform and try to reassign a value)
if( !old.internal && shader && !new_prop.is_texture ) //textures are not validated (because they are samplers, not values)
var uniform_info = shader.uniformInfo[ new_prop.uniform ];
if(new_prop.value !== undefined)
if( !GL.Shader.validateValue( new_prop.value, uniform_info ) )
new_prop.value = undefined;
//this is to keep current values when coding the shader from the editor
if( new_prop.value && new_prop.value.set ) //special case for typed arrays avoiding generating GC
//this is to be careful when an array changes sizes
if( old.value && old.value.length && new_prop.value.length && old.value.length <= new_prop.value.length)
new_prop.value.set( old.value );
new_prop.value = old.value;
new_prop.value = old.value;
//called from LS.Renderer when rendering an instance
ShaderMaterial.prototype.renderInstance = function( instance, render_settings, pass )
//get shader code
var shader_code = this.getShaderCode( instance, render_settings, pass );
if(!shader_code || shader_code.constructor !== LS.ShaderCode )
return true; //skip rendering
//this is in case the shader has been modified in the editor (reapplies the shadercode to the material)
if( shader_code._version !== this._shader_version && this.processShaderCode )
//some globals
var renderer = LS.Renderer;
var camera = LS.Renderer._current_camera;
var scene = LS.Renderer._current_scene;
var model = instance.matrix;
var render_uniforms = LS.Renderer._render_uniforms;
//maybe this two should be somewhere else
render_uniforms.u_model = model;
render_uniforms.u_normal_model = instance.normal_matrix;
//compute flags: checks the ShaderBlocks attached to this instance and resolves the flags
var block_flags = instance.computeShaderBlockFlags();
block_flags |= LS.Renderer._global_block_flags; //apply global block_flags
//global stuff
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( this._samplers );
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( instance.samplers );
var global_flags = LS.Renderer._global_shader_blocks_flags;
//TODO: could this part be precomputed before rendering color pass?
if( pass == COLOR_PASS ) //allow reflections only in color pass
global_flags |= LS.ShaderMaterial.reflection_block.flag_mask;
if( LS.Renderer._global_textures.environment )
if( LS.Renderer._global_textures.environment.texture_type == GL.TEXTURE_2D )
global_flags |= environment_2d_block.flag_mask;
global_flags |= environment_cubemap_block.flag_mask;
if( LS.Renderer._global_textures.irradiance )
global_flags |= irradiance_block.flag_mask;
//for those cases
this.onRenderInstance( instance );
//add flags related to lights
var lights = null;
//ignore lights renders the object with flat illumination
var ignore_lights = pass != COLOR_PASS || render_settings.lights_disabled || this._light_mode === Material.NO_LIGHTS;
if( !ignore_lights )
lights = LS.Renderer.getNearLights( instance );
//if no lights are set or the render mode is flat
if( !lights || lights.length == 0 || ignore_lights )
//global flags for environment and irradiance
if( !ignore_lights )
block_flags |= global_flags;
//extract shader compiled
var shader = shader_code.getShader( pass.name, block_flags );
//var shader = shader_code.getShader( "surface", block_flags );
return false;
shader.uniformsArray( [ scene._uniforms, camera._uniforms, render_uniforms, this._uniforms, instance.uniforms ] ); //removed, why this was in?? light ? light._uniforms : null,
shader.setUniform( "u_light_info", LS.ZEROS4 );
if( ignore_lights )
shader.setUniform( "u_ambient_light", LS.ONES );
instance.render( shader, this._primitive != -1 ? this._primitive : undefined );
renderer._rendercalls += 1;
return true;
var base_block_flags = block_flags;
var uniforms_array = [ scene._uniforms, camera._uniforms, render_uniforms, null, this._uniforms, instance.uniforms ];
//render multipass with several lights
var prev_shader = null;
for(var i = 0; i < lights.length; ++i)
var light = lights[i];
block_flags = light.applyShaderBlockFlags( base_block_flags, pass, render_settings );
block_flags |= global_flags;
//extract shader compiled
var shader = shader_code.getShader( null, block_flags );
console.warn("material without pass: " + pass.name );
//light texture like shadowmap and cookie
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( light._samplers );
//light parameters (like index of pass or num passes)
light._uniforms.u_light_info[2] = i;
light._uniforms.u_light_info[3] = lights.length;
uniforms_array[3] = light._uniforms;
if(prev_shader != shader)
shader.uniformsArray( uniforms_array );
shader.uniforms( light._uniforms );
prev_shader = shader;
if(i == 1)
gl.depthMask( false );
gl.depthFunc( gl.EQUAL );
gl.enable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendFunc( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE );
instance.render( shader, this._primitive != -1 ? this._primitive : undefined );
renderer._rendercalls += 1;
//optimize this
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.depthMask( true );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LESS );
return true;
ShaderMaterial.prototype.renderPickingInstance = function( instance, render_settings, pass )
//get shader code
var shader_code = this.getShaderCode( instance, render_settings, pass );
if(!shader_code || shader_code.constructor !== LS.ShaderCode )
//some globals
var renderer = LS.Renderer;
var camera = LS.Renderer._current_camera;
var scene = LS.Renderer._current_scene;
var model = instance.matrix;
var node = instance.node;
var render_uniforms = LS.Renderer._render_uniforms;
//maybe this two should be somewhere else
render_uniforms.u_model = model;
render_uniforms.u_normal_model = instance.normal_matrix;
//compute flags
var block_flags = instance.computeShaderBlockFlags();
//global stuff
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( this._samplers );
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( instance.samplers );
//extract shader compiled
var shader = shader_code.getShader( pass.name, block_flags );
shader_code = LS.ShaderMaterial.getDefaultPickingShaderCode();
shader = shader_code.getShader( pass.name, block_flags );
return false; //??!
//assign uniforms
shader.uniformsArray( [ camera._uniforms, render_uniforms, this._uniforms, instance.uniforms ] );
//set color
var pick_color = LS.Picking.getNextPickingColor( instance.picking_node || node );
shader.setUniform("u_material_color", pick_color );
instance.render( shader, this._primitive != -1 ? this._primitive : undefined );
renderer._rendercalls += 1;
//optimize this
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.depthMask( true );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LESS );
return true;
//used by the editor to know which possible texture channels are available
ShaderMaterial.prototype.getTextureChannels = function()
var channels = [];
for(var i in this._properties)
var p = this._properties[i];
channels.push( p.name );
return channels;
* Collects all the resources needed by this material (textures)
* @method getResources
* @param {Object} resources object where all the resources are stored
* @return {Texture}
ShaderMaterial.prototype.getResources = function ( res )
res[ this.shader ] = LS.ShaderCode;
for(var i in this._properties)
var p = this._properties[i];
if(p.value && p.is_texture)
var name = null;
name = p.value.texture;
name = res[ p.value ];
if(name && name.constructor === String)
res[name] = GL.Texture;
return res;
ShaderMaterial.prototype.getPropertyInfoFromPath = function( path )
if( path.length < 1)
var info = Material.prototype.getPropertyInfoFromPath.call(this,path);
return info;
var varname = path[0];
for(var i = 0, l = this.properties.length; i < l; ++i )
var prop = this.properties[i];
if(prop.name != varname)
return {
node: this._root,
target: this,
name: prop.name,
value: prop.value,
type: prop.type
//get shader code
ShaderMaterial.prototype.getShaderCode = function( instance, render_settings, pass )
var shader_code = this._shader_code || LS.ResourcesManager.getResource( this._shader );
if(!shader_code || shader_code.constructor !== LS.ShaderCode )
return null;
//this is in case the shader has been modified in the editor (reapplies the shadercode to the material)
if( shader_code._version !== this._shader_version && this.processShaderCode )
shader_code._version = this._shader_version;
return shader_code;
* Takes an input texture and applies the ShaderMaterial, the result is shown on the viewport or stored in the output_texture
* The ShaderCode must contain a "fx" method.
* Similar to the method BlitTexture in Unity
* @method applyToTexture
* @param {Texture} input_texture
* @param {Texture} output_texture [optional] where to store the result, if omitted it will be shown in the viewport
ShaderMaterial.prototype.applyToTexture = function( input_texture, output_texture )
if( !this.shader || !input_texture )
return false;
//get shader code
var shader_code = this.getShaderCode(); //special use
return false;
//extract shader compiled
var shader = shader_code.getShader("fx");
return false;
//global vars
this._uniforms.u_time = LS.GlobalScene._time;
this._uniforms.u_viewport = gl.viewport_data;
//bind samplers
LS.Renderer.bindSamplers( this._samplers );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.disable( gl.CULL_FACE );
input_texture.toViewport( shader, this._uniforms );
output_texture.drawTo( function(){
input_texture.toViewport( shader, this._uniforms );
* Makes one shader variable (uniform) public so it can be assigned from the engine (or edited from the editor)
* @method createUniform
* @param {String} name the property name as it should be shown
* @param {String} uniform the uniform name in the shader
* @param {String} type the var type in case we want to edit it (use LS.TYPES)
* @param {*} value
* @param {Object} options an object containing all the possible options (used mostly for widgets)
ShaderMaterial.prototype.createUniform = function( name, uniform, type, value, options )
if(!name || !uniform)
throw("parameter missing in createUniform");
type = type || "Number";
if( type.constructor !== String )
throw("type must be string");
//cast to typed-array
value = value || 0;
if(value && value.length)
value = new Float32Array( value );//cast them always
//create a value, otherwise is null
switch (type)
case "vec2": value = vec2.create(); break;
case "color":
case "vec3": value = vec3.create(); break;
case "color4":
case "vec4": value = vec4.create(); break;
case "mat3": value = mat3.create(); break;
case "mat4": value = mat4.create(); break;
//define info
var prop = { name: name, uniform: uniform, value: value, type: type, is_texture: 0 };
//mark as texture (because this need to go to the textures container so they are binded)
if(type.toLowerCase() == "texture" || type == "sampler2D" || type == "samplerCube" || type == "sampler")
prop.is_texture = (type == "samplerCube") ? 2 : 1;
prop.sampler = {};
prop.type = "sampler";
prop.sampler_slot = this._samplers.length;
this._samplers.push( prop.sampler );
for(var i in options)
prop[i] = options[i];
this._properties.push( prop );
this._properties_by_name[ name ] = prop;
* Similar to createUniform but for textures, it helps specifying sampler options
* @method createSampler
* @param {String} name the property name as it should be shown
* @param {String} uniform the uniform name in the shader
* @param {Object} options an object containing all the possible options (used mostly for widgets)
* @param {String} value default value (texture name)
ShaderMaterial.prototype.createSampler = function( name, uniform, sampler_options, value )
if(!name || !uniform)
throw("parameter missing in createSampler");
var type = "sampler";
if( sampler_options && sampler_options.type )
type = sampler_options.type;
var sampler = null;
//do not overwrite
if( this._properties_by_name[ name ] )
var current_prop = this._properties_by_name[ name ];
if( current_prop.type == type && current_prop.value )
sampler = current_prop.value;
sampler = {
texture: value
var prop = { name: name, uniform: uniform, value: sampler, type: type, is_texture: 1, sampler_slot: -1 };
sampler.magFilter = sampler_options.filter;
sampler.minFilter = sampler_options.filter;
delete sampler_options.filter;
sampler.wrapS = sampler_options.wrap;
sampler.wrapT = sampler_options.wrap;
delete sampler_options.wrap;
for(var i in sampler_options)
sampler[i] = sampler_options[i];
prop.sampler_slot = this._samplers.length;
this._properties.push( prop );
this._properties_by_name[ name ] = prop;
this._samplers.push( prop.value );
* Creates a property for this material, this property wont be passed to the shader but can be used from source code.
* You must used this function if you want the data to be stored when serializing or changing the ShaderCode
* @method createProperty
* @param {String} name the property name as it should be shown
* @param {*} value the default value
* @param {String} type the data type (use LS.TYPES)
* @param {Object} options an object containing all the possible options (used mostly for widgets)
ShaderMaterial.prototype.createProperty = function( name, value, type, options )
var prop = this._properties_by_name[ name ];
if(prop && prop.type == type) //already exist with the same type
prop = { name: name, type: type, internal: true, value: value };
for(var i in options)
prop[i] = options[i];
this._properties.push( prop );
this._properties_by_name[ name ] = prop;
Object.defineProperty( this, name, {
get: function() {
var prop = this._properties_by_name[ name ]; //fetch it because could have been overwritten
return prop.value;
set: function(v) {
var prop = this._properties_by_name[ name ]; //fetch it because could have been overwritten
if(prop.value && prop.value.set) //for typed arrays
prop.value.set( v );
prop.value = v;
enumerable: false, //must not be serialized
configurable: true //allows to overwrite this property
* Event used to inform if one resource has changed its name
* @method onResourceRenamed
* @param {Object} resources object where all the resources are stored
* @return {Boolean} true if something was modified
ShaderMaterial.prototype.onResourceRenamed = function (old_name, new_name, resource)
var v = Material.prototype.onResourceRenamed.call(this, old_name, new_name, resource );
if( this.shader == old_name)
this.shader = new_name;
v = true;
//change texture also in shader values... (this should be automatic but it is not)
for(var i = 0; i < this._properties.length; ++i)
var p = this._properties[i];
if(p.internal) //internal is a property that is not for the shader (is for internal computations)
if( !p.is_texture || !p.value )
if( p.value.texture != old_name )
p.value.texture = new_name;
v = true;
return v;
ShaderMaterial.getDefaultPickingShaderCode = function()
if( ShaderMaterial.default_picking_shader_code )
return ShaderMaterial.default_picking_shader_code;
var sc = new LS.ShaderCode();
sc.code = LS.ShaderCode.flat_code;
ShaderMaterial.default_picking_shader_code = sc;
return sc;
LS.registerMaterialClass( ShaderMaterial );
LS.ShaderMaterial = ShaderMaterial;