/* This is in charge of basic physics actions like ray tracing against the colliders */
* Contains information about the collision of a ray and the scene
* - position: vec3
* - node: SceneNode
* - instance: could be a RenderInstance or a PhysicsInstance
* - distance: number
* @class Collision
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
* @param {SceneNode} node
* @param {PhysicsInstance|RenderInstance} instance
* @param {vec3} position collision position
* @param {number} distance
function Collision( node, instance, position, distance, normal, hit )
this.position = vec3.create();
this.node = node || null; //the node belonging to this colliding object
this.instance = instance || null; //could be a RenderInstance or a PhysicsInstance
this.distance = distance || 0; //distance from the ray start
this.normal = normal;
this.hit = hit; //contains info about the collision in local space
Collision.isCloser = function(a,b) { return a.distance - b.distance; }
LS.Collision = Collision;
* PhysicsInstance contains info of a colliding object. Used to test collisions with the scene
* @class PhysicsInstance
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
function PhysicsInstance( node, component )
this.uid = LS.generateUId("PHSX"); //unique identifier for this RI
this.layers = 3|0;
this.type = PhysicsInstance.BOX; //SPHERE, MESH
this.mesh = null;
//where does it come from
this.node = node;
this.component = component;
this.matrix = mat4.create();
this.center = vec3.create(); //in world space
//for visibility computation
this.oobb = BBox.create(); //local object oriented bounding box
this.aabb = BBox.create(); //world axis aligned bounding box
PhysicsInstance.BOX = 1;
PhysicsInstance.SPHERE = 2;
PhysicsInstance.PLANE = 3;
PhysicsInstance.CAPSULE = 4;
PhysicsInstance.MESH = 5;
PhysicsInstance.FUNCTION = 6; //used to test against a internal function
* Computes the instance bounding box in world space from the one in local space
* @method updateAABB
PhysicsInstance.prototype.updateAABB = function()
BBox.transformMat4( this.aabb, this.oobb, this.matrix );
PhysicsInstance.prototype.setMesh = function(mesh)
this.mesh = mesh;
this.type = PhysicsInstance.MESH;
BBox.setCenterHalfsize( this.oobb, BBox.getCenter( mesh.bounding ), BBox.getHalfsize( mesh.bounding ) );
LS.PhysicsInstance = PhysicsInstance;
* Physics is in charge of all physics testing methods
* Right now is mostly used for testing collisions with rays agains the colliders in the scene
* @class Physics
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
var Physics = {
* Cast a ray that traverses the scene checking for collisions with Colliders
* @method raycast
* @param {vec3} origin in world space
* @param {vec3} direction in world space
* @param {Object} options ( max_dist maxium distance, layers which layers to check, scene, first_collision )
* @return {Array} Array of Collision objects containing all the nodes that collided with the ray or null in the form [SceneNode, Collider, collision point, distance]
raycast: function( origin, direction, options )
options = options || {};
if(!origin || !direction)
throw("Physics.raycast: origin or direction missing.");
var layers = options.layers;
if(layers === undefined)
layers = 0xFFFF;
var max_distance = options.max_distance || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var scene = options.scene || LS.GlobalScene;
var first_collision = options.first_collision;
var colliders = options.colliders || scene._colliders;
var collisions = [];
var compute_normal = !!options.normal;
return null;
var local_origin = vec3.create();
var local_direction = vec3.create();
//for every instance
for(var i = 0; i < colliders.length; ++i)
var instance = colliders[i];
if( (layers & instance.layers) === 0 )
//test against AABB
var collision_point = vec3.create();
var collision_normal = null;
if( !geo.testRayBBox(origin, direction, instance.aabb, null, collision_point, max_distance) )
var model = instance.matrix;
var hit = null;
//spheres are tested in world space, is cheaper (if no non-uniform scales...)
if( instance.type == PhysicsInstance.SPHERE )
if(!geo.testRaySphere( origin, direction, instance.center, instance.oobb[3], collision_point, max_distance))
collision_normal = vec3.sub( vec3.create(), collision_point, instance.center );
else //the rest test first with the local BBox
//ray to local instance coordinates
var inv = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), model );
mat4.multiplyVec3( local_origin, inv, origin);
mat4.rotateVec3( local_direction, inv, direction);
//test against OOBB (a little bit more expensive)
if( !geo.testRayBBox( local_origin, local_direction, instance.oobb, null, collision_point, max_distance) )
//if mesh use Octree
if( instance.type == PhysicsInstance.MESH )
var octree = instance.mesh.octree;
octree = instance.mesh.octree = new GL.Octree( instance.mesh );
hit = octree.testRay( local_origin, local_direction, 0.0, max_distance );
mat4.multiplyVec3( collision_point, model, hit.pos );
collision_normal = mat4.rotateVec3( vec3.create(), model, hit.normal );
else //if just a BBox collision
vec3.transformMat4( collision_point, collision_point, model );
var distance = vec3.distance( origin, collision_point );
collisions.push( new LS.Collision( instance.node, instance, collision_point, distance, collision_normal, hit ));
return collisions;
//sort collisions by distance
collisions.sort( Collision.isCloser );
return collisions;
* Test if a sphere collides with any of the colliders in the scene
* @method testSphere
* @param {vec3} origin in world space
* @param {radius} radius
* @param {Object} options layers, colliders, scene
* @return {PhysicsInstance} the first PhysicsObject that collided with, otherwise null
testSphere: function( origin, radius, options )
options = options || {};
var layers = options.layers;
if(layers === undefined)
layers = 0xFFFF;
var scene = options.scene || LS.GlobalScene;
var colliders = options.colliders || scene._colliders;
var collisions = [];
var local_origin = vec3.create();
return null;
//for every instance
for(var i = 0; i < colliders.length; ++i)
var instance = colliders[i];
if( (layers & instance.layers) === 0 )
//test against AABB
if( !geo.testSphereBBox( origin, radius, instance.aabb ) )
var model = instance.matrix;
//ray to local
var inv = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), model );
mat4.multiplyVec3( local_origin, inv, origin);
//test in world space, is cheaper
if( instance.type == LS.PhysicsInstance.SPHERE)
if( vec3.distance( origin, local_origin ) > (radius + BBox.getRadius(instance.oobb)) )
else //the rest test first with the local BBox
//test against OOBB (a little bit more expensive)
if( !geo.testSphereBBox( local_origin, radius, instance.oobb) )
if( instance.type == LS.PhysicsInstance.MESH )
var octree = instance.mesh.octree;
octree = instance.mesh.octree = new GL.Octree( instance.mesh );
if( !octree.testSphere( local_origin, radius ) )
return instance;
return null;
//test collision between two PhysicsInstance
testCollision: function( A, B )
//test AABBs
if( !geo.testBBoxBBox( A.aabb, B.aabb ) )
return false;
return true; //TODO
//conver A to B local Space
//test box box
//test box sphere
//test box mesh
//test sphere box
//test sphere sphere
//mesh mesh not supported
//return true;
testAllCollisions: function( on_collision, layers, scene )
if(layers === undefined)
layers = 0xFFFF;
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
var colliders = scene._colliders;
var l = colliders.length;
var collisions = false;
for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
var instance_A = colliders[i];
if( (layers & instance_A.layers) === 0 )
for(var j = i+1; j < l; ++j)
var instance_B = colliders[j];
if( (layers & instance_B.layers) === 0 )
if( this.testCollision( instance_A, instance_B ) )
on_collision( instance_A, instance_B );
collisions = true;
return collisions;
* Cast a ray that traverses the scene checking for collisions with RenderInstances instead of colliders
* Similar to Physics.raycast but using the RenderInstances (if options.triangle_collision it builds Octrees for the RIs whose OOBB collides with the ray)
* @method raycastRenderInstances
* @param {vec3} origin in world space
* @param {vec3} direction in world space
* @param {Object} options { instances: array of instances, if not the scene will be used, triangle_collision: true if you want to test against triangles, max_distance: maxium ray distance, layers, scene, max_distance, first_collision : returns the first collision (which could be not the closest one) }
* @return {Array} array containing all the RenderInstances that collided with the ray in the form [SceneNode, RenderInstance, collision point, distance]
raycastRenderInstances: function( origin, direction, options )
options = options || {};
var layers = options.layers;
if(layers === undefined)
layers = 0xFFFF;
var max_distance = options.max_distance || Number.MAX_VALUE;
var scene = options.scene || LS.GlobalScene;
var triangle_collision = !!options.triangle_collision;
var first_collision = !!options.first_collision;
var compute_normal = !!options.normal;
var ignore_transparent = !!options.ignore_transparent;
var instances = options.instances || scene._instances;
if(!instances || !instances.length)
return null;
var collisions = [];
var local_origin = vec3.create();
var local_direction = vec3.create();
//for every instance
for(var i = 0, l = instances.length; i < l; ++i)
var instance = instances[i];
if((layers & instance.layers) === 0 ) //|| !(instance.flags & RI_RAYCAST_ENABLED)
if(instance.material && instance.material.render_state.blend && ignore_transparent)
continue; //avoid semitransparent
//test against AABB
var collision_point = vec3.create();
if( !geo.testRayBBox( origin, direction, instance.aabb, null, collision_point, max_distance ) )
var model = instance.matrix;
var hit = null;
//ray to local
var inv = mat4.invert( mat4.create(), model );
mat4.multiplyVec3( local_origin, inv, origin );
mat4.rotateVec3( local_direction, inv, direction );
//test against OOBB (a little bit more expensive)
if( !geo.testRayBBox( local_origin, local_direction, instance.oobb, null, collision_point, max_distance) )
//check which mesh to use
var collision_normal = null;
//test against mesh
if( triangle_collision )
var collision_mesh = instance.lod_mesh || instance.mesh;
var octree = collision_mesh.octree;
octree = collision_mesh.octree = new GL.Octree( collision_mesh );
hit = octree.testRay( local_origin, local_direction, 0.0, max_distance );
mat4.multiplyVec3( collision_point, model, hit.pos );
collision_normal = mat4.rotateVec3( vec3.create(), model, hit.normal );
vec3.transformMat4( collision_point, collision_point, model );
//compute distance
var distance = vec3.distance( origin, collision_point );
if(distance < max_distance)
collisions.push( new LS.Collision( instance.node, instance, collision_point, distance, collision_normal, hit ) );
return collisions;
collisions.sort( LS.Collision.isCloser );
return collisions;
* Cast a ray that traverses the scene checking for collisions with RenderInstances instead of colliders
* Similar to Physics.raycast but using the RenderInstances (if options.triangle_collision it builds Octrees for the RIs whose OOBB collides with the ray)
* @method raycastRenderInstances
* @param {vec3} origin in world space
* @param {vec3} direction in world space
* @param {LS.SceneNode} node
* @param {Object} options ( triangle_collision: true if you want to test against triangles, max_distance: maxium ray distance, layers, scene, max_distance, first_collision : returns the first collision (which could be not the closest one) )
* @return {Array} array containing all the RenderInstances that collided with the ray in the form [SceneNode, RenderInstance, collision point, distance]
raycastNode: function( origin, direction, node, options )
options = options || {};
options.instances = node._instances;
return this.raycastRenderInstances( origin, direction, options );
LS.Physics = Physics;