* Picking is used to detect which element is below one pixel (used the GPU) or using raycast
* @class Picking
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
var Picking = {
picking_color_offset: 10, //color difference between picking objects
* Renders the pixel and retrieves the color to detect which object it was, slow but accurate
* @method getNodeAtCanvasPosition
* @param {number} x in canvas coordinates
* @param {number} y in canvas coordinates
* @param {Camera} camera default is all cameras
* @param {number} layers default is 0xFFFF which is all
* @param {Scene} scene default is GlobalScene
getNodeAtCanvasPosition: function( x, y, camera, layers, scene )
var instance = this.getInstanceAtCanvasPosition( x, y, camera, layers, scene );
return null;
if(instance.constructor == LS.SceneNode)
return instance;
if(instance._root && instance._root.constructor == LS.SceneNode)
return instance._root;
return instance.node;
return null;
* Returns the instance under a screen position
* @method getInstanceAtCanvasPosition
* @param {number} x in canvas coordinates
* @param {number} y in canvas coordinates
* @param {Camera} camera
* @param {number} layers default is 0xFFFF which is all
* @param {Scene} scene
* @return {Object} the info supplied by the picker (usually a SceneNode)
getInstanceAtCanvasPosition: function( x, y, camera, layers, scene )
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
camera = LS.Renderer.getCameraAtPosition( x, y, scene._cameras );
return null;
this._picking_nodes = {};
//render all Render Instances
this.getPickingColorFromBuffer( scene, camera, x,y, layers );
this._picking_color[3] = 0; //remove alpha, because alpha is always 255
var id = new Uint32Array(this._picking_color.buffer)[0]; //get only element
var instance_info = this._picking_nodes[id];
this._picking_nodes = {};
return instance_info;
* Returns a color you should use to paint this node during picking rendering
* you tell what info you want to retrieve associated with this object if it is clicked
* @method getNextPickingColor
* @param {*} info
* @return {vec3} array containing all the RenderInstances that collided with the ray
getNextPickingColor: function( info )
this._picking_next_color_id += this.picking_color_offset;
var pick_color = new Uint32Array(1); //store four bytes number
pick_color[0] = this._picking_next_color_id; //with the picking color for this object
var byte_pick_color = new Uint8Array( pick_color.buffer ); //read is as bytes
//byte_pick_color[3] = 255; //Set the alpha to 1
this._picking_nodes[ this._picking_next_color_id ] = info;
return vec4.fromValues( byte_pick_color[0] / 255, byte_pick_color[1] / 255, byte_pick_color[2] / 255, 1 );
_pickingMap: null,
_picking_color: new Uint8Array(4),
_picking_depth: 0,
_picking_next_color_id: 0,
_picking_nodes: {},
_picking_render_settings: new RenderSettings(),
getPickingColorFromBuffer: function( scene, camera, x, y, layers )
//create texture
if(this._pickingMap == null || this._pickingMap.width != gl.canvas.width || this._pickingMap.height != gl.canvas.height )
this._pickingMap = new GL.Texture( gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height, { format: gl.RGBA, filter: gl.NEAREST });
this._pickingFBO = new GL.FBO([this._pickingMap]);
//LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":picking"] = this._pickingMap; //debug the texture
//y = gl.canvas.height - y; //reverse Y
var small_area = true;
LS.Renderer._current_target = this._pickingMap;
//var viewport = camera.getLocalViewport();
//camera._real_aspect = viewport[2] / viewport[3];
//gl.viewport( viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3] );
this.renderPickingBuffer( scene, camera, layers, [x,y] );
gl.readPixels(x,y,1,1,gl.RGBA,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this._picking_color );
LS.Renderer._current_target = null; //??? deprecated
//if(!this._picking_color) this._picking_color = new Uint8Array(4); //debug
//trace(" END Rendering: ", this._picking_color );
return this._picking_color;
renderPickingBuffer: function( scene, camera, layers, mouse_pos )
if(layers === undefined)
layers = 0xFFFF;
var picking_render_settings = this._picking_render_settings;
LS.Renderer.enableCamera( camera, this._picking_render_settings );
this._picking_next_color_id = 0;
LS.Renderer.setRenderPass( PICKING_PASS );
picking_render_settings.layers = layers;
//check instances colliding with cursor using a ray against AABBs
var instances = null;
if( mouse_pos ) //not tested yet
var ray = camera.getRayInPixel( mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1] );
var instances_collisions = LS.Physics.raycastRenderInstances( ray.origin, ray.direction );
if( instances_collisions )
instances = Array( instances_collisions.length );
for(var i = 0; i < instances_collisions.length; ++i)
instances[i] = instances_collisions[i].instance;
//console.log("Instances ray collided:", instances_collisions.length);
instances = scene._instances;
LS.Renderer.renderInstances( picking_render_settings, instances );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "renderPicking", mouse_pos );
LEvent.trigger( LS.Renderer, "renderPicking", mouse_pos );
LS.Renderer.setRenderPass( COLOR_PASS );
LS.Picking = Picking;
//to visualize picking buffer
//LS.Renderer.registerRenderPass( "color", { id: 1, render_instance: LS.Renderer.renderPickingPassInstance } );