/** RenderFrameContext
* This class is used when you want to render the scene not to the screen but to some texture for postprocessing
* It helps to create the textures and bind them easily, add extra buffers or show it on the screen.
* Check the FrameFX and CameraFX components to see it in action.
* Dependencies: LS.Renderer (writes there only)
* @class RenderFrameContext
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
function RenderFrameContext( o )
this.width = 0; //0 means the same size as the viewport, negative numbers mean reducing the texture in half N times
this.height = 0; //0 means the same size as the viewport
this.precision = RenderFrameContext.DEFAULT_PRECISION; //LOW_PRECISION uses a byte, MEDIUM uses a half_float, HIGH uses a float, or directly the texture type (p.e gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 )
this.filter_texture = true; //magFilter: in case the texture is shown, do you want to see it pixelated?
this.format = GL.RGB; //how many color channels, or directly the texture internalformat
this.use_depth_texture = true; //store the depth in a texture
this.use_stencil_buffer = false; //add an stencil buffer (cannot be read as a texture in webgl)
this.num_extra_textures = 0; //number of extra textures in case we want to render to several buffers
this.name = null; //if a name is provided all the textures will be stored in the LS.ResourcesManager
this.generate_mipmaps = false; //try to generate mipmaps if possible (only when the texture is power of two)
this.adjust_aspect = false; //when the size doesnt match the canvas size it could look distorted, settings this to true will fix the problem
this.clone_after_unbind = false; //clones the textures after unbinding it. Used when the texture will be in the 3D scene
this._fbo = null;
this._color_texture = null;
this._depth_texture = null;
this._textures = []; //all color textures (the first will be _color_texture)
this._cloned_textures = null; //in case we set the clone_after_unbind to true
this._version = 1; //to detect changes
this._minFilter = gl.NEAREST;
RenderFrameContext.current = null;
RenderFrameContext.stack = [];
RenderFrameContext.DEFAULT_PRECISION = 0; //selected by the renderer
RenderFrameContext.LOW_PRECISION = 1; //byte
RenderFrameContext.MEDIUM_PRECISION = 2; //half_float or float
RenderFrameContext.HIGH_PRECISION = 3; //float
RenderFrameContext["@width"] = { type: "number", step: 1, precision: 0 };
RenderFrameContext["@height"] = { type: "number", step: 1, precision: 0 };
//definitions for the GUI
RenderFrameContext["@precision"] = { widget: "combo", values: {
"default": RenderFrameContext.DEFAULT_PRECISION,
"low": RenderFrameContext.LOW_PRECISION,
"medium": RenderFrameContext.MEDIUM_PRECISION,
"high": RenderFrameContext.HIGH_PRECISION
RenderFrameContext["@format"] = { widget: "combo", values: {
RenderFrameContext["@num_extra_textures"] = { type: "number", step: 1, min: 0, max: 4, precision: 0 };
RenderFrameContext["@name"] = { type: "string" };
RenderFrameContext.prototype.clear = function()
for(var i = 0; i < this._textures.length; ++i)
delete LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ this.name + (i > 1 ? i : "") ];
delete LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ this.name + "_depth"];
this._fbo = null;
this._textures = [];
this._color_texture = null;
this._depth_textures = null;
RenderFrameContext.prototype.configure = function(o)
this.width = o.width || 0;
this.height = o.height || 0;
this.format = o.format || GL.RGBA;
this.precision = o.precision || 0;
this.filter_texture = !!o.filter_texture;
this.adjust_aspect = !!o.adjust_aspect;
this.use_depth_texture = !!o.use_depth_texture;
this.use_stencil_buffer = !!o.use_stencil_buffer;
this.num_extra_textures = o.num_extra_textures || 0;
this.name = o.name;
this.clone_after_unbind = !!o.clone_after_unbind;
RenderFrameContext.prototype.serialize = function()
return {
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
filter_texture: this.filter_texture,
precision: this.precision,
format: this.format,
adjust_aspect: this.adjust_aspect,
use_depth_texture: this.use_depth_texture,
use_stencil_buffer: this.use_stencil_buffer,
num_extra_textures: this.num_extra_textures,
clone_after_unbind: this.clone_after_unbind,
name: this.name
RenderFrameContext.prototype.prepare = function( viewport_width, viewport_height )
//compute the right size for the textures
var final_width = this.width;
var final_height = this.height;
if(final_width == 0)
final_width = viewport_width;
else if(final_width < 0)
final_width = viewport_width >> Math.abs( this.width ); //subsampling
if(final_height == 0)
final_height = viewport_height;
else if(final_height < 0)
final_height = viewport_height >> Math.abs( this.height ); //subsampling
var format = this.format;
var magFilter = this.filter_texture ? gl.LINEAR : gl.NEAREST ;
var type = 0;
var minFilter = gl.LINEAR;
if(this.generate_mipmaps && GL.isPowerOfTwo(final_width) && GL.isPowerOfTwo(final_height) )
this._minFilter = minFilter;
switch( this.precision )
case RenderFrameContext.LOW_PRECISION:
type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE; break;
case RenderFrameContext.MEDIUM_PRECISION:
type = gl.HIGH_PRECISION_FORMAT; break; //gl.HIGH_PRECISION_FORMAT is HALF_FLOAT_OES, if not supported then is FLOAT, otherwise is UNSIGNED_BYTE
case RenderFrameContext.HIGH_PRECISION:
type = gl.FLOAT; break;
case RenderFrameContext.DEFAULT_PRECISION:
type = RenderFrameContext.DEFAULT_PRECISION_WEBGL_TYPE; break;
type = this.precision; break; //used for custom formats
var textures = this._textures;
//for the color: check that the texture size matches
if( !this._color_texture ||
this._color_texture.width != final_width || this._color_texture.height != final_height ||
this._color_texture.type != type || this._color_texture.format != format || this._color_texture.minFilter != minFilter )
this._color_texture = new GL.Texture( final_width, final_height, { minFilter: minFilter, magFilter: magFilter, format: format, type: type });
this._color_texture.setParameter( gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magFilter );
textures[0] = this._color_texture;
//extra color texture (multibuffer rendering)
var total_extra = Math.min( this.num_extra_textures, 4 );
//extra buffers not supported in this webgl context
if(gl.webgl_version == 1 && !gl.extensions["WEBGL_draw_buffers"])
total_extra = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < total_extra; ++i) //MAX is 4
var extra_texture = textures[1 + i];
if( (!extra_texture || extra_texture.width != final_width || extra_texture.height != final_height || extra_texture.type != type || extra_texture.format != format || extra_texture.minFilter != minFilter) )
extra_texture = new GL.Texture( final_width, final_height, { minFilter: minFilter, magFilter: magFilter, format: format, type: type });
extra_texture.setParameter( gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, magFilter );
textures[1 + i] = extra_texture;
//for the depth
var depth_format = gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
var depth_type = gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
if(this.use_stencil_buffer && gl.extensions.WEBGL_depth_texture)
depth_format = gl.DEPTH_STENCIL;
depth_type = gl.extensions.WEBGL_depth_texture.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL;
if( this.use_depth_texture &&
(!this._depth_texture || this._depth_texture.width != final_width || this._depth_texture.height != final_height || this._depth_texture.format != depth_format || this._depth_texture.type != depth_type ) &&
gl.extensions["WEBGL_depth_texture"] )
this._depth_texture = new GL.Texture( final_width, final_height, { filter: gl.NEAREST, format: depth_format, type: depth_type });
else if( !this.use_depth_texture )
this._depth_texture = null;
//we will store some extra info in the depth texture for the near and far plane distances
this._depth_texture.near_far_planes = vec2.create();
//create FBO
if( !this._fbo )
this._fbo = new GL.FBO();
//cut extra
textures.length = 1 + total_extra;
//assign textures (this will enable the FBO but it will restore the old one after finishing)
this._fbo.stencil = this.use_stencil_buffer;
this._fbo.setTextures( textures, this._depth_texture );
this._version += 1;
* Called to bind the rendering to this context, from now on all the render will be stored in the textures inside
* @method enable
RenderFrameContext.prototype.enable = function( render_settings, viewport, camera )
viewport = viewport || gl.viewport_data;
//create FBO and textures (pass width and height of current viewport)
this.prepare( viewport[2], viewport[3] );
throw("No FBO created in RenderFrameContext");
//enable FBO
RenderFrameContext.enableFBO( this._fbo, this.adjust_aspect );
RenderFrameContext.stack.push( LS.RenderFrameContext.current );
LS.RenderFrameContext.current = this;
//set depth info inside the texture
camera = camera || LS.Renderer._current_camera;
if(this._depth_texture && camera)
this._depth_texture.near_far_planes[0] = camera.near;
this._depth_texture.near_far_planes[1] = camera.far;
//we cannot read and write in the same buffer, so we need to clone the textures
//done from... ?
RenderFrameContext.prototype.cloneBuffers = function()
//we do not call this._fbo.unbind because it will set the previous FBO
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null );
///for every color texture
if( this._textures.length )
this._cloned_textures = [];
var textures = this._textures;
this._cloned_textures.length = textures.length;
for(var i = 0; i < textures.length; ++i)
var texture = textures[i];
var cloned_texture = this._cloned_textures[i];
if( !cloned_texture || cloned_texture.hasSameSize( texture[i] ) || !cloned_texture.hasSameProperties( texture ) )
cloned_texture = this._cloned_textures[i] = new GL.Texture( texture.width, texture.height, texture.getProperties() );
texture.copyTo( cloned_texture );
if(i == 0)
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":color_buffer" ] = cloned_texture;
//for depth
if( this._depth_texture )
var depth = this._depth_texture;
if(!this._cloned_depth_texture || this._cloned_depth_texture.width != depth.width || this._cloned_depth_texture.height != depth.height || !this._cloned_depth_texture.hasSameProperties( depth ) )
this._cloned_depth_texture = new GL.Texture( depth.width, depth.height, depth.getProperties() );
depth.copyTo( this._cloned_depth_texture );
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":depth_buffer" ] = this._cloned_depth_texture;
//rebind FBO
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this._fbo.handler );
* Called to stop rendering to this context
* @method disable
RenderFrameContext.prototype.disable = function()
//sets some global parameters for aspect and current RFC
RenderFrameContext.disableFBO( this._fbo );
//if we need to store the textures in the ResourcesManager
var textures = this._textures;
for(var i = 0; i < textures.length; ++i)
var name = this.name + (i > 0 ? i : "");
textures[i].filename = name;
var final_texture = textures[i];
//only clone main color if requested
if( this.clone_after_unbind && i === 0 )
if( !this._cloned_texture ||
this._cloned_texture.width !== final_texture.width ||
this._cloned_texture.height !== final_texture.height ||
this._cloned_texture.type !== final_texture.type )
this._cloned_texture = final_texture.clone();
final_texture.copyTo( this._cloned_texture );
final_texture = this._cloned_texture;
if( this._minFilter == gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR )
final_texture.has_mipmaps = true;
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ name ] = final_texture;
var name = this.name + "_depth";
this._depth_texture.filename = name;
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ name ] = this._depth_texture;
//LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ ":depth" ] = this._depth_texture;
if( RenderFrameContext.stack.length )
LS.RenderFrameContext.current = RenderFrameContext.stack.pop();
LS.RenderFrameContext.current = null;
* returns the texture containing the data rendered in this context
* @method getColorTexture
* @param {number} index the number of the texture (in case there is more than one)
* @return {GL.Texture} the texture
RenderFrameContext.prototype.getColorTexture = function(num)
return this._textures[ num || 0 ] || null;
* returns the depth texture containing the depth data rendered in this context (in case the use_depth_texture is set to true)
* @method getDepthTexture
* @return {GL.Texture} the depth texture
RenderFrameContext.prototype.getDepthTexture = function()
return this._depth_texture || null;
* Fills the textures with a flat color
* @method clearTextures
RenderFrameContext.prototype.clearTextures = function()
for(var i = 0; i < this._textures.length; ++i)
var texture = this._textures[i];
//enables the FBO and sets every texture with a flag so it cannot be used during the rendering process
RenderFrameContext.enableFBO = function( fbo, adjust_aspect )
fbo.bind( true ); //changes viewport to full FBO size (saves old)
LS.Renderer._full_viewport.set( gl.viewport_data );
if( adjust_aspect )
fbo._old_aspect = LS.Renderer.global_aspect;
LS.Renderer.global_aspect = (gl.canvas.width / gl.canvas.height) / (fbo.color_textures[0].width / fbo.color_textures[0].height);
delete fbo._old_aspect;
RenderFrameContext.disableFBO = function( fbo )
fbo.unbind(); //restores viewport to old saved one
LS.Renderer._full_viewport.set( fbo._old_viewport );
if( fbo._old_aspect )
LS.Renderer.global_aspect = fbo._old_aspect;
* Render the context of the context to the viewport (allows to apply FXAA)
* @method show
* @param {boolean} use_antialiasing in case you want to render with FXAA antialiasing
RenderFrameContext.prototype.show = function( use_antialiasing )
var texture = this._color_texture;
var viewport = gl.getViewport();
var shader = GL.Shader.getFXAAShader();
var mesh = GL.Mesh.getScreenQuad();
shader.uniforms( { u_texture:0, uViewportSize: viewport.subarray(2,4), u_iViewportSize: [1 / texture.width, 1 / texture.height]} ).draw( mesh );
//Resets the current WebGL fbo so it renders to the screen
RenderFrameContext.reset = function()
gl.bindFramebuffer( gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null );
LS.RenderFrameContext.current = null;
LS.RenderFrameContext.stack.length = 0;
LS.RenderFrameContext = RenderFrameContext;