//Interpolation methods
LS.NONE = 0;
* An Animation is a resource that contains samples of properties over time, similar to animation curves
* Values could be associated to an specific node.
* Data is contained in tracks
* @class Animation
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
function Animation(o)
this.name = "";
this.takes = {}; //packs of tracks
Animation.EXTENSION = "wbin";
Animation.DEFAULT_SCENE_NAME = "@scene";
Animation.DEFAULT_DURATION = 10;
* Create a new take inside this animation (a take contains all the tracks)
* @method createTake
* @param {String} name the name
* @param {Number} duration
* @return {LS.Animation.Take} the take
Animation.prototype.createTake = function( name, duration )
throw("Animation Take name missing");
var take = new Animation.Take();
take.name = name;
take.duration = duration;
if(duration === undefined)
take.duration = Animation.DEFAULT_DURATION;
this.addTake( take );
return take;
* adds an existing take
* @method addTake
* @param {LS.Animation.Take} name the name
Animation.prototype.addTake = function(take)
this.takes[ take.name ] = take;
return take;
* returns the take with a given name
* @method getTake
* @param {String} name
* @return {LS.Animation.Take} the take
Animation.prototype.getTake = function( name )
return this.takes[ name ];
* renames a take name
* @method renameTake
* @param {String} old_name
* @param {String} new_name
Animation.prototype.renameTake = function( old_name, new_name )
var take = this.takes[ old_name ];
delete this.takes[ old_name ];
take.name = new_name;
this.takes[ new_name ] = take;
LEvent.trigger( this, "take_renamed", [old_name, new_name] );
* removes a take
* @method removeTake
* @param {String} name
Animation.prototype.removeTake = function( name )
var take = this.takes[ name ];
delete this.takes[ name ];
LEvent.trigger( this, "take_removed", name );
* returns the number of takes
* @method getNumTakes
* @return {Number} the number of takes
Animation.prototype.getNumTakes = function()
var num = 0;
for(var i in this.takes)
return num;
Animation.prototype.addTrackToTake = function(takename, track)
var take = this.takes[ takename ];
take = this.createTake( takename );
take.addTrack( track );
Animation.prototype.configure = function(data)
this.name = data.name;
var num_takes = 0;
this.takes = {};
for(var i in data.takes)
var take = new LS.Animation.Take( data.takes[i] );
console.warn("Take without name");
this.addTake( take );
take.loadResources(); //load associated resources
this.createTake("default", LS.Animation.DEFAULT_DURATION );
Animation.prototype.serialize = function()
return LS.cloneObject(this, null, true);
Animation.fromBinary = function( data )
if(data.constructor == ArrayBuffer)
data = WBin.load(data, true);
var o = data["@json"];
if(!o) //sometimes the data already comes extractedin the object itself
o = data;
for(var i in o.takes)
var take = o.takes[i];
for(var j in take.tracks)
var track = take.tracks[j];
var name = "@take_" + i + "_track_" + j;
if( data[name] )
track.data = data[name];
return new LS.Animation( o );
Animation.prototype.toBinary = function()
var o = {};
var tracks_data = [];
//we need to remove the bin data to generate the JSON
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
for(var j in take.tracks)
var track = take.tracks[j];
track.packData(); //reduce storage space and speeds up loading
var bindata = track.data;
var name = "@take_" + i + "_track_" + j;
o[name] = bindata;
track.data = null;
tracks_data.push( bindata );
//create the binary
o["@json"] = LS.cloneObject(this, null, true);
var bin = WBin.create(o, "Animation");
//restore the bin data state in this instance
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
for(var j in take.tracks)
var track = take.tracks[j];
var name = "@take_" + i + "_track_" + j;
track.data = o[name];
return bin;
//Used when the animation tracks use names instead of node ids
//to convert the track locator to node names, so they affect to only one node
Animation.prototype.convertNamesToIDs = function( use_basename, root )
var num = 0;
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
num += take.convertNamesToIDs( use_basename, root );
return num;
//Used when the animation tracks use UIDs instead of node names
//to convert the track locator to node names, so they can be reused between nodes in the same scene
Animation.prototype.convertIDsToNames = function( use_basename, root )
var num = 0;
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
num += take.convertIDsToNames( use_basename, root );
return num;
* changes the packing mode of the tracks inside all takes
* @method setTracksPacking
* @param {boolean} pack if true the tracks will be packed (used a typed array)
* @return {Number} te number of modifyed tracks
Animation.prototype.setTracksPacking = function(v)
var num = 0;
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
num += take.setTracksPacking(v);
return num;
* optimize all the tracks in all the takes, so they take less space and are faster to compute (when possible)
* @method optimizeTracks
* @return {Number} the number of takes
Animation.prototype.optimizeTracks = function()
var num = 0;
for(var i in this.takes)
var take = this.takes[i];
num += take.optimizeTracks();
return num;
* It creates a PlayAnimation component to the node (or reuse and old existing one). Used when a resource is assigned to a node
* @method assignToNode
* @param {LS.SceneNode} node node where to assign this animation
Animation.prototype.assignToNode = function(node)
var component = node.getComponent( LS.Components.PlayAnimation );
component = node.addComponent( LS.Components.PlayAnimation );
component.animation = this.fullpath || this.filename;
LS.Classes["Animation"] = LS.Animation = Animation;
* Represents a set of animations
* @class Take
* @namespace LS.Animation
* @constructor
function Take(o)
* @property name {String}
this.name = null;
* @property tracks {Array}
this.tracks = [];
* @property duration {Number} in seconds
this.duration = LS.Animation.DEFAULT_DURATION;
Take.prototype.configure = function( o )
if( o.name )
this.name = o.name;
if( o.tracks )
this.tracks = []; //clear
for(var i in o.tracks)
var track = new LS.Animation.Track( o.tracks[i] );
this.addTrack( track );
if( o.duration )
this.duration = o.duration;
Take.prototype.serialize = Take.prototype.toJSON = function()
return LS.cloneObject(this, null, true);
* creates a new track from a given data
* @method createTrack
* @param {Object} data in serialized format
* @return {LS.Animation.Track} the track
Take.prototype.createTrack = function( data )
throw("Data missing when creating track");
var track = this.getTrack( data.property );
if( track )
return track;
var track = new LS.Animation.Track( data );
this.addTrack( track );
return track;
* For every track, gets the interpolated value between keyframes and applies the value to the property associated with the track locator
* Locators are in the form of "{NODE_UID}/{COMPONENT_UID}/{property_name}"
* @method applyTracks
* @param {number} current_time the time of the anim to sample
* @param {number} last_time this is used for events, we need to know where you were before
* @param {boolean} ignore_interpolation in case you want to sample the nearest one
* @param {SceneNode} weight [Optional] allows to blend animations with current value (default is 1)
* @param {Number} root [Optional] if you want to limit the locator to search inside a node
* @param {Function} on_pre_apply [Optional] a callback called per track to see if this track should be applyed, if it returns false it is skipped. callback receives (track, current_time, root_node, weight)
* @param {Function} on_apply_sample [Optional] a callback called before applying a keyframe, if the callback returns false the keyframe will be skipped. callback parameters ( track, sample, root_node, weight )
* @return {Component} the target where the action was performed
Take.prototype.applyTracks = function( current_time, last_time, ignore_interpolation, root_node, scene, weight, on_pre_apply, on_apply_sample )
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
if(weight === 0)
weight = weight || 1;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if( track.enabled === false || !track.data )
if(on_pre_apply && on_pre_apply( track, current_time, root_node, weight ) === false)
//events are an special kind of tracks, they execute actions
if( track._type_index == Track.EVENT )
var keyframe = track.getKeyframeByTime( current_time );
if( !keyframe || keyframe[0] < last_time || keyframe[0] > current_time )
//need info to search for node
var info = scene.getPropertyInfoFromPath( track._property_path );
var value = keyframe[1];
if(value[2] == 1) //on function call events the thirth value [2] is 1
if(info.node && info.target && info.target[ value[0] ] )
info.target[ value[0] ].call( info.target, value[1] );
if(info.target) //components
LEvent.trigger( info.target, keyframe[1], keyframe[1][1] );
else if(info.node) //nodes
LEvent.trigger( info.node, keyframe[1][0], keyframe[1][1] );
else //regular tracks
//read from the animation track the value
var sample = track.getSample( current_time, !ignore_interpolation );
//to blend between animations...
if(weight !== 1)
var current_value = scene.getPropertyValueFromPath( track._property_path, sample, root_node, 0 );
sample = LS.Animation.interpolateLinear( sample, current_value, weight, null, track._type, track.value_size, track );
//apply the value to the property specified by the locator
if( sample !== undefined )
if( on_apply_sample && on_apply_sample( track, sample, root_node, weight ) === false)
continue; //skip
track._target = scene.setPropertyValueFromPath( track._property_path, sample, root_node, 0 );
Take.prototype.addTrack = function( track )
this.tracks.push( track );
Take.prototype.getTrack = function( property )
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
if(this.tracks[i].property == property)
return this.tracks[i];
return null;
Take.prototype.removeTrack = function( track )
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
if(this.tracks[i] == track)
this.tracks.splice( i, 1 );
Take.prototype.getPropertiesSample = function(time, result)
result = result || [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
var value = track.getSample( time );
result.push([track.property, value]);
return result;
Take.prototype.actionPerSample = function(time, callback, options)
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
var value = track.getSample(time, true);
if( options.disabled_tracks && options.disabled_tracks[ track.property ] )
callback(track.property, value, options);
//Ensures all the resources associated to keyframes are loaded in memory
Take.prototype.loadResources = function()
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if(track._type == "texture")
var l = track.getNumberOfKeyframes();
for(var j = 0; j < l; ++j)
var keyframe = track.getKeyframe(j);
if(keyframe && keyframe[1] && keyframe[1][0] != ":")
LS.ResourcesManager.load( keyframe[1] );
//convert track locators from using UIDs to use node names (this way the same animation can be used in several parts of the scene)
Take.prototype.convertNamesToIDs = function( use_basename, root )
var num = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < this.tracks.length; ++j)
var track = this.tracks[j];
num += track.convertNameToID( use_basename, root )
return num;
//convert track locators from using UIDs to use node names (this way the same animation can be used in several parts of the scene)
Take.prototype.convertIDsToNames = function( use_basename, root )
var num = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < this.tracks.length; ++j)
var track = this.tracks[j];
num += track.convertIDtoName( use_basename, root )
return num;
Take.prototype.setTracksPacking = function(v)
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if( track.packed_data == v)
num += 1;
return num;
* Optimizes the tracks by changing the Matrix tracks to Trans10 tracks which are way faster and use less space
* @method optimizeTracks
Take.prototype.optimizeTracks = function()
var num = 0;
var temp = new Float32Array(10);
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if( track.convertToTrans10() )
num += 1;
return num;
//assigns the same translation to all nodes?
Take.prototype.matchTranslation = function( root )
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if(track._type != "trans10" && track._type != "mat4")
if( !track._property_path || !track._property_path.length )
var node = LSQ.get( track._property_path[0], root );
var position = node.transform.position;
var offset = track.value_size + 1;
var data = track.data;
var num_samples = data.length / offset;
if(track._type == "trans10")
for(var j = 0; j < num_samples; ++j)
data.set( position, j*offset + 1 );
else if(track._type == "mat4")
for(var j = 0; j < num_samples; ++j)
data.set( position, j*offset + 1 + 12 ); //12,13,14 contain translation
num += 1;
return num;
* If this is a transform track it removes translation and scale leaving only rotations
* @method onlyRotations
Take.prototype.onlyRotations = function()
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if( track.onlyRotations() )
num += 1;
return num;
* removes scaling in transform tracks
* @method removeScaling
Take.prototype.removeScaling = function()
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if( track.removeScaling() )
num += 1;
return num;
Take.prototype.setInterpolationToAllTracks = function( interpolation )
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
if(track.interpolation == interpolation)
track.interpolation = interpolation;
num += 1;
return num;
Take.prototype.trimTracks = function( start, end )
var num = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
var track = this.tracks[i];
num += track.trim( start, end );
this.duration = end - start;
return num;
Take.prototype.stretchTracks = function( duration )
if(duration <= 0 || this.duration == 0)
return 0;
var scale = duration / this.duration;
this.duration *= scale;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; ++i)
this.tracks[i].stretch( scale );
return this.tracks.length;
Animation.Take = Take;
* Represents one track with data over time about one property
* Data could be stored in two forms, or an array containing arrays of [time,data] (unpacked data) or in a single typed array (packed data), depends on the attribute typed_mode
* @class Animation.Track
* @namespace LS
* @constructor
function Track(o)
* @property enabled {Boolean} if it must be applied
this.enabled = true;
* @property name {String} title to show in the editor
this.name = ""; //title
* @property type {String} if the data is number, vec2, color, etc
this._type = null; //type of data (number, vec2, color, texture, etc)
this._type_index = null; //type in number format (to optimize)
* @property interpolation {Number} type of interpolation LS.NONE, LS.LINEAR, LS.TRIGONOMETRIC, LS.BEZIER, LS.SPLICE
this.interpolation = LS.NONE;
* @property looped {Boolean} if the last and the first keyframe should be connected
this.looped = false; //interpolate last keyframe with first
this.packed_data = false; //this means the data is stored in one continuous datatype, faster to load but not editable
this.value_size = 0; //how many numbers contains every sample of this property, 0 means basic type (string, boolean)
* @property data {*} contains all the keyframes, could be an array or a typed array
this.data = null; //array or typed array where you have the time value followed by this.value_size bytes of data
this.data_table = null; //used to index data when storing it
//to speed up sampling
Object.defineProperty( this, '_property', {
value: "",
enumerable: false,
writable: true
Object.defineProperty( this, '_property_path', {
value: [],
enumerable: false,
writable: true
Track.FRAMERATE = 30;
//for optimization
Track.QUAT = LS.TYPES_INDEX["quat"];
Track.TRANS10 = LS.TYPES_INDEX["trans10"];
Track.EVENT = LS.TYPES_INDEX["event"];
* @property property {String} the locator to the property this track should modify ( "node/component_uid/property" )
Object.defineProperty( Track.prototype, 'property', {
set: function( property )
this._property = property.trim();
this._property_path = this._property.split("/");
get: function(){
return this._property;
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty( Track.prototype, 'type', {
set: function( t )
this._type = t;
this._type_index = LS.TYPES_INDEX[t];
get: function(){
return this._type;
enumerable: true
Track.prototype.configure = function( o )
console.warn("Track with property name");
if(o.enabled !== undefined) this.enabled = o.enabled;
if(o.name) this.name = o.name;
if(o.property) this.property = o.property;
if(o.type) this.type = o.type;
if(o.looped) this.looped = o.looped;
if(o.interpolation !== undefined)
this.interpolation = o.interpolation;
this.interpolation = LS.LINEAR;
if(o.data_table) this.data_table = o.data_table;
if(o.value_size) this.value_size = o.value_size;
this.data = o.data;
//this is ugly but makes it easy to work with the collada importer
if(o.packed_data === undefined && this.data.constructor !== Array)
this.packed_data = true;
this.packed_data = !!o.packed_data;
if( o.data.constructor == Array )
if( this.packed_data )
this.data = new Float32Array( o.data );
// this.unpackData();
if(o.interpolation && !this.value_size)
o.interpolation = LS.NONE;
Track.prototype.serialize = function()
var o = {
enabled: this.enabled,
name: this.name,
property: this.property,
type: this._type,
interpolation: this.interpolation,
looped: this.looped,
value_size: this.value_size,
packed_data: this.packed_data,
data_table: this.data_table
if(this.value_size <= 1)
o.data = this.data.concat(); //regular array, clone it
o.data = new this.data.constructor( o.data ); //clone for typed arrays (weird, this should never happen but it does)
else //pack data
o.data = new Float32Array( this.data ); //clone it
o.packed_data = this.packed_data;
return o;
Track.prototype.toJSON = Track.prototype.serialize;
Track.prototype.clear = function()
this.data = [];
this.packed_data = false;
* used to change every track so instead of using UIDs for properties it uses node names
* this is used when you want to apply the same animation to different nodes in the scene
* @method getIDasName
* @param {boolean} use_basename if you want to just use the node name, othewise it uses the fullname (name with path)
* @param {LS.SceneNode} root
* @return {String} the result name
Track.prototype.getIDasName = function( use_basename, root )
if( !this._property_path || !this._property_path.length )
return null;
if(this._property_path[0][0] !== LS._uid_prefix)
return null; //is already using names
var node = LSQ.get( this._property_path[0], root );
console.warn("getIDasName: node not found in LS.GlobalScene: " + this._property_path[0] );
return false;
console.warn("getIDasName: node without name?");
return false;
var result = this._property_path.concat();
result[0] = node.name;
result[0] = node.fullname;
return result.join("/");
//used to change every track so instead of using node names for properties it uses node uids
//this is used when you want to apply an animation to an specific node
Track.prototype.convertNameToID = function( root )
if(this._property_path[0][0] === LS._uid_prefix)
return false; //is already using UIDs
var node = LSQ.get( this._property_path[0], root );
return false;
this._property_path[0] = node.uid;
this._property = this._property_path[0].join("/");
return true;
//used to change every track so instead of using UIDs for properties it uses node names
//this is used when you want to apply the same animation to different nodes in the scene
Track.prototype.convertIDtoName = function( use_basename, root )
var name = this.getIDasName( use_basename, root );
return false;
this._property = name;
this._property_path = this._property.split("/");
return true;
* Adds a new keyframe to this track
* @method addKeyframe
* @param {Number} time time stamp in seconds
* @param {*} value anything you want to store
* @param {Boolean} skip_replace if you want to replace existing keyframes at same time stamp or add it next to that
* @return {Number} index of keyframe
Track.prototype.addKeyframe = function( time, value, skip_replace )
if(this.value_size > 1)
value = new Float32Array( value ); //clone
this.data = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.data.length; ++i)
if(this.data[i][0] < time )
if(this.data[i][0] == time && !skip_replace )
this.data[i][1] = value;
this.data.splice(i,0, [time,value]);
return i;
this.data.push( [time,value] );
return this.data.length - 1;
* returns a keyframe given an index
* @method getKeyframe
* @param {Number} index
* @return {Array} the keyframe in [time,data] format
Track.prototype.getKeyframe = function( index )
if(index < 0 || index >= this.data.length)
console.warn("keyframe index out of bounds");
return null;
var pos = index * (1 + this.value_size );
if(pos > (this.data.length - this.value_size) )
return null;
return [ this.data[pos], this.data.subarray(pos+1, pos+this.value_size+1) ];
//return this.data.subarray(pos, pos+this.value_size+1) ];
return this.data[ index ];
* returns the first keyframe that matches this time
* @method getKeyframeByTime
* @param {Number} time
* @return {Array} keyframe in [time,value]
Track.prototype.getKeyframeByTime = function( time )
var index = this.findTimeIndex( time );
if(index == -1)
return this.getKeyframe( index );
* changes a keyframe time and rearranges it
* @method moveKeyframe
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Number} new_time
* @return {Number} new index
Track.prototype.moveKeyframe = function(index, new_time)
console.warn("Cannot move keyframes if packed");
return -1;
if(index < 0 || index >= this.data.length)
console.warn("keyframe index out of bounds");
return -1;
var new_index = this.findTimeIndex( new_time );
var keyframe = this.data[ index ];
var old_time = keyframe[0];
if(old_time == new_time)
return index;
keyframe[0] = new_time; //set time
if(old_time > new_time)
new_index += 1;
if(index == new_index)
//console.warn("same index");
return index;
this.data.splice(index, 1);
index = this.addKeyframe( keyframe[0], keyframe[1], true );
return index;
* Sometimes when moving keyframes they could end up not sorted by timestamp, which will cause problems when sampling, to avoid it, we can force to sort all keyframes
* @method sortKeyframes
Track.prototype.sortKeyframes = function()
this.data.sort( function(a,b){ return a[0] - b[0]; });
* removes one keyframe
* @method removeKeyframe
* @param {Number} index
Track.prototype.removeKeyframe = function(index)
if(index < 0 || index >= this.data.length)
console.warn("keyframe index out of bounds");
this.data.splice(index, 1);
* returns the number of keyframes
* @method getNumberOfKeyframes
Track.prototype.getNumberOfKeyframes = function()
if(!this.data || this.data.length == 0)
return 0;
return this.data.length / (1 + this.value_size );
return this.data.length;
//check for the last sample time
Track.prototype.computeDuration = function()
if(!this.data || this.data.length == 0)
return 0;
var time = this.data[ this.data.length - 2 - this.value_size ];
this.duration = time;
return time;
//not typed
var last = this.data[ this.data.length - 1 ];
return last[0];
return 0;
Track.prototype.isInterpolable = function()
if( this.value_size > 0 || LS.Interpolators[ this._type ] )
return true;
return false;
* takes all the keyframes and stores them inside a typed-array so they are faster to store in server or work with
* @method packData
Track.prototype.packData = function()
if(!this.data || this.data.length == 0)
return 0;
if(this.value_size == 0)
return; //cannot be packed (bools and strings cannot be packed)
var offset = this.value_size + 1;
var data = this.data;
var typed_data = new Float32Array( data.length * offset );
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
typed_data[i*offset] = data[i][0];
if( this.value_size == 1 )
typed_data[i*offset+1] = data[i][1];
typed_data.set( data[i][1], i*offset+1 );
this.data = typed_data;
this.packed_data = true;
* takes all the keyframes and unpacks them so they are in a simple array, easier to work with
* @method unpackData
Track.prototype.unpackData = function()
if(!this.data || this.data.length == 0)
return 0;
var offset = this.value_size + 1;
var typed_data = this.data;
var data = Array( typed_data.length / offset );
for(var i = 0; i < typed_data.length; i += offset )
data[i/offset] = [ typed_data[i], typed_data.subarray( i+1, i+offset ) ];
this.data = data;
this.packed_data = false;
* Returns nearest index of keyframe with time equal or less to specified time (Dichotimic search)
* @method findTimeIndex
* @param {number} time
* @return {number} the nearest index (lower-bound)
Track.prototype.findTimeIndex = function(time)
var data = this.data;
if(!data || data.length == 0)
return -1;
var offset = this.value_size + 1; //data size plus timestamp
var l = data.length;
var n = l / offset; //num samples
var imin = 0;
var imid = 0;
var imax = n;
if(n == 0)
return -1;
if(n == 1)
return 0;
//time out of duration
if( data[ (imax - 1) * offset ] < time )
return (imax - 1);
//dichotimic search
// continue searching while [imin,imax] are continuous
while (imax >= imin)
// calculate the midpoint for roughly equal partition
imid = ((imax + imin)*0.5)|0;
var t = data[ imid * offset ]; //get time
if( t == time )
return imid;
//when there are no more elements to search
if( imin == (imax - 1) )
return imin;
// determine which subarray to search
if (t < time)
// change min index to search upper subarray
imin = imid;
// change max index to search lower subarray
imax = imid;
return imid;
//unpacked data
var n = data.length; //num samples
var imin = 0;
var imid = 0;
var imax = n;
if(n == 0)
return -1;
if(n == 1)
return 0;
//time out of duration
if( data[ (imax - 1) ][0] < time )
return (imax - 1);
while (imax >= imin)
// calculate the midpoint for roughly equal partition
imid = ((imax + imin)*0.5)|0;
var t = data[ imid ][0]; //get time
if( t == time )
return imid;
//when there are no more elements to search
if( imin == (imax - 1) )
return imin;
// determine which subarray to search
if (t < time)
// change min index to search upper subarray
imin = imid;
// change max index to search lower subarray
imax = imid;
return imid;
* Samples the data in one time, taking into account interpolation.
* Warning: if no result container is provided the same container is reused between samples to avoid garbage, be careful.
* @method getSample
* @param {number} time
* @param {number} interpolation [optional] the interpolation method could be LS.NONE, LS.LINEAR, LS.BEZIER
* @param {*} result [optional] the container where to store the data (in case is an array). IF NOT CONTAINER IS PROVIDED THE SAME ONE IS RETURNED EVERY TIME!
* @return {*} data
Track.prototype.getSample = function( time, interpolate, result )
if(!this.data || this.data.length === 0)
return undefined;
return this.getSamplePacked( time, interpolate, result );
return this.getSampleUnpacked( time, interpolate, result );
//used when sampling from a unpacked track (where data is an array of arrays)
Track.prototype.getSampleUnpacked = function( time, interpolate, result )
time = Math.clamp( time, 0, this.duration );
var index = this.findTimeIndex( time );
if(index === -1)
index = 0;
var index_a = index;
var index_b = index + 1;
var data = this.data;
var value_size = this.value_size;
interpolate = interpolate && this.interpolation && (this.value_size > 0 || LS.Interpolators[ this._type ] );
if(!interpolate || (data.length == 1) || index_b == data.length || (index_a == 0 && this.data[0][0] > time)) //(index_b == this.data.length && !this.looped)
return this.data[ index ][1];
var a = data[ index_a ];
var b = data[ index_b ];
var t = (b[0] - time) / (b[0] - a[0]);
//multiple data
if( value_size > 1 )
result = result || this._result;
if( !result || result.length != value_size )
result = this._result = new Float32Array( value_size );
if(this.interpolation === LS.LINEAR)
if( value_size == 1 )
return a[1] * t + b[1] * (1-t);
return LS.Animation.interpolateLinear( a[1], b[1], t, result, this._type, value_size, this );
else if(this.interpolation === LS.BEZIER)
//bezier not implemented for interpolators
if(value_size === 0 && LS.Interpolators[ this._type ] )
var func = LS.Interpolators[ this._type ];
var r = func( a[1], b[1], t, this._last_value );
this._last_value = r;
return r;
var pre_a = index > 0 ? data[ index - 1 ] : a;
var post_b = index < data.length - 2 ? data[ index + 2 ] : b;
if(value_size === 1)
return Animation.EvaluateHermiteSpline(a[1],b[1],pre_a[1],post_b[1], 1 - t );
result = Animation.EvaluateHermiteSplineVector( a[1], b[1], pre_a[1], post_b[1], 1 - t, result );
if(this._type_index == Track.QUAT)
quat.slerp( result, b[1], a[1], t ); //force quats without bezier interpolation
quat.normalize( result, result );
else if(this._type_index == Track.TRANS10)
var rotR = result.subarray(3,7);
var rotA = a[1].subarray(3,7);
var rotB = b[1].subarray(3,7);
quat.slerp( rotR, rotB, rotA, t );
quat.normalize( rotR, rotR );
return result;
return null;
//used when sampling from a packed track (where data is a typed-array)
Track.prototype.getSamplePacked = function( time, interpolate, result )
time = Math.clamp( time, 0, this.duration );
var index = this.findTimeIndex( time );
if(index == -1)
index = 0;
var value_size = this.value_size;
var offset = (value_size+1);
var index_a = index;
var index_b = index + 1;
var data = this.data;
var num_keyframes = data.length / offset;
interpolate = interpolate && this.interpolation && (value_size > 0 || LS.Interpolators[ this._type ] );
if( !interpolate || num_keyframes == 1 || index_b == num_keyframes || (index_a == 0 && this.data[0] > time)) //(index_b == this.data.length && !this.looped)
return this.getKeyframe( index )[1];
//multiple data
if( value_size > 1 )
result = result || this._result;
if( !result || result.length != value_size )
result = this._result = new Float32Array( value_size );
var a = data.subarray( index_a * offset, (index_a + 1) * offset );
var b = data.subarray( index_b * offset, (index_b + 1) * offset );
var t = (b[0] - time) / (b[0] - a[0]);
if(this.interpolation === LS.LINEAR)
if( value_size == 1 ) //simple case
return a[1] * t + b[1] * (1-t);
var a_data = a.subarray(1, value_size + 1 );
var b_data = b.subarray(1, value_size + 1 );
return LS.Animation.interpolateLinear( a_data, b_data, t, result, this._type, value_size, this );
else if(this.interpolation === LS.BEZIER)
if( value_size === 0 ) //bezier not supported in interpolators
return a[1];
var pre_a = index > 0 ? data.subarray( (index-1) * offset, (index) * offset ) : a;
var post_b = index_b < (num_keyframes - 1) ? data.subarray( (index_b+1) * offset, (index_b+2) * offset ) : b;
if( value_size === 1 )
return Animation.EvaluateHermiteSpline( a[1], b[1], pre_a[1], post_b[1], 1 - t );
var a_value = a.subarray(1,offset);
var b_value = b.subarray(1,offset);
result = Animation.EvaluateHermiteSplineVector( a_value, b_value, pre_a.subarray(1,offset), post_b.subarray(1,offset), 1 - t, result );
if(this._type_index == Track.QUAT )
quat.slerp( result, b_value, a_value, t );
quat.normalize( result, result ); //is necesary?
else if(this._type_index == Track.TRANS10 )
var rotR = result.subarray(3,7);
var rotA = a_value.subarray(3,7);
var rotB = b_value.subarray(3,7);
quat.slerp( rotR, rotB, rotA, t );
quat.normalize( rotR, rotR ); //is necesary?
return result;
return null;
* returns information about the object being affected by this track based on its locator
* the object contains a reference to the object, the property name, the type of the data
* @method getPropertyInfo
* @param {LS.Scene} scene [optional]
* @return {Object} an object with the info { target, name, type, value }
Track.prototype.getPropertyInfo = function( scene )
scene = scene || LS.GlobalScene;
return scene.getPropertyInfo( this.property );
* returns an array containing N samples for this property over time using the interpolation of the track
* @method getSampledData
* @param {Number} start_time when to start sampling
* @param {Number} end_time when to finish sampling
* @param {Number} num_samples the number of samples
* @return {Array} an array containing all the samples
Track.prototype.getSampledData = function( start_time, end_time, num_samples )
var delta = (end_time - start_time) / num_samples;
if(delta <= 0)
return null;
var samples = [];
for(var i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i)
var t = i * delta + start_time;
var sample = this.getSample( t, true );
if(this.value_size > 1)
sample = new sample.constructor( sample );
return samples;
* removes keyframes that are before or after the time range
* @method trim
* @param {number} start time
* @param {number} end time
Track.prototype.trim = function( start, end )
var size = this.data.length;
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
var d = this.data[i];
if(d[0] < start || d[0] > end)
d[0] -= start;
this.data = result;
//changes has been made?
if(this.data.length != size)
return 1;
return 0;
* Scales the time in every keyframe
* @method stretch
* @param {number} scale the sacle to apply to all times
Track.prototype.stretch = function( scale )
var size = this.data.length;
for(var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
this.data[i][0] *= scale; //scale time
return 1;
* If the track used matrices, it transform them to position,quaternion and scale (10 floats, also known as trans10)
* this makes working with animations faster
* @method convertToTrans10
Track.prototype.convertToTrans10 = function()
if( this.value_size != 16 )
return false;
//convert samples
//convert locator
var path = this.property.split("/");
if( path[ path.length - 1 ] != "matrix") //from "nodename/matrix" to "nodename/transform/data"
return false;
path[ path.length - 1 ] = "Transform/data";
this.property = path.join("/");
this.type = "trans10";
this.value_size = 10;
var temp = new Float32Array(10);
var data = this.data;
var num_samples = data.length / 17;
for(var k = 0; k < num_samples; ++k)
var sample = data.subarray(k*17+1,(k*17)+17);
LS.Transform.fromMatrix4ToTransformData( sample, temp );
data[k*11] = data[k*17]; //timestamp
data.set(temp,k*11+1); //overwrite inplace (because the output is less big that the input)
this.data = new Float32Array( data.subarray(0,num_samples*11) );
return true;
* If this track changes the scale, it forces it to be 1,1,1
* @method removeScaling
Track.prototype.removeScaling = function()
var modified = false;
if(this.type == "matrix")
modified = true;
if( this.type != "trans10" )
return true;
var num_keyframes = this.getNumberOfKeyframes();
for( var j = 0; j < num_keyframes; ++j )
var k = this.getKeyframe(j);
k[1][7] = k[1][8] = k[1][9] = 1; //set scale equal to 1
return true;
Track.prototype.onlyRotations = (function()
var temp = new Float32Array(10);
var temp_quat = new Float32Array(4);
return function(){
//convert locator
var path = this.property.split("/");
var last_path = path[ path.length - 1 ];
var old_size = this.value_size;
if( this.type != "mat4" && this.type != "trans10" )
return false;
if(last_path == "matrix")
path[ path.length - 1 ] = "Transform/rotation";
else if (last_path == "data")
path[ path.length - 1 ] = "rotation";
//convert samples
this.property = path.join("/");
var old_type = this._type;
this.type = "quat";
this.value_size = 4;
var data = this.data;
var num_samples = data.length / (old_size+1);
if( old_type == "mat4" )
for(var k = 0; k < num_samples; ++k)
var sample = data.subarray(k*17+1,(k*17)+17);
var new_data = LS.Transform.fromMatrix4ToTransformData( sample, temp );
temp_quat.set( temp.subarray(3,7) );
data[k*5] = data[k*17]; //timestamp
data.set( temp_quat, k*5+1); //overwrite inplace (because the output is less big that the input)
else if( old_type == "trans10" )
for(var k = 0; k < num_samples; ++k)
var sample = data.subarray(k*11+4,(k*11)+8);
data[k*5] = data[k*11]; //timestamp
data.set( sample, k*5+1); //overwrite inplace (because the output is less big that the input)
this.data = new Float32Array( data.subarray(0,num_samples*5) );
return true;
Animation.Track = Track;
Animation.interpolateLinear = function( a, b, t, result, type, value_size, track )
if(value_size == 1)
return a * t + b * (1-t);
if( LS.Interpolators[ type ] )
var func = LS.Interpolators[ type ];
var r = func( a, b, t, track._last_v );
track._last_v = r;
return r;
result = result || track._result;
if(!result || result.length != value_size)
result = track._result = new Float32Array( value_size );
var type_index = LS.TYPES_INDEX[ type ];
switch( type_index )
case Track.QUAT:
quat.slerp( result, b, a, t );
quat.normalize( result, result );
case Track.TRANS10:
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) //this.value_size should be 10
result[i] = a[i] * t + b[i] * (1-t);
for(var i = 7; i < 10; i++) //this.value_size should be 10
result[i] = a[i] * t + b[i] * (1-t);
var rotA = a.subarray(3,7);
var rotB = b.subarray(3,7);
var rotR = result.subarray(3,7);
quat.slerp( rotR, rotB, rotA, t );
quat.normalize( rotR, rotR );
for(var i = 0; i < value_size; i++)
result[i] = a[i] * t + b[i] * (1-t);
return result;
Animation.EvaluateHermiteSpline = function( p0, p1, pre_p0, post_p1, s )
var s2 = s * s;
var s3 = s2 * s;
var h1 = 2*s3 - 3*s2 + 1; // calculate basis function 1
var h2 = -2*s3 + 3*s2; // calculate basis function 2
var h3 = s3 - 2*s2 + s; // calculate basis function 3
var h4 = s3 - s2; // calculate basis function 4
var t0 = p1 - pre_p0;
var t1 = post_p1 - p0;
return h1 * p0 + h2 * p1 + h3 * t0 + h4 * t1;
Animation.EvaluateHermiteSplineVector = function( p0, p1, pre_p0, post_p1, s, result )
result = result || new Float32Array( result.length );
var s2 = s * s;
var s3 = s2 * s;
var h1 = 2*s3 - 3*s2 + 1; // calculate basis function 1
var h2 = -2*s3 + 3*s2; // calculate basis function 2
var h3 = s3 - 2*s2 + s; // calculate basis function 3
var h4 = s3 - s2; // calculate basis function 4
for(var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; ++i)
var t0 = p1[i] - pre_p0[i];
var t1 = post_p1[i] - p0[i];
result[i] = h1 * p0[i] + h2 * p1[i] + h3 * t0 + h4 * t1;
return result;
LS.registerResourceClass( Animation );
//extra interpolators ***********************************
LS.Interpolators = {};
LS.Interpolators["texture"] = function( a, b, t, last )
var texture_a = a ? LS.getTexture( a ) : null;
var texture_b = b ? LS.getTexture( b ) : null;
if(a && !texture_a && a[0] != ":" )
if(b && !texture_b && b[0] != ":" )
var texture = texture_a || texture_b;
var black = gl.textures[":black"];
black = gl.textures[":black"] = new GL.Texture(1,1, { format: gl.RGB, pixel_data: [0,0,0], filter: gl.NEAREST });
return black;
var w = texture ? texture.width : 256;
var h = texture ? texture.height : 256;
texture_a = black;
texture_b = black;
if(!last || last.width != w || last.height != h || last.format != texture.format )
last = new GL.Texture( w, h, { format: texture.format, type: texture.type, filter: gl.LINEAR } );
var shader = gl.shaders[":interpolate_texture"];
shader = gl.shaders[":interpolate_texture"] = GL.Shader.createFX("color = mix( texture2D( u_texture_b, uv ), color , u_factor );", "uniform sampler2D u_texture_b; uniform float u_factor;" );
gl.disable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
last.drawTo( function() {
gl.clear( gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );
texture_a.toViewport( shader, { u_texture_b: 1, u_factor: t } );
return last;