* The Renderer is in charge of generating one frame of the scene. Contains all the passes and intermediate functions to create the frame.
* @class Renderer
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
var COLOR_PASS = LS.COLOR_PASS = { name: "color", id: 1 };
var SHADOW_PASS = LS.SHADOW_PASS = { name: "shadow", id: 2 };
var PICKING_PASS = LS.PICKING_PASS = { name: "picking", id: 3 };
var Renderer = {
default_render_settings: new LS.RenderSettings(), //overwritten by the global info or the editor one
default_material: new LS.StandardMaterial(), //used for objects without material
global_aspect: 1, //used when rendering to a texture that doesnt have the same aspect as the screen
default_point_size: 1, //point size in pixels (could be overwritte by render instances)
_global_viewport: vec4.create(), //the viewport we have available to render the full frame (including subviewports), usually is the 0,0,gl.canvas.width,gl.canvas.height
_full_viewport: vec4.create(), //contains info about the full viewport available to render (current texture size or canvas size)
//temporal info during rendering
_current_scene: null,
_current_render_settings: null,
_current_camera: null,
_current_target: null, //texture where the image is being rendered
_current_pass: COLOR_PASS, //object containing info about the pass
_global_textures: {}, //used to speed up fetching global textures
_global_shader_blocks: [], //used to add extra shaderblocks to all objects in the scene (it gets reseted every frame)
_global_shader_blocks_flags: 0,
_queues: [], //render queues in order
_main_camera: null,
_visible_cameras: null,
_visible_lights: null,
_visible_instances: null,
_visible_materials: [],
_near_lights: [],
_active_samples: [],
_reflection_probes: [],
_frame_cpu_time: 0,
_rendercalls: 0, //calls to instance.render
_rendered_instances: 0, //instances processed
_rendered_passes: 0,
_frame: 0,
_collect_frequency: 1, //used to reuse info (WIP)
//reusable locals
_view_matrix: mat4.create(),
_projection_matrix: mat4.create(),
_viewprojection_matrix: mat4.create(),
_2Dviewprojection_matrix: mat4.create(),
_temp_matrix: mat4.create(),
_temp_cameye: vec3.create(),
_identity_matrix: mat4.create(),
_render_uniforms: {},
_instancing_data: [],
_is_rendering_frame: false,
allow_textures: true,
_sphere_mesh: null,
//fixed texture slots for global textures
//used in special cases
//called from...
init: function()
//create some useful textures: this is used in case a texture is missing
this._black_texture = new GL.Texture(1,1, { pixel_data: [0,0,0,255] });
this._gray_texture = new GL.Texture(1,1, { pixel_data: [128,128,128,255] });
this._white_texture = new GL.Texture(1,1, { pixel_data: [255,255,255,255] });
this._normal_texture = new GL.Texture(1,1, { pixel_data: [128,128,255,255] });
this._missing_texture = this._gray_texture;
var internal_textures = [ this._black_texture, this._gray_texture, this._white_texture, this._normal_texture, this._missing_texture ];
internal_textures.forEach(function(t){ t._is_internal = true; });
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":black"] = this._black_texture;
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":gray"] = this._gray_texture;
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":white"] = this._white_texture;
LS.ResourcesManager.textures[":flatnormal"] = this._normal_texture;
//some global meshes could be helpful: used for irradiance probes
this._sphere_mesh = GL.Mesh.sphere({size:1,detail:32});
//draw helps rendering debug stuff
LS.Draw.onRequestFrame = function() { LS.GlobalScene.requestFrame(); }
//enable webglCanvas lib so it is easy to render in 2D
if(global.enableWebGLCanvas && !gl.canvas.canvas2DtoWebGL_enabled)
global.enableWebGLCanvas( gl.canvas );
// we use fixed slots to avoid changing texture slots all the time
// from more common to less (to avoid overlappings with material textures)
// the last slot is reserved for litegl binding stuff
var max_texture_units = this._max_texture_units = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS );
this.SHADOWMAP_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 2;
this.ENVIRONMENT_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 3;
this.IRRADIANCE_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 4;
this.LIGHTPROJECTOR_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 5;
this.LIGHTEXTRA_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 6;
this.BONES_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 7;
this.MORPHS_TEXTURE_SLOT = max_texture_units - 8;
this.MORPHS_TEXTURE2_SLOT = max_texture_units - 9;
this._active_samples.length = max_texture_units;
//set render queues
this.createRenderQueue( LS.RenderQueue.BACKGROUND, LS.RenderQueue.NO_SORT );
this.createRenderQueue( LS.RenderQueue.GEOMETRY, LS.RenderQueue.SORT_NEAR_TO_FAR );
this.createRenderQueue( LS.RenderQueue.TRANSPARENT, LS.RenderQueue.SORT_FAR_TO_NEAR );
//very special queue that must change the renderframecontext before start rendering anything
this.createRenderQueue( LS.RenderQueue.READBACK_COLOR, LS.RenderQueue.SORT_FAR_TO_NEAR, {
onStart: function( render_settings, pass ){
if( LS.RenderFrameContext.current && pass.name === "color" )
this.createRenderQueue( LS.RenderQueue.OVERLAY, LS.RenderQueue.NO_SORT );
reset: function()
//used to clear the state
resetState: function()
this._is_rendering_frame = false;
//used to store which is the current full viewport available (could be different from the canvas in case is a FBO or the camera has a partial viewport)
setFullViewport: function(x,y,w,h)
if(x.constructor === Number)
this._full_viewport[0] = x; this._full_viewport[1] = y; this._full_viewport[2] = w; this._full_viewport[3] = h;
else if(x.length)
* Renders the current scene to the screen
* Many steps are involved, from gathering info from the scene tree, generating shadowmaps, setup FBOs, render every camera
* If you want to change the rendering pipeline, do not overwrite this function, try to understand it first, otherwise you will miss lots of features
* @method render
* @param {Scene} scene
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
* @param {Array} [cameras=null] if no cameras are specified the cameras are taken from the scene
render: function( scene, render_settings, cameras )
//if( !LS.ShadersManager.ready )
// return; //not ready
if( this._is_rendering_frame )
console.error("Last frame didn't finish and a new one was issued. Remember that you cannot call LS.Renderer.render from an event dispatched during the render, this would cause a recursive loop. Call LS.Renderer.reset() to clear from an error.");
//this._is_rendering_frame = false; //for safety, we setting to false
//init frame
this._is_rendering_frame = true;
render_settings = render_settings || this.default_render_settings;
this._current_render_settings = render_settings;
this._current_scene = scene;
this._main_camera = cameras ? cameras[0] : null;
scene._frame += 1; //done at the beginning just in case it crashes
this._frame += 1;
scene._must_redraw = false;
var start_time = getTime();
this._rendercalls = 0;
this._rendered_instances = 0;
this._rendered_passes = 0;
this._global_shader_blocks.length = 0;
this._global_shader_blocks_flags = 0;
for(var i in this._global_textures)
this._global_textures[i] = null;
this._current_pass = COLOR_PASS;
//to restore from a possible exception (not fully tested, remove if problem)
gl.resetTransform(); //reset
//force fullscreen viewport
if( !render_settings.keep_viewport )
gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight );
this.setFullViewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight); //assign this as the full available viewport
this.setFullViewport( gl.viewport_data );
this._global_viewport.set( gl.viewport_data );
//Event: beforeRender used in actions that could affect which info is collected for the rendering
LEvent.trigger( scene, "beforeRender", render_settings );
//get render instances, cameras, lights, materials and all rendering info ready (computeVisibility)
this.processVisibleData( scene, render_settings, cameras );
//Define the main camera, the camera that should be the most important (used for LOD info, or shadowmaps)
cameras = cameras && cameras.length ? cameras : this._visible_cameras;
if(cameras.length == 0)
throw("no cameras");
this._visible_cameras = cameras; //the cameras being rendered
this._main_camera = cameras[0];
//Event: readyToRender when we have all the info to render
LEvent.trigger( scene, "readyToRender", render_settings );
//remove the lights that do not lay in front of any camera (this way we avoid creating shadowmaps)
//Event: renderShadowmaps helps to generate shadowMaps that need some camera info (which could be not accessible during processVisibleData)
LEvent.trigger(scene, "renderShadows", render_settings );
//Event: afterVisibility allows to cull objects according to the main camera
LEvent.trigger(scene, "afterVisibility", render_settings );
//Event: renderReflections in case some realtime reflections are needed, this is the moment to render them inside textures
LEvent.trigger(scene, "renderReflections", render_settings );
//Event: beforeRenderMainPass in case a last step is missing
LEvent.trigger(scene, "beforeRenderMainPass", render_settings );
//enable global FX context
LEvent.trigger( scene, "enableFrameContext", render_settings );
//render all cameras
this.renderFrameCameras( cameras, render_settings );
//keep original viewport
if( render_settings.keep_viewport )
gl.setViewport( this._global_viewport );
//disable and show final FX context
LEvent.trigger( scene, "showFrameContext", render_settings );
this.renderGUI( render_settings );
//profiling must go here
this._frame_cpu_time = getTime() - start_time;
if( LS.Draw ) //developers may decide not to include LS.Draw
this._rendercalls += LS.Draw._rendercalls; LS.Draw._rendercalls = 0; //stats are not centralized
//Event: afterRender to give closure to some actions
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterRender", render_settings );
this._is_rendering_frame = false;
* Calls renderFrame of every camera in the cameras list (triggering the appropiate events)
* @method renderFrameCameras
* @param {Array} cameras
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
renderFrameCameras: function( cameras, render_settings )
var scene = this._current_scene;
//for each camera
for(var i = 0; i < cameras.length; ++i)
var current_camera = cameras[i];
LEvent.trigger(scene, "beforeRenderFrame", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger(current_camera, "beforeRenderFrame", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger(current_camera, "enableFrameContext", render_settings );
//main render
this.renderFrame( current_camera, render_settings );
LEvent.trigger(current_camera, "showFrameContext", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger(current_camera, "afterRenderFrame", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger(scene, "afterRenderFrame", render_settings );
* renders the view from one camera to the current viewport (could be the screen or a texture)
* @method renderFrame
* @param {Camera} camera
* @param {Object} render_settings
* @param {Scene} scene [optional] this can be passed when we are rendering a different scene from LS.GlobalScene (used in renderMaterialPreview)
renderFrame: function ( camera, render_settings, scene )
//get all the data
if(scene) //in case we use another scene
this.processVisibleData(scene, render_settings);
this._current_scene = scene = scene || this._current_scene; //ugly, I know
//set as active camera and set viewport
this.enableCamera( camera, render_settings, render_settings.skip_viewport, scene );
//compute the rendering order
this.sortRenderQueues( camera, render_settings );
//clear buffer
this.clearBuffer( camera, render_settings );
//send before events
LEvent.trigger(scene, "beforeRenderScene", camera );
LEvent.trigger(this, "beforeRenderScene", camera );
//in case the user wants to filter instances
LEvent.trigger(this, "computeVisibility", this._visible_instances );
//here we render all the instances
this.renderInstances( render_settings, this._visible_instances );
//send after events
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterRenderScene", camera );
LEvent.trigger( this, "afterRenderScene", camera );
//render helpers (guizmos)
LEvent.trigger(this, "renderHelpers", camera );
//shows a RenderFrameContext to the viewport (warning, some components may do it bypassing this function)
showRenderFrameContext: function( render_frame_context, camera )
//if( !this._current_render_settings.onPlayer)
// return;
LEvent.trigger(this, "beforeShowFrameContext", render_frame_context );
* Sets camera as the current camera, sets the viewport according to camera info, updates matrices, and prepares LS.Draw
* @method enableCamera
* @param {Camera} camera
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
enableCamera: function(camera, render_settings, skip_viewport, scene )
scene = scene || this._current_scene || LS.GlobalScene;
LEvent.trigger( camera, "beforeEnabled", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "beforeCameraEnabled", camera );
//assign viewport manually (shouldnt use camera.getLocalViewport to unify?)
var startx = this._full_viewport[0];
var starty = this._full_viewport[1];
var width = this._full_viewport[2];
var height = this._full_viewport[3];
var final_x = Math.floor(width * camera._viewport[0] + startx);
var final_y = Math.floor(height * camera._viewport[1] + starty);
var final_width = Math.ceil(width * camera._viewport[2]);
var final_height = Math.ceil(height * camera._viewport[3]);
//force fullscreen viewport?
if(render_settings && render_settings.ignore_viewports )
camera.final_aspect = this.global_aspect * camera._aspect * (width / height);
gl.viewport( this._full_viewport[0], this._full_viewport[1], this._full_viewport[2], this._full_viewport[3] );
camera.final_aspect = this.global_aspect * camera._aspect * (final_width / final_height); //what if we want to change the aspect?
gl.viewport( final_x, final_y, final_width, final_height );
//store matrices locally
mat4.copy( this._view_matrix, camera._view_matrix );
mat4.copy( this._projection_matrix, camera._projection_matrix );
mat4.copy( this._viewprojection_matrix, camera._viewprojection_matrix );
mat4.ortho( this._2Dviewprojection_matrix, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 );
//set as the current camera
this._current_camera = camera;
//Draw allows to render debug info easily
LS.Draw.reset(); //clear
LS.Draw.setCamera( camera );
LEvent.trigger( camera, "afterEnabled", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterCameraEnabled", camera ); //used to change stuff according to the current camera (reflection textures)
* Returns the camera active
* @method getCurrentCamera
* @return {Camera} camera
getCurrentCamera: function()
return this._current_camera;
* clear color using camera info ( background color, viewport scissors, clear depth, etc )
* @method clearBuffer
* @param {Camera} camera
* @param {LS.RenderSettings} render_settings
clearBuffer: function( camera, render_settings )
if( render_settings.ignore_clear || (!camera.clear_color && !camera.clear_depth) )
//scissors test for the gl.clear, otherwise the clear affects the full viewport
gl.scissor( gl.viewport_data[0], gl.viewport_data[1], gl.viewport_data[2], gl.viewport_data[3] );
//clear color buffer
gl.colorMask( true, true, true, true );
gl.clearColor( camera.background_color[0], camera.background_color[1], camera.background_color[2], camera.background_color[3] );
//clear depth buffer
gl.depthMask( true );
//to clear the stencil
gl.enable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );
gl.clearStencil( 0x0 );
//do the clearing
gl.clear( ( camera.clear_color ? gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : 0) | (camera.clear_depth ? gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT : 0) | gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT );
gl.disable( gl.SCISSOR_TEST );
gl.disable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );
sortRenderQueues: function( camera, render_settings )
var instances = this._visible_instances;
//compute distance to camera
var camera_eye = camera.getEye( this._temp_cameye );
for(var i = 0, l = instances.length; i < l; ++i)
var instance = instances[i];
instance._dist = vec3.dist( instance.center, camera_eye );
//sort queues
for(var i = 0, l = this._queues.length; i < l; ++i)
var queue = this._queues[i];
if(!queue || !queue.sort_mode)
* To set gl state to a known and constant state in every render pass
* @method resetGLState
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
resetGLState: function( render_settings )
render_settings = render_settings || this._current_render_settings;
//maybe we should use this function instead
gl.enable( gl.CULL_FACE );
gl.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
gl.depthFunc( gl.LESS );
gl.disable( gl.BLEND );
gl.blendFunc( gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
gl.disable( gl.STENCIL_TEST );
gl.stencilMask( 0xFF );
gl.stencilOp( gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP );
gl.stencilFunc( gl.ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF );
* Calls the render method for every RenderInstance (it also takes into account events and frustrum culling)
* @method renderInstances
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
* @param {Array} instances array of RIs, if not specified the last visible_instances are rendered
renderInstances: function( render_settings, instances, scene )
scene = scene || this._current_scene;
console.warn("LS.Renderer.renderInstances: no scene found in LS.Renderer._current_scene");
return 0;
this._rendered_passes += 1;
var pass = this._current_pass;
var camera = this._current_camera;
var camera_index_flag = camera._rendering_index != -1 ? (1<<(camera._rendering_index)) : 0;
var apply_frustum_culling = render_settings.frustum_culling;
var frustum_planes = camera.updateFrustumPlanes();
var layers_filter = camera.layers & render_settings.layers;
var instancing_supported = gl.webgl_version > 1 || gl.extensions["ANGLE_instanced_arrays"];
LEvent.trigger( scene, "beforeRenderInstances", render_settings );
//scene.triggerInNodes( "beforeRenderInstances", render_settings );
//compute global scene info
this.fillSceneUniforms( scene, render_settings );
//reset state of everything!
this.resetGLState( render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "renderInstances", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( this, "renderInstances", render_settings );
//reset again!
this.resetGLState( render_settings );
var render_instance_func = pass.render_instance;
return 0;
var render_instances = instances || this._visible_instances;
this.bindSamplers( scene._samplers );
var instancing_data = this._instancing_data;
//compute visibility pass: checks which RIs are visible from this camera
for(var i = 0, l = render_instances.length; i < l; ++i)
//render instance
var instance = render_instances[i];
var node_flags = instance.node.flags;
instance._is_visible = false;
//hidden nodes
if( pass == SHADOW_PASS && !(instance.material.flags.cast_shadows) )
if( pass == PICKING_PASS && node_flags.selectable === false )
if( (layers_filter & instance.layers) === 0 )
//done here because sometimes some nodes are moved in this action
if( instance.onPreRender( render_settings ) === false)
if(!instance.material) //in case something went wrong...
var material = camera.overwrite_material || instance.material;
if(material.opacity <= 0) //TODO: remove this, do it somewhere else
//test visibility against camera frustum
if( apply_frustum_culling && instance.use_bounding && !material.flags.ignore_frustum )
if(geo.frustumTestBox( frustum_planes, instance.aabb ) == CLIP_OUTSIDE )
//save visibility info
instance._is_visible = true;
if(camera_index_flag) //shadowmap cameras dont have an index
instance._camera_visibility |= camera_index_flag;
//TODO: if material supports instancing WIP
if( instancing_supported && material._allows_instancing && !instance._shader_blocks.length )
var instancing_ri_info = null;
if(!instancing_data[ material._index ] )
instancing_data[ material._index ] = instancing_ri_info = [];
instancing_ri_info.push( instance );
var start = this._rendered_instances;
//process render queues
for(var j = 0; j < this._queues.length; ++j)
var queue = this._queues[j];
if(!queue || !queue.instances.length) //empty
//used to change RenderFrameContext stuff (cloning textures for refraction, etc)
if( queue.onStart( render_settings, pass ) === false )
var render_instances = queue.instances;
//for each render instance
for(var i = 0, l = render_instances.length; i < l; ++i)
//render instance
var instance = render_instances[i];
if( !instance._is_visible || !instance.mesh )
this._rendered_instances += 1;
var material = camera.overwrite_material || instance.material;
if( pass == PICKING_PASS && material.renderPickingInstance )
material.renderPickingInstance( instance, render_settings, pass );
else if( material.renderInstance )
material.renderInstance( instance, render_settings, pass );
//some instances do a post render action
instance.onPostRender( render_settings );
queue.onFinish( render_settings, pass );
this.resetGLState( render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "renderScreenSpace", render_settings);
//restore state
this.resetGLState( render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterRenderInstances", render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( this, "afterRenderInstances", render_settings );
//and finally again
this.resetGLState( render_settings );
return this._rendered_instances - start;
renderGUI: function( render_settings )
//renders GUI items using mostly the Canvas2DtoWebGL library
gl.viewport( this._full_viewport[0], this._full_viewport[1], this._full_viewport[2], this._full_viewport[3] ); //assign full viewport always?
if(gl.start2D) //in case we have Canvas2DtoWebGL installed (it is optional)
if( render_settings.render_gui )
if( LEvent.hasBind( this._current_scene, "renderGUI" ) ) //to avoid forcing a redraw if no gui is set
LS.GUI.ResetImmediateGUI(); //mostly to change the cursor (warning, true to avoid forcing redraw)
LEvent.trigger( this._current_scene, "renderGUI", gl );
if( this.on_render_gui ) //used by the editor (here to ignore render_gui flag)
this.on_render_gui( render_settings );
if( gl.finish2D )
* returns a list of all the lights overlapping this instance (it uses sperical bounding so it could returns lights that are not really overlapping)
* It is used by the multipass lighting to iterate
* @method getNearLights
* @param {RenderInstance} instance the render instance
* @param {Array} result [optional] the output array
* @return {Array} array containing a list of LS.Light affecting this RenderInstance
getNearLights: function( instance, result )
result = result || [];
result.length = 0; //clear old lights
//it uses the lights gathered by prepareVisibleData
var lights = this._visible_lights;
if(!lights || !lights.length)
return result;
//Compute lights affecting this RI (by proximity, only takes into account spherical bounding)
result.length = 0;
var numLights = lights.length;
for(var j = 0; j < numLights; j++)
var light = lights[j];
//same layer?
if( (light.layers & instance.layers) == 0 || (light.layers & this._current_camera.layers) == 0)
var light_intensity = light.computeLightIntensity();
//light intensity too low?
if(light_intensity < 0.0001)
var light_radius = light.computeLightRadius();
var light_pos = light.position;
if( light_radius == -1 || instance.overlapsSphere( light_pos, light_radius ) )
result.push( light );
return result;
regenerateShadowmaps: function( scene, render_settings )
scene = scene || this._current_scene;
render_settings = render_settings || this.default_render_settings;
LEvent.trigger( scene, "renderShadows", render_settings );
for(var i = 0; i < this._visible_lights.length; ++i)
this._visible_lights[i].prepare( render_settings );
mergeSamplers: function( samplers, result )
result = result || [];
result.length = this._max_texture_units;
for(var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i)
for(var j = samplers.length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if( samplers[j][i] )
result[i] = samplers[j][i];
return result;
//to be sure we dont have anything binded
clearSamplers: function()
for(var i = 0; i < this._max_texture_units; ++i)
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null );
this._active_samples[i] = null;
bindSamplers: function( samplers )
var allow_textures = this.allow_textures; //used for debug
for(var i = 0; i < samplers.length; ++i)
var sampler = samplers[i];
var tex = null;
if(sampler.constructor === String || sampler.constructor === GL.Texture) //old way
tex = sampler;
sampler = null;
else if(sampler.texture)
tex = sampler.texture;
else //dont know what this var type is?
//continue; //if we continue the sampler slot will remain empty which could lead to problems
if( tex && tex.constructor === String)
tex = LS.ResourcesManager.textures[ tex ];
tex = null;
switch( sampler.missing )
case "black": tex = this._black_texture; break;
case "white": tex = this._white_texture; break;
case "gray": tex = this._gray_texture; break;
case "normal": tex = this._normal_texture; break;
default: tex = this._missing_texture;
tex = this._missing_texture;
//avoid to read from the same texture we are rendering to (generates warnings)
tex = this._missing_texture;
tex.bind( i );
this._active_samples[i] = tex;
//texture properties
if(sampler)// && sampler._must_update ) //disabled because samplers ALWAYS must set to the value, in case the same texture is used in several places in the scene
if( sampler.minFilter !== gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR || (GL.isPowerOfTwo( tex.width ) && GL.isPowerOfTwo( tex.height )) )
gl.texParameteri(tex.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, sampler.minFilter);
gl.texParameteri(tex.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, sampler.magFilter);
gl.texParameteri(tex.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, sampler.wrap);
gl.texParameteri(tex.texture_type, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, sampler.wrap);
if(sampler.anisotropic != null && gl.extensions.EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic )
gl.texParameteri(tex.texture_type, gl.extensions.EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, sampler.anisotropic );
//sRGB textures must specified ON CREATION, so no
//if(sampler.anisotropic != null && gl.extensions.EXT_sRGB )
//sampler._must_update = false;
//Called at the beginning of renderInstances (once per renderFrame)
//DO NOT CACHE, parameters can change between render passes
fillSceneUniforms: function( scene, render_settings )
//global uniforms
var uniforms = {
u_point_size: this.default_point_size,
u_time: scene._time || getTime() * 0.001,
u_ambient_light: scene.info.ambient_color,
u_viewport: gl.viewport_data
scene._uniforms = uniforms;
scene._samplers = scene._samplers || [];
scene._samplers.length = 0;
//clear globals
this._global_textures.environment = null;
this._global_textures.irradiance = null;
//fetch global textures
for(var i in scene.info.textures)
var texture = LS.getTexture( scene.info.textures[i] );
var slot = 0;
if( i == "environment" )
else if( i == "irradiance" )
var type = (texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D ? "_texture" : "_cubemap");
if(texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D)
texture.setParameter( gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR ); //avoid artifact
scene._samplers[ slot ] = texture;
scene._uniforms[ i + "_texture" ] = slot;
scene._uniforms[ i + type ] = slot; //LEGACY
if( i == "environment" )
this._global_textures.environment = texture;
else if( i == "irradiance" )
this._global_textures.irradiance = texture;
LEvent.trigger( scene, "fillSceneUniforms", scene._uniforms );
* Collects and process the rendering instances, cameras and lights that are visible
* Its a prepass shared among all rendering passes
* Warning: rendering order is computed here, so it is shared among all the cameras (TO DO, move somewhere else)
* @method processVisibleData
* @param {Scene} scene
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
* @param {Array} cameras in case you dont want to use the scene cameras
processVisibleData: function( scene, render_settings, cameras, instances, skip_collect_data )
//options = options || {};
//options.scene = scene;
var frame = scene._frame;
this._current_scene = scene;
//update info about scene (collecting it all or reusing the one collected in the frame before)
if( this._frame % this._collect_frequency == 0)
scene.collectData( cameras );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterCollectData", scene );
//set cameras: use the parameters ones or the ones found in the scene
cameras = (cameras && cameras.length) ? cameras : scene._cameras;
if( cameras.length == 0 )
console.error("no cameras found");
//prepare cameras: TODO: sort by priority
for(var i = 0, l = cameras.length; i < l; ++i)
var camera = cameras[i];
camera._rendering_index = i;
//define the main camera (the camera used for some algorithms)
if( cameras.length )
this._main_camera = cameras[0];
this._main_camera = new LS.Camera(); // ??
//find which materials are going to be seen
var materials = this._visible_materials;
materials.length = 0;
instances = instances || scene._instances;
var camera = this._main_camera; // || scene.getCamera();
var camera_eye = camera.getEye( this._temp_cameye );
//clear render queues
for(var i = 0; i < this._queues.length; ++i)
//process render instances (add stuff if needed, gather materials)
for(var i = 0, l = instances.length; i < l; ++i)
var instance = instances[i];
var node_flags = instance.node.flags;
console.warn("RenderInstance must always have mesh");
instance.material = this.default_material;
if( instance.material._last_frame_update != frame )
instance.material._last_frame_update = frame;
materials.push( instance.material );
//add extra info: distance to main camera (used for sorting)
instance._dist = vec3.dist( instance.center, camera_eye );
//change conditionaly
if(render_settings.force_wireframe && instance.primitive != gl.LINES )
instance.primitive = gl.LINES;
instance.index_buffer = instance.mesh.indexBuffers["wireframe"];
//add to queues
var queue_index = instance.material.queue;
var queue = null;
if( queue_index === undefined || queue_index === LS.RenderQueue.DEFAULT )
//TODO: maybe this case should be treated directly in StandardMaterial
if( instance.material._render_state.blend )
queue = this._queues[ LS.RenderQueue.TRANSPARENT ];
queue = this._queues[ LS.RenderQueue.GEOMETRY ];
queue = this._queues[ queue_index ];
LS.Renderer.createRenderQueue( queue_index );
queue.add( instance );
instance._camera_visibility = 0|0;
//prepare materials
for(var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++i)
var material = materials[i];
material._index = i;
if( material.prepare )
material.prepare( scene );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "prepareMaterials" );
//pack all macros, uniforms, and samplers relative to this instance in single containers
for(var i = 0, l = instances.length; i < l; ++i)
var instance = instances[i];
var node = instance.node;
var material = instance.material;
instance.index = i;
var query = instance._final_query;
query.add( node._query );
query.add( material._query );
query.add( instance.query );
//store all the info
this._visible_instances = scene._instances;
this._visible_lights = scene._lights;
this._visible_cameras = cameras;
//this._visible_materials = materials;
//prepare lights (collect data and generate shadowmaps)
for(var i = 0, l = this._visible_lights.length; i < l; ++i)
this._visible_lights[i].prepare( render_settings );
LEvent.trigger( scene, "afterCollectData", scene );
* Renders a frame into a texture (could be a cubemap, in which case does the six passes)
* @method renderInstancesToRT
* @param {Camera} cam
* @param {Texture} texture
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
renderInstancesToRT: function( cam, texture, render_settings, instances )
render_settings = render_settings || this.default_render_settings;
this._current_target = texture;
var scene = LS.Renderer._current_scene;
texture._in_current_fbo = true;
if(texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_2D)
this.enableCamera(cam, render_settings);
texture.drawTo( inner_draw_2d );
else if( texture.texture_type == gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP)
this.renderToCubemap( cam.getEye(), texture.width, texture, render_settings, cam.near, cam.far );
this._current_target = null;
texture._in_current_fbo = false;
function inner_draw_2d()
LS.Renderer.clearBuffer( cam, render_settings );
gl.clearColor(cam.background_color[0], cam.background_color[1], cam.background_color[2], cam.background_color[3] );
if(render_settings.ignore_clear != true)
//render scene
LS.Renderer.renderInstances( render_settings, instances );
* Renders the current scene to a cubemap centered in the given position
* @method renderToCubemap
* @param {vec3} position center of the camera where to render the cubemap
* @param {number} size texture size
* @param {Texture} texture to reuse the same texture
* @param {RenderSettings} render_settings
* @param {number} near
* @param {number} far
* @return {Texture} the resulting texture
renderToCubemap: function( position, size, texture, render_settings, near, far, background_color, instances )
size = size || 256;
near = near || 1;
far = far || 1000;
if(render_settings && render_settings.constructor !== LS.RenderSettings)
throw("render_settings parameter must be LS.RenderSettings.");
var eye = position;
if( !texture || texture.constructor != GL.Texture)
texture = null;
var scene = this._current_scene;
scene = this._current_scene = LS.GlobalScene;
var camera = this._cubemap_camera;
camera = this._cubemap_camera = new LS.Camera();
camera.configure({ fov: 90, aspect: 1.0, near: near, far: far });
texture = texture || new GL.Texture(size,size,{texture_type: gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, minFilter: gl.NEAREST});
this._current_target = texture;
texture._in_current_fbo = true; //block binding this texture during rendering of the reflection
texture.drawTo( function(texture, side) {
var info = LS.Camera.cubemap_camera_parameters[side];
if(texture._is_shadowmap || !background_color )
gl.clearColor( background_color[0], background_color[1], background_color[2], background_color[3] );
camera.configure({ eye: eye, center: [ eye[0] + info.dir[0], eye[1] + info.dir[1], eye[2] + info.dir[2]], up: info.up });
LS.Renderer.enableCamera( camera, render_settings, true );
LS.Renderer.renderInstances( render_settings, instances, scene );
this._current_target = null;
texture._in_current_fbo = false;
return texture;
* Renders the material preview to an image (or to the screen)
* @method renderMaterialPreview
* @param {Material} material
* @param {number} size image size
* @param {Object} options could be environment_texture, to_viewport
* @param {HTMLCanvas} canvas [optional] the output canvas where to store the preview
* @return {Image} the preview image (in canvas format) or null if it was rendered to the viewport
renderMaterialPreview: function( material, size, options, canvas )
options = options || {};
console.error("No material provided to renderMaterialPreview");
//create scene
var scene = this._material_scene;
scene = this._material_scene = new LS.Scene();
scene.info.textures.environment = options.environment_texture;
var node = new LS.SceneNode( "sphere" );
var compo = new LS.Components.GeometricPrimitive( { size: 40, subdivisions: 50, geometry: LS.Components.GeometricPrimitive.SPHERE } );
node.addComponent( compo );
scene.root.addChild( node );
this._preview_material_render_settings = new LS.RenderSettings({ skip_viewport: true, render_helpers: false, update_materials: true });
var render_settings = this._preview_material_render_settings;
var node = scene.getNode( "sphere");
console.error("Node not found in Material Preview Scene");
return null;
node.transform.rotateY( options.rotate );
var new_material = null;
if( material.constructor === String )
new_material = material;
new_material = new material.constructor();
new_material.configure( material.serialize() );
node.material = new_material;
LS.Renderer.renderFrame( scene.root.camera, render_settings, scene );
var tex = this._material_preview_texture || new GL.Texture(size,size);
this._material_preview_texture = tex;
tex.drawTo( function()
//it already clears everything
//just render
LS.Renderer.renderFrame( scene.root.camera, render_settings, scene );
var canvas = tex.toCanvas( canvas, true );
return canvas;
* Returns the last camera that falls into a given screen position
* @method getCameraAtPosition
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {Scene} scene if not specified last rendered scene will be used
* @return {Camera} the camera
getCameraAtPosition: function(x,y, cameras)
cameras = cameras || this._visible_cameras;
if(!cameras || !cameras.length)
return null;
for(var i = cameras.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var camera = cameras[i];
if(!camera.enabled || camera.render_to_texture)
if( camera.isPointInCamera(x,y) )
return camera;
return null;
* Adds a new RenderQueue to the Renderer.
* @method addRenderQueue
* @param {RenderQueue} name name of the render pass as in render_passes
* @param {Number} sorting which algorithm use to sort ( LS.RenderQueue.NO_SORT, LS.RenderQueue.SORT_NEAR_TO_FAR, LS.RenderQueue.SORT_FAR_TO_NEAR )
* @param {Object} options extra stuff to add to the queue ( like callbacks onStart, onFinish )
* @return {Number} index of the render queue
createRenderQueue: function( index, sorting, options )
if(index === undefined)
throw("RenderQueue must have index");
var queue = new LS.RenderQueue( sorting );
if( this._queues[ index ] )
console.warn("There is already a RenderQueue in slot ",index );
this._queues[ index ] = queue;
for(var i in options)
queue[i] = options[i];
setRenderPass: function( pass )
pass = COLOR_PASS;
this._current_pass = pass;
* Enables a ShaderBlock ONLY DURING THIS FRAME
* @method enableFrameShaderBlock
* @param {String} shader_block_name
enableFrameShaderBlock: function( shader_block_name, uniforms )
var shader_block = shader_block_name.constructor === LS.ShaderBlock ? shader_block_name : LS.Shaders.getShaderBlock( shader_block_name );
if( !shader_block || this._global_shader_blocks_flags & shader_block.flag_mask )
return; //already added
this._global_shader_blocks.push( shader_block );
this._global_shader_blocks_flags |= shader_block.flag_mask;
//add uniforms to renderer uniforms?
for(var i in uniforms)
this._render_uniforms[i] = uniforms[i];
* Renders one texture into another texture, it allows to apply a shader
* @method blit
* @param {GL.Texture} source
* @param {GL.Texture} destination
* @param {GL.Shader} shader [optional] shader to apply, it must use the GL.Shader.QUAD_VERTEX_SHADER as vertex shader
* @param {Object} uniforms [optional] uniforms for the shader
blit: function( source, destination, shader, uniforms )
if(!source || !destination)
throw("data missing in blit");
if(source != destination)
destination.drawTo( function(){
source.toViewport( shader, uniforms );
throw("blitting texture to the same texture doesnt makes sense unless a shader is specified");
var temp = GL.Texture.getTemporary( source.width, source.height, source );
source.copyTo( temp );
temp.copyTo( source, shader, uniforms );
GL.Texture.releaseTemporary( temp );
//Add to global Scope
LS.Renderer = Renderer;